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Results for "안전PG ( @MOONPAY_CALL ) 무사고장집 국민 제주은행가상 가상계좌pg사 target=_blank"

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by Seller_fNHodZr6pdU2A
Amazon replied


My UK seller account has been activated because my “other account” has violated many policies. Now I don’t know of any other account, I have only created and used one account the whole time. I tried contacting support to get more information but of course nothing happens, I don’t get a response and am just told I need to reactivate. I have other international stores under the same name, but they are all in holiday mode and I do not use them. I’m not sure if this “other” account is my international accounts or not. And if it is, which store is it specifically? I just want more information in general about my deactivation.

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In reply to: Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP’s postby Seller_0dTgHqsOzVMPj

@Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgPplease i need assistance with the same issue?

Kind Regards,

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buy box 0% for all 1000 items.
by Seller_LA1Fyw2kiMZ8X

For all my items at UK store has been lost buy box. It shows 0%. All other marketplaces shows 98 and more %, and only UK 0%.

I have been wrote to support, but they do not helping me. I want to understand what is the reason of this problem. Account rate is very good, no problems in this. Shipping and all other metrics good. I want to understand the problem, and how to resolve it. I want to understand why at all marketplaces I have buy box, but in UK no. I am selling my own brand with one price. There is not reason to lost it. This is amazon technical mistake, I want someone to resolve this situation.

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UK - Disbursement Issue
In reply to: Seller_ISTIDAnNrF0i1’s postby Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

Just a thought - have you checked that your bank account deposit method is still verified ? I had to re-verify mine earlier in the year.

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UK - Disbursement Issue
by Seller_ISTIDAnNrF0i1

Hey everyone,

We haven't received any payments from our Amazon UK Seller Account since spring 2023, and now we've got huge amount just waiting to be disbursed in the account. Every disbursement our full amount goes to Account Level Reserve.

Our account is in good standing—no flags, no violations, no outstanding claims or chargebacks. Our account health is great, and we've never had any A-Z claims opened against us.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? Any tips on how to get this sorted quickly? We're desperate to get this resolved and would really appreciate any advice or guidance.

Thank you for your comments!

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About 6 months ago Amazon told me they intended to remove an item from inventory as it did not have a standard 3 pin UK plug.

So I sent them pictures showing the item, the plug, the box which stated 'Main Plug UK Included' - all to no avail with Support just asking me for more proof or with comments that made no sense such as the plug had to be physically and permanently connected. Well ok the item has a transformer. The plug is permanently connected to the transformer. The transformer then plugs into the item. But that is a very common system. There are many items with that kind of setup. For example anything with a rechargeable battery like mobile phones etc.

Anyway after a lot of back and forth I gave up. The item continued to be listed.

However, today I have had the exact same original email saying they will be removing the item as it does not have a UK plug. Im not going waste my time to start the process all over again to get nowhere.

Its absolutely barmy that for some reason Amazon believe the item does not have a UK plug yet refuse all documentation and evidence to the contrary. I mean where did they get the idea from that it did not have a UK plug? Im guessing a single customer has complained perhaps because their unit was delivered without the transformer (maybe a factory error in leaving it out) - even though I have had no complaints myself.

Anyway - I only have 1 unit left of the item. Its not worth my time or effort trying to get Amazon to change its mind. I shall withdraw yet another item from sale on Amazon because they just have no common sense at all.

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Amazon partnered carrier costs
by Seller_DR5y5oaonZzKi


I want to find out what the last option, "Use your...", when selecting Amazon Partnered carrier costs, is for. The browser is not showing the complete text.

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Amazons titles costing us money.
In reply to: Seller_CTfqgyINkSmIw’s postby Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9

I had one this morning, was a toys and game physical product - trying to create the asin for it.

approved by the brand

the amazon system tells me that the product is actually a downloadable software product and tells me to provide the other relevant information. (hardware platform, operating system etc)

erm - 3rd party sellers cannot sell non-physical sofware anyway - so why is it letting me go through these steps to create it.

and if added on manually it asks me all the correct "toy" questions/fields but then fails to create it.

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Amazons titles costing us money.
by Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv

We have had 2 returns initiated recently due to errors in the titles of an item.


Amazon Title - Annie Pattern, with Zip

Title should be IMHO - ByAnnie Out and About PBA282 sewing instructions to make your own Rucksack / Backpack / Knapsack in two sizes. Clear concise instructions

We listed on this item via the upc format.

However the title is incorrect both grammaticaly and factually which has caused one of the returns (amazon automatically issued a return label costing us £3.30 for a letter sized item below 100g on an item that we are selling for £12.50 inc postage))

We have tried many times to correct several of these but as on this one where someone has lited it as a brand called annie instead of the correct ByAnnies you get stumped when trying to get anything changed. Have tried today to add some bullet points to possibly reduce the amount of returns bt they have not come through yet.

There seams to be a policy of just blocking/making a simple operation very difficult any changes asking for hi res photos etc or supplier details and when we look through our listing we probably have 100+ of these that we would like to change the name to the correct one but dont have the time to jump through all the hoops that amazon want to put in the way when it is obvious that the original poster has made a mistake on the listing.

@Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Amazons titles costing us money.
In reply to: Seller_3k8TDkmfIcQlM’s postby Seller_CTfqgyINkSmIw

I just want to reaffirm what penniewise5 says here. As a brand owner and manufacturer of the products we sell, we are constantly overidden by Amazon, with SS saying the "cataloguing team" (bot?) or "Amazon Retail" (Vendor Central) deem this incorrect information to be more accurate or suitable for the searching of our items by their customers.

Our latest issue is the wrong categorisation of our products which, over the 5 marketplaces is 100s of errors for which it is largely a complete waste of time to get corrected. Especially as, even if they are corrected, sooner or later the algorithm comes along and wipes out all the corrections and we are back to square one. I cannot make it up, so many of our headphones are incorrectly categorised in these categories: Baby Monitors; Stationery/Drilling; Dome Surveilance Camera; Crayons; Push/Pull Toy; USB Hub; Peddle Vehicle; Party Mask; Vaccum belt.

Even more worrying is the fact Amazon is more and more frequently altering our Brand name from "OTL Technologies" to "OTL", and when we want to make changes SS are telling us we are not the "Brand Owner". When I've asked why they are doing this, they say "their computers may be normalised to a specific value" "For example, 4K Ultra HD, Ultra HD, and UHD may be normalised to 4K on the detail page" so they think it's OK to chop half our trademark off and remove the little control we had as the brand owner.

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