Allowed to list brands/products yet not ungated?
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Allowed to list brands/products yet not ungated?


I've ran into an issue that Im not allowed to list brands/products yet my application is not authorised to sell these items,

I haven't submitted any documents to Amazon to become ungated in these particular brands and I was required to do so beforehand,

The brand(s) are not eligible to "auto un-gate" and yet now I can list these items...

This is a huge issue and completely haulted the business operation as we're now unable to identify which brands/products we are actaully able to list without repercussions of violations in the future.

Its is a multiple of brands and now is causing a MAJOR issue.

Can someone please advise as I think it may be a Amazon front end issue.


7 replies
7 replies
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How did you get into this situation? Were you attempting to list everyday until you were allowed and once you could have now panicked? It seems an odd problem to have.

Anyway, have you rechecked your brand applications to see if they have recently been approved?

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