Read onlyWe’ve launched the Transparency badge to indicate that your product is authenticated by Transparency on Amazon stores, reassuring customers that they’re protected from buying counterfeit products.
If you’re registered with Amazon Brand Registry and participate in Transparency, your qualifying ASINs will automatically receive the badge in the Additional details section on the product detail page.
For more information about the Transparency badge and the full suite of benefits available to brands that enrol their products in Transparency, you can submit a contact request.
If you’re already enrolled in Transparency and want more information about the badge, you can contact your Transparency account manager directly.
To get started, submit a contact request on the Transparency page.
So before you apply the transparency badge are you going to check that the product has the correct brand name attached?
Cause I sent a list of dozens of items where the brand name is incorrect, and is impeaching on the true brand owners IP rights, only to be told that the fake brand name was brand registered so could basically do whatever they want, and pretend to own whatever products they wanted, and that you would protect them while they steal other brands items
Not very reassuring…
you block people from listing authentic products as you claim that if it is not on the GS1 website it is not authentic. but if a Ali baba seller who has fake goods buys Gs1 then he/she can list their fakes.
In my section up to 2 years ago when you started this mess up there was 97/98% of goods were authentic fakes where quickly removed my it is at best 50/50 authentic goods are buried under the fakes.
In my other sales channels my customers do not need reassurance as they know the goods are authentic only here does the customer need reassurance due the the higl levels of fake goods that have flooded the site due to your idiotic policies as the policies is stopping authentic sellers and supporting fakes.
They are NOT protected from buying counterfeit products though.
This does absolutely nothing to stop all the ‘just launched’ scam sellers from China that constantly hi-jack my listings and sell fake goods. Nor does it stop them changing the brand name or details on the listings, while Amazon just sits back and lets them.
If you are really that concerned about customers receiving counterfeit products, why don’t you do more to stop these people in the first place? And when I report them, why don’t you take action instead of doing nothing?