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Overseas Postings
by Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN
Amazon replied

Do I now have to send all overseas postings TRACKED as my VTR has plummeted overnight

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Overseas Postings
In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s postby Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

Hello Sellers,

Thank you for coming back and providing the data that I asked for. Also, I reviewed the Seller Support answers that you shared here.

I am still working on it, but I will get back to you once I receive any updates.



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Overseas Postings
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_lx3tBQ67kUzc8

Just to let you know, my VTR is now back up at 100% like it should be. Seller support were totally clueless about the situation ( as usual ) and I don't even think this problem registered with them but someone must have been working behind to scenes with the mods here and they finally got it sorted. Thanks so much to whoever sorted this issue.

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Hi, I am a new seller with my own branded garments and have tried to set up my new Amazon store but it is beyond confusing! I already have an ebay store which is so simple to add products to but the amount of information required on Amazon is beyond my capabilities and patience. I am confused by the product codes etc and it keeps telling me to fix errors (54!). I couldn't find the 54 errors so gave up and saved as a draft but when I went back to check, the draft wasn't there.

Are there any professionals out there who can set up or build my store? At this point I would be willing to pay someone to do it for me. I will be selling a range of my own branded mens briefs in a range of 9 plain colours and 5 sizes as well as a range with 7 different patterns in 5 sizes.

Thank you.

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book pricing.
by Seller_N0kQDKMgwda6y

Can ANYONE make any sense of Amazons pricing policy ? I have had books deactivated for overpricing when it was rare, mine was the only one on Amazon and those few on ABE were £10 more. I was asked to provide a 'reference price' which was presumably the new price in about 1980 !

Now I have had another removed so I looked up the others for sale. Mine was £38. Ther are two at £30, which was not the case when I first listed as I am always the cheapest like for like. But there are three at £80, and the one new copy ( surely their 'reference price' ) is over £200 !

I cant make any sense of it at all. Book prices on Amazon are totally random. I have seen prices ranging from 10 to 200 for the same book and Amazon is mostly happy with it. But when one of the bucket shops puts up a valuable book for a ridiculous price i am suddenly expected to match it. I would rather take it down the charity shop. ( mind you, thats where the bucket shops get some of their books )

Is it just me or does this happen to others ?

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This has to be the best one yet from the Amazon BOT!
In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s postby Seller_AJxxLujbGDqaW

I now have 17 listings that are all in the correct category and the out of control BOT is going to remove them if they are not moved to the SEEDS and PLANTS category, you couldn't make this up.

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As we know listings are being removed by the Amazon BOT every day, very often for no reason at all, however this is the best one yet, a computer mouse listed in, Keyboards, Mice & Input Devices >Mice

It is going to be removed unless it is moved to the SEEDS and PLANTS category, couldn't write the book! Come on Amazon, do better.

This is to inform you that the following detail pages are at the risk of removal from our catalog. You must take remedial actions before 7/1/2024, UTC, else your listing(s) will be removed from our catalog. It is your obligation to ensure that the products you offer, comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon's policies.

ASIN: B0795X2KWW, SKU: QP-B9B0-V294, Title: 5 Button USB Optical Scroll Mouse with Built in Calculator Key Pad

Why is this happening?

This product has been identified as a live plant or seed product that is listed outside of the SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED categories. Please update the product_type attribute to either SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED values as a path to reinstatement.

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My seller account received "confirm whether you are established in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes" on 23th May.

Then, Amazon have concluded that my business is not established in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes on 18th June.

After 18th June, Amazon still not send me the unpaid VAT amount, and all my funds & inventory were hold by Amazon.

I have send few emails to /, never receive a reply from them.

I want to know how long will amazon send the unpaid vat amount as I will pay it. Amazon never rule it's promise timeline.

Cash flow is too important to a small company.

Looking for help !!!

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Urgent: Our account Funds & Inventory were Hold by Amazon didn't Send the Unpaid VAT Amount
In reply to: Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid’s postby Seller_0YHPsiul2hvvf

So, the reason why Amazon still not caculate unpaid VAT to me, is because of I have not registered VAT for UK company?

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Urgent: Our account Funds & Inventory were Hold by Amazon didn't Send the Unpaid VAT Amount
In reply to: Seller_0YHPsiul2hvvf’s postby Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

The now £90,000 VAT threshold does NOT apply to non-UK residents, and even if your company is registered in UK, if you yourself are not a UK resident then, as I said before, you must be VAT registered here if you are using UK FBA to store your goods.

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