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FC Processing has been going on for 60 days now, can anyone help me?

by Seller_LZPF6nX91AwIl

Can anyone tell me exactly what logic the FC Processing algorithm is based on?

I have 5 thousands of inventory that have been in FC Processing that are not available on the shelves.

After several conversations with Amazon's customer service team, I was told that since the existing stock can support the next 3 weeks of selling, the thousands of stock do not need to be put on the shelves.

But the truth is that I already have two links out of stock due to FC Processing resulting in a significant drop in sales business!

I'm sure they can see that my available stock is already 0!

Even my subsequent campaigns of multiple lighting deals etc. that I've raised have all been affected!

Is there anyone here who can offer help? Have I actually lost my inventory?

This FC Processing situation has been going on for over 60 days, isn't 60 days long enough for them to deal with this issue?

Does Amazon want me to continue selling these fans until after the summer is over, in the cold autumn/winter months?

CASE ID: 9923440802

Tags: FBA, Lost shipment, Peak season, Ship to FC, Warehouse
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