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And Another Return
by Seller_2E45mQMkRKLY5

So is there anything that can be done when a buyer opens a return stating Description on website was not accurate, when it is very accurate and his comment is: not satisfied!

This buyer has bought the same item several times as well so to me he's changed his mind and is abusing the returns so that we pay for this return.

Also anyone else seen a surge in returns lately. Its getting to the point where I'm looking to pull off Amazon as buyers seem to be idiots.

Lastly is there anyway to block buyers like there is on eBay?

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Please could you help with our issue? We have been trying to go through seller support, but they don't seem to understand what we are saying.

We buy all our shipping through Amazon Buy Shipping, which is supposed to protect us from impacting our order defect rate when Royal Mail do not deliver an item.

Amazon's own policy is as follows: 'f you purchase Amazon's Buy Shipping and ship on time, you are protected against a-to-z claims where a customer reports problems with delivery. Those claims will not affect your Order Defect Rate but you are still responsible for the financial loss of these claims'

Unfortunately this has never happened and always counts against our ODR. It is now so bad that our account is at risk of deactivation as our ODR has gone over 1%.

Please could these be looked into and removed from our ODR to get our account back in good standing?

The orders are as follows










Many thanks in advance for your help.

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A buyer is claiming a refund for non-delivery nearly 3 months on from purchase, Royal Mail 48 tracking is showing as delivered 27.03.24, with a photo showing my parcel amongst others on the floor - the address says commercial, but I can no longer access the full name and address - is there a way of sending proof to the buyer, the only option I see on the RM website is print, which being without a printer is of no use to me

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Refunded after 5 months and 2 months
by Seller_pmwfULyh9as20
Amazon replied


Last week I have received an email about refund of an order purchased on 1st Feb 2024. While asking upon this to amazon they do not have any reason other than they have created exception for this customer. As per amazon refund/return window is 30 days but amazon still can refund based on case to case basis and accept refund beyond 30 days in exceptional cases. I have asked them multiple times about at least let me know the reason. If it is exceptional case and on customer's order detail page refund option closed after 30 days so I am sure customer has reached out to amazon customer service via email or call and mentioned the reason of refund. Without reason , I am sure amazon will not create exception and go out of the policy. But seller support advisors kept saying they dont know the reason and asking me to wait for 45 days. Refund amount is deducted from my account already. If amazon is deciding refund after 5 months, then amazon should bear the cost, why me ?

Today again one more refund , purchase date was 2 month's ago.

Is there any way or solution ?


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had a buyer these evening. purchased an item 149 days ago, first contact with them ever today, started reporting a fault with their item, i asked for more details, refused to provide details. said I must give a label and a new item.

I politely advised the returns period had lapsed but we can assist with a warranty repair free of charge but they would need to organise postage as its well out side of 30 days returns period and no longer free label provided.

they literally jumped straight to threatening A to Z action if I didn't give them a label or a refund. A to Z policy states 90 days is the time period which we're well past but obviously amazon will probably side with buyer.

The buyer then opened a return request, which I approved as If its a genuine fault still happy to replace/repair the item but refuse to refund it. so where do I go from here as buyer expects red carpet treatment despite getting 5 months use out the product.

he said less I comply with his request Amazon told him they'll open an A to Z on Tuesday. what kind of crap is this to deal with on a weekly basis.

no refund issued yet, just a return request which even though was stated as out of policy I approved it anyway but amazon provided him a non funded label so he's obviously unhappy about that

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open a case
by Seller_TjEHcwxoYwu2A


How can I open a case regarding customer return .

What I have noticed that amazon refunding returns before item was received .

I have few orders that ripped off tags and some used the shoes and I don't know how to deal with that

Thanks guys

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Negative reviews
by Seller_KzFy77XsIOHz2

sudden gush of negative reviews and getting automated answers appeals. I’m having a feeling a competitor is buying and leaving reviews from various accounts

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Undelivered message, for more info click here
by Seller_Cly3S2XbxgEnG

The customer wants a refund 1.5 years later, CX wants me to respond within 48 hours but the customer has Opted out messages.

I've tried sending emails in various combinations with my email client with the subject “[Important] Need additional information” or “Need additional information [Important]” as stated on ( however each one still shows " Undelivered message, for more info click here"?

Is there something else I need to do?

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So the title really

Customer says they returned an item, I don't have it, I asked for tracking number they don't have one but thinks they got a label off Amazon

Spoke to live chat and they told me to refund and fill out a safe-T claim and the safe-T claim

I have never heard of this before

Any ideas?

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Customers defraud sellers.
by Seller_UUZoGRq3wCCDY

My customer wanted to return the product because it did not come in a large package like his neighbor's product. I have uploaded the required return instructions and free return label. my customer could not manage to return the product, he opened a to z for order was not delivered. Even though I have all the necessary proof, amazon is definitely does not give up on decision

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