Just wondering if anyone can help please.... I sell handmade personalised items, have done for several years without issue, other than the usual Amazon issues, using my brandname Jemimaprint. I previously had a brand waiver in place - Amazon have removed that without informing me and now say I have no right to use my brandname, they say Jemimaprint is an abusive brand and is misusing someone else's intellectual property rights - not true. I'm still trying to get seller support/brand registry team to sort this, without success so far. I've looked at my listings and can see that some have now had my brandname, Jemimaprint, overwritten by a brand called Famry - I have never heard of them and they have nothing to do with me. I've found in my own investigations that this seems to happen if I close a listing and re-open it, but also I'm no longer allowed to edit any of my listings which have Jemimaprint as the brandname, they say I don't have permission - I've requested permission and been refused with the response that I'm misusing someone else's brand, which I am definitely not - but so far other than saying Jemimaprint is an abusive brand I get no other information than that..I can see if I click the Famry brandname showing on some of my listings there seems to be a lot of things besides mine for sale under than brand, from a lot of other sellers..I'm at a loss as to what is happening here and wondered if anyone else has experienced this, particulary with this brand Famry?..any help/advice would be appreciated, I'm not a big business, just me and I've been selling on here under my brand for over 7 years. Recently I've had to resort to listing my new designs as generic because Amazon won't let me use my own brand name, but I can't change the brandname on existing ones, and if I try I'm either blocked from editing them, or they get changed by someone to Famry...any ideas?