Read onlyIt just seems like the buyer mean to leave feedback for another seller that she purchased form, but accidentally leave it to me. Requested removal but got denied. Please help with escalate the case to right team. The product is not even delivered to the customer and she's leaving feedback saying the product doesn't work as described....Clearly she's mixing things up.
Unfortunately Amazon is unlikely to remove it. You can, however, contact the customer and apologize for the product working correctly and ask for additional information to help you figure things out. Be sure to note the product they purchased from you and that tracking shows that it hasn't been delivered yet.
I've had this happen a few of times - feedback left for the wrong product. Amazon won't help, but you can contact the customer, and comment that you saw the negative feedback on the "whatever you sold them" and ask if they can clarify what the issue was and if there is anything you can do to assist. Usually the customer responds with an apology and fixes it.
Same happened to us a few months ago.
The buyer not only left the seller feedback on the day we shipped it, but also described a product we do not even sell.
Amazon absolutely refused to remove it even though it was clear this wasn't our item and wasn't even delivered yet, so we had to just comment on it and take the hit.
Hello @Seller_LBb11mvqoNN7Y
Thank you for posting your inquiry to the Forums.
Do you mind providing the case ID related to the feedback removal request to this thread? I'd like to review the correspondence already provided.
Looking forward to your reply.
We had this happen twice in one month a few years back. Amazon advised us to contact each customer requesting removal. Our response to Amazon was...If the customer is so inept that they left feedback for an item they didn't even buy from us, do you think they will have the brains to remove the feedback?
After carefully wording step by step instructions on how to remove feedback written so a 6 year old could understand how to do of the customers did remove it. The such luck. Feedback is still sitting there to this day. We did leave a reply to their feedback stating the the customer mistakenly left feedback for an item that they purchased elsewhere.
Happens to us from time to time and is very maddening, especially when it's quite clear it's a complaint against a different purchase. We reach out to the customer repeatedly and ask them to remove it and 50% of the time they do but the other 50% of the time they don't, they either don't know how or don't care. It's one of the bugaboos we have with the Amazon feedback mechanism. You CAN request feedback to be removed - if it's a pure product review and not actual order processing feedback (which is what feedback is meant for) but Amazon's bots don't always remove these items when requested, if there is ANY aspect in their feedback that relates to HOW the order was processed, they will leave it. No sense contacting amazon support either - it will just cost you time and result in not being removed. In short - if you cannot get the customer or the Amazon feedback bot to remove it, it's like grafitti - it looks bad and you can't erase it unfortunately.
One of the many reasons why I do not support and buy anything on this disabled platform. I can not wait till the day it dies