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Results for "안전PG ( @MOONPAY_CALL ) 가상계좌이체 국민가상 신협은행가상 가상계좌pg사"

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Customer placed an order with us a few hours ago, the delivery date is Friday 5th to Monday 8th and they are demanding we deliver by Thursday 4th or they will claim their money back! It's a £3 order so I can't upgrade to a faster postage and have explained that politely.

And you know if we cancel it, they will leave bad feedback. Any clues what to do?

We already offered twice to cancel it and they said no both times and insisted delivery will be Thursday 4th.

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Customer Threatening To Claim Before Order is Posted
In reply to: Seller_0BTOhR5xfjfUq’s postby Seller_40ozsHlGqPuEL

Ask them to return via THEIR amazon purchases, tell them it`s free to do so.

State you are adhering to Amazon`s return policy. In some cases they never bother to return.

But, you have done your side of the coin.

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SFP Orders over the weekend were Ship By Monday
by Seller_G5FzcgYvUrd6H
Amazon replied

Hi All,

Our Sunday shift reported that within the Amazon UI, all of our SFP orders from Friday until Sunday, which should have offered Sunday shipping for Monday/Tuesday delivery actually had a "Ship by" date of Monday.

The longer delivery dates offered to customers had a negative impact on sales.

I see there are a few others reporting similar around the Easter weekend, which @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM said was resolved. So potentially this is a new issue, or the previous issue is either back or unresolved and impacting my account for the first time.

I will also raise this with our account manager and seller support - but it would be helpful for me to establish if it is an issue impacting multiple accounts, or just me.

Thanks in advance for any info


Image example. This is just one product, the issue impacted all items and around 4,000 orders.

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Why are A-Z claims so unfair???
In reply to: Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU’s postby Seller_xrFHUXqTCM4YY

The Amazon A-to-Z team often demonstrates a lack of reasonableness. It appears that those reviewing claims consistently favor customers without thoroughly examining all the details and correspondence involved. This issue is widely recognized among sellers, yet there is little we can do as Amazon prioritizes customer satisfaction over the interests of sellers.

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Why are A-Z claims so unfair???
by Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU
Amazon replied

A customer ordered a T-Shirt from me, it was a Kids Size 7-8 and they paid next day delivery, i posted them the Kids 7-8 and they recieved the t-shirt the next day, customer opens a return stating different to what was ordered, claiming they ordered a size XL. The order definitely shows as a Kids 7-8. The customer even messaged me saying they ''dont know how they ended up ordering a kids 7-8 because they was definitely on the XL or 2XL as they was debating between the 2'' The customer then messaged me a few days later saying they returned the t-shirt and want a full refund, i hadn't recieved the return back at that point and stated all returns through amazon are auto refunded at first scan anyway. a few hours later the customer opens an A-Z claim against me, soon as the claim was opened i just clicked to refund the customer for the t-shirt to save the hassle with it, but did not refund the next day delivery postage costs they paid because it's not my mistake. I wrote a long detailed explanation in the A-Z claim explaining everything yet Amazon have closed the A-Z case today and just taken the next day delivery postage costs from my account to refund the customer. How is this even fair in the slightest, i can only assume this was a customer mistake however it could of also been an error on amazons system as the order went through but that's probably unlikely.

if the customer orders a kids size 7-8 t shirt and pays for next day delivery, and i deliver them a kids 7-8 size t-shirt the very next day. Why on earth would i be responsible to refund the next day delivery postage costs because of a customer or amazons mistake??? I fullfilled the order my end correctly in line with amazons policy.

Amazon don't realise things like this cripple small business's, let me break it down for you, it costs me £6 to make the t-shirt, it costs me £10 to pay for next day delivery, that's £16, the customer opened a returned which i did recieve in the end, which means ive paid nearly £4 return postage, that's £20 in costs were on, the customer then recieves a refund for the next day delivery postage that i've already paid for, that's £30 im now out of pocket on a t-shirt i was originally only making £4ish on, i mean ok i've had the t-shirt returned back to me but i don't re-sell returns i always make fresh t-shirts, the way most t-shirts are returned to me are unusable anyway. It's an absolute joke, seller support told me to appeal and once ive appealed the outcome will be final either way. Which i know i won't win the appeal because i wrote everything in detail before the A-Z was granted to the customer anyway. Losing my wits with this platform i really am.

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I need urgent help from Amazon staff. Certain items are consistently missing from inventory
In reply to: Seller_qPQfahn3ELNJG’s postby Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

Hello @Seller_qPQfahn3ELNJG,

Thank you for sharing all the updates. I have contacted the Partner Team to review case 9929110072 and case 9893598032. I will let you know once I get any updates.



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I have made multiple shipments recently, and certain color variations of my products almost always go missing.

Shipment FBA15J26FK6J: 125 units packed, only 50 units received, 75 missing.

Shipment FBA15J2BTC0D: 125 units packed, only 74 units received, 50 missing (I found the 1 lost item).

Shipment FBA15J3G52YW is still active, 125 units packed, only 84 units received, 41 units missing.

Total missing units: 166.

There is a pattern to the missing items; they are all the same color variations - green, purple, and pink. This can't be an accident. They all have the same package quality, same label quality, and they are in the same box as others, but only these colors go missing. What is going on? Amazon support didn't help. They made no explanation about whats going on. As a seller, I am starting to loose my trust to amazon.

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My charge method worked for several months after I renewed my card because it expired. Then, suddenly, I received a message that my charge method is not valid. I checked my details in the charge method section and ensured they are correct. I even updated them again, but they are still not accepted, even though I have waited 48 hours as suggested by other forum members.

I also read that some forum members say that a credit card is required, but I have been an experienced seller here on Amazon for over five years and have never been asked for a charge method other than a debit card. It very much depends on the country you are in, and I understood that both debit and credit cards are suitable for sellers from European Union member states.

I also contacted my bank to make sure the problem is not with my card settings. The bank confirmed that everything is fine on their end.

I don't know what to do now. I have been blocked for almost a month. Please help.

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Charge Method Issues: Debit Card Suddenly Not Accepted After Renewal
In reply to: Seller_LZwpJ4i9SF48G’s postby Seller_LZwpJ4i9SF48G

@Seller_N8sdIVWmCyj2a @Seller_jZiG4OnY755i0@Seller_wAn7LAlr0jsID@Seller_J2H5GprhaORbt

Do you currently have, or have you ever had, an active Mexico marketplace? I tried to restore the card data by selecting the US marketplace, but I received an email from Amazon Mexico in Spanish stating they were unable to verify my payment method.

Maybe we need to delete the Mexico marketplace? I don't even use it and I have the status set to 'Vacation' there.

Message from mx marketplace:

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Customer Threatening To Claim Before Order is Posted
In reply to: Seller_0BTOhR5xfjfUq’s postby Seller_TJqDJfvrcZsiP

Just another thought. Please also raise a case through the Polices ACTION FRAUD website. Google it.

I have only had to do this twice before. Might help to catch, or at least deter these blights on society.

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