Read onlyHello Sellers 👋
I hope this message finds you well!
I wanted to bring your attention to a new functionality that has recently been implemented in our forums. You might have noticed it already, but if not, here’s a quick recap of what’s new.
We’ve introduced a filtering feature that allows you to sort the posts within a thread by three different categories:
We believe this addition will be particularly useful for navigating long threads, helping you find relevant information more efficiently and keeping track of your interactions more easily.
Best regards,
The "Sort by Newest" option is my lifesaver! ✨
Let us know if it helps you navigate through these veeeeery long threads!
@Simon_Amazon That is a good start - thank you.
However, as I have mentioned before, it would be useful if only replies were counted as 'Latest activity' rather than views, which would be more helpful. (just my thoughts !)
I honestly can't see that views are counted as activity.
With the forums set to Latest Activity - I would say I'm 99% sure its only looking at latest post/reply, not views as activity
Hmm, interesting - because every thread has 'Latest activity ( as an eg.10 minutes ago') - yet that was a thread with no replies, and I do have mine set to 'Latest Activity'., which means (to me) that even page views are considered as 'activity'. Maybe a forum mod can correct me if I am wrong.
Maybe check out a couple of threads that have had NO replies,but have had recent activity - that's where I'm coming from !
The replies aren't always at the bottom though - it also includes replies to previous replies further up the thread.
So the recent activity reply will be there - you just have to find it.
Sometimes if a post is edited then it resets the latest activity date.
So if you create a post and then edit it, it resets the latest activity time and bumps the post up to the top of the list.
Can't say then - because I'm definitely seeing Latest Activity as Replies only.
Hello JillyB,
because every thread has 'Latest activity ( as an eg.10 minutes ago') - yet that was a thread with no replies, and I do have mine set to 'Latest Activity'
If a thread has no replies and appears in your latest activity list, it likely indicates the time it was posted.
Please let me know if otherwise.
Once again, a wasted opportunity to relaunch a usable forum.
Mods must have functionality that we don't have. They must have a way of easily going to the most recent reply.
Us mere mortals can't.
Imagine a veeeeery long topic which has a new reply inside a nested reply, somewhere in the middle of the topic. I challenge you to find it amongst all the other nested replies.
The only way is to open each nested reply, go to the bottom of all the replies and check if the last reply is the latest one. If not, go the next nested reply and repeat until you find the nested reply which is the latest.