Read onlyA few days ago we stopped getting sales, so I looked closely at our account yesterday and it seems that suddenly our entire catalog is showing "Featured Offer Eligible" NO for seemingly no reason. This was not the case a few days prior.
We haven't had any negative feedbacks, no A-Z claims, no late shipments, no late deliveries, no chargebacks.... Suddenly out of the blue we lost Featured Offer Eligibility for all of our listings at once.... This has happened a year or two ago and I see in the forums that this mysteriously happens on occasions to even big sellers. Before we had to come here and get someone to escalate the case and we got everything back to normal after a few days to a week.
I opened a case in Seller Central and got the canned response that "Your offer is not eligible for featured offer. We’re not able to discuss all the factors that determine Featured Offer Eligibility, but here are some tips..."
Please escalate this case ID 15258251061.
@Rose_Amazon or anyone, can I please get my case escalated?
This is the nightmare that I keep having to endure.
I hear your dilemma but once again, you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket and think that 15 years of smooth sailing on this platform won't mean you'll never run into rough seas. They continually tweak the algorithms in their favor, particularly after they see your sales data, have access to all sorts of fees they can impose on you and generally rule each listing as they see fit. Make sure to diversify by selling on all of the major platforms in an effort to insulate your business from one day getting shut out.
The same thing just happened to me as well. Same canned response. I've been selling for 4 years.
Amazon prefers new accounts over older one especially if the new account is set up over seas!
Check your shipping templates. ALL of my listings were de listed because I had 25 cents for every extra pound. Some books are heavy.
Now just have flat rate. Whatever.
This has happened to me too, twice this year, and once in 2017. Please look at this thread.
I'm trying to make that thread the clearinghouse for this problem, where sellers can contact a mod who know about the problem. Please post in the thread to keep it alive.
We've been on this platform over 12 years and don't believe longevity protects us one way or another. We get hit with loss of FOE couple times a year-painful but since we never receive the BB if there are MEGAS on a particular title, the damage isn't severe.
This topic is a continuing discussion on the other forums where many of the long-term sellers from OSFE congregate. Many believe. since AMZ isn't exactly a shining example of transparency, there are "hidden" metrics which come into play.
Such as Voice of the Customer- we recently ran into a problem there because a satisfied customer who gave us a positive feedback, wrote us twice to ask about other titles! Received a VERY POOR rating-'cause a BOT decided they couldn't be satisfied!! AI new? TPTB have been using it for years, not as "sophisticated" and will only get worse!!!
Buy Box has More to Do with AZ Notion of how to "Distribute the Wealth" to keep All Sellers "On the Hook" Its Not Really about your Performance...I've Called It the "Sprinkler" When Your Sprinkler is On you Can Sell Almost Anything...Sadly, When Its Off You Don't...Understand? If you're willing to Sell "Cheap" or At a Loss Your Sprinkler will be On most of the time...If your listings are deemed not competitive? You only Sell When AZ decideds its "Your Turn" Throw a few sales your way...
Hello @Seller_poHC7raPzzCpJ,
Michelle at Amazon here. I am looking into this and will get back to you.