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£20k VAT Bill???

by Seller_I5wGQjw11gOZS

I've just received an email (See below) that we owe amazon over £20,000 in VAT since they started collecting on our behalf 2 weeks ago...

There are a number of issues, we are established in the UK for VAT purposes, and we finally received an email from Amazon last week agreeing that. Our sales are just a few hundred pounds per day, not the tens of thousands it would need to be to generate this sort of bill!

Is anybody else having issues like this with the whole VAT/UK established rules??

"We previously communicated that we started collecting VAT on your sales for goods delivered to customers in the UK starting 21-Jun-24, because you are not established in the UK for VAT purposes.

We completed our final assessment, and determined the final VAT liability you owe is GBP 20757.51. Your final VAT liability may differ from the preliminary liability provided to you earlier, as we have finalized all your transactions which are eligible under this legislation. "

Tags: Account Health
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In reply to: Seller_I5wGQjw11gOZS’s post

This is your VAT liability for the last 2-3 years. I think maybe it's from 2021 onwards.

Try and work out why they think you are not established in the UK for VAT purposes and get back to them.

Are you based abroad and using a virtual office in the UK, maybe?

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