Read onlyDear Sellers
Does anyone know that flat rate VAT is applicable on Gross sale or Net sale?
Selling price (Gross ) Sale £13.99
Fba and seller fee £5.09
Vat charged by amazon £1.02 Total =£6.11
Net sale sale received in the bank £7.88
So If I decide to register vat on flat rate , Will I have to pay vat on £13.99 or £7.88?
Looking forward for any help.
Thank you
VAT is always payable on the gross sale value, including p&p, whichever scheme you choose.
It is always applicable on the Gross sale so £13.99 in this case. You will have to account for and pay the difference from what you received and what the item sold for when submitting your VAT return.
vat is charged on the total amount the customer is charged, goods and postage
@Seller_h44DwAVaFVB1W Hello there! Just wanted to follow on your post as I see a lot of members have stepped in and provided you guidance on this topic.
Thank you specially to @Seller_fMsCVAHNu4txH for the simplified example.