I first just want to sell in Germany, but in other countries like Poland it keeps telling me "Your deposit method is missing, invalid or not assigned" I heard that I shouldn't necessarily enter the bank information in Marketplaces/countries that I don't want to sell in. I also think that all my amazon seller central accounts got suspended because of it (I didn't put the bank information for the deposit method). So how should I handle it? I made all the marketplaces inactive, by putting them all in vacation mode, instead of Germany, I also can't put the bank information in the marketplaces Poland, Netherlands, Sweden and Italy, because it is not accepting my German bank details. Like amazon suspended all my other accounts and said that they found an amazon account that has the same name as mine (I think it is because of other suspended marketplaces) and that I should appeal/do them right, but I can't, and I also could just not put the bank information in marketplaces I don't want to sell in. In Marketplaces where I could put the bank information it was just deactivated and in other Marketplaces, where I didn't put my bank information It got deactivated and they also told me "Your deposit method is missing, invalid or not assigned" as I said. I've also heard of amazon currency converter. Is that the soloution, because I'm very confused. So I should enter the bank details and then appeal it but the problem is, that I can't. Is there a soloution that I can close these marketplaces I don't want to sell in so amazon doesn't say "Your deposit method is missing, invalid or not assigned" ?

Someone please help, I would appreciate it! :)