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Why are A-Z claims so unfair???
by Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU

A customer ordered a T-Shirt from me, it was a Kids Size 7-8 and they paid next day delivery, i posted them the Kids 7-8 and they recieved the t-shirt the next day, customer opens a return stating different to what was ordered, claiming they ordered a size XL. The order definitely shows as a Kids 7-8. The customer even messaged me saying they ''dont know how they ended up ordering a kids 7-8 because they was definitely on the XL or 2XL as they was debating between the 2'' The customer then messaged me a few days later saying they returned the t-shirt and want a full refund, i hadn't recieved the return back at that point and stated all returns through amazon are auto refunded at first scan anyway. a few hours later the customer opens an A-Z claim against me, soon as the claim was opened i just clicked to refund the customer for the t-shirt to save the hassle with it, but did not refund the next day delivery postage costs they paid because it's not my mistake. I wrote a long detailed explanation in the A-Z claim explaining everything yet Amazon have closed the A-Z case today and just taken the next day delivery postage costs from my account to refund the customer. How is this even fair in the slightest, i can only assume this was a customer mistake however it could of also been an error on amazons system as the order went through but that's probably unlikely.

if the customer orders a kids size 7-8 t shirt and pays for next day delivery, and i deliver them a kids 7-8 size t-shirt the very next day. Why on earth would i be responsible to refund the next day delivery postage costs because of a customer or amazons mistake??? I fullfilled the order my end correctly in line with amazons policy.

Amazon don't realise things like this cripple small business's, let me break it down for you, it costs me £6 to make the t-shirt, it costs me £10 to pay for next day delivery, that's £16, the customer opened a returned which i did recieve in the end, which means ive paid nearly £4 return postage, that's £20 in costs were on, the customer then recieves a refund for the next day delivery postage that i've already paid for, that's £30 im now out of pocket on a t-shirt i was originally only making £4ish on, i mean ok i've had the t-shirt returned back to me but i don't re-sell returns i always make fresh t-shirts, the way most t-shirts are returned to me are unusable anyway. It's an absolute joke, seller support told me to appeal and once ive appealed the outcome will be final either way. Which i know i won't win the appeal because i wrote everything in detail before the A-Z was granted to the customer anyway. Losing my wits with this platform i really am.

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As we know listings are being removed by the Amazon BOT every day, very often for no reason at all, however this is the best one yet, a computer mouse listed in, Keyboards, Mice & Input Devices >Mice

It is going to be removed unless it is moved to the SEEDS and PLANTS category, couldn't write the book! Come on Amazon, do better.

This is to inform you that the following detail pages are at the risk of removal from our catalog. You must take remedial actions before 7/1/2024, UTC, else your listing(s) will be removed from our catalog. It is your obligation to ensure that the products you offer, comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon's policies.

ASIN: B0795X2KWW, SKU: QP-B9B0-V294, Title: 5 Button USB Optical Scroll Mouse with Built in Calculator Key Pad

Why is this happening?

This product has been identified as a live plant or seed product that is listed outside of the SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED categories. Please update the product_type attribute to either SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED values as a path to reinstatement.

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by Seller_l210t1RHmnrKg

I signed up for a seller account. My company documents and personal documents (proof of birthplace, proof of address) that I sent have been under review for more than 10 days and I have not received any response. Sellercentral said the review would take 10 days, but it's been more than 10 days. Is there any way to speed up this process? I keep the products I supply to sell in a warehouse and I pay a significant rent for it.

Amazon officials, if you see this, please help

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Handling times being ignored
by Seller_W47oZ6SGGvpzR
Amazon replied

Hi everyone

We have a frustrating problem. We need to set some longer handling times on some products, say 5 days, and Amazon appear to just be ignoring it, resulting in a load of "late shipments" from us. I've checked the listing in manage inventory, opened it up, and the handling time is correctly showing as 5. However, when I search for the product as a customer, the delivery date being given is for 2 days handling time. Likewise when our orders for the product come in, the promise date is too soon and we are inevitably shipping them "late".

Has anyone had something similar? I'm really not sure what else to do other than set the handling time. It isn't everything, some of our products are picking up the handling time we have set, others are ignoring it.

We don't have the new automatic shipping turned on.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Featured offers
by Seller_DwCkZliS4gUdZ

I am the only seller of my products. I am new to Amazon but all products are stocked at FBA and eligible for Prime. Amazon suspended my account and asked for verification documents documents 5 days ago and the account was reactivated within 24 hrs. Since then featured offers % is 0. I am aware there is a tool available within Amazon and they can run a refresh to reindex the products. But the seller support is not helpful.

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VAT Stablishment Delay
by Seller_Q65wMxYYEXspD
Amazon replied


Your funds are on hold in keeping with Amazon policies. Funds will not be transferred to you even if they reflect in your Seller Central account.

Why did this happen?

We are withholding your funds under applicable regulations and the Amazon Payments UK – Selling On Amazon Payments User Agreement:

How do I address this issue?

No action is required by you.

I have provided all information, I am a UK resident and have been for the last 10 years, my disbursements have been stopped and even tho I keep calling I get no reply whatsoever other than this is with the relevant team and that I should wait. This is having a massive effect on my business, I had been paying suppliers from my own personal money and I am running out of money.

What do I do here?

@Seller_pcsb5w54JugEA @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4


I keep sending messages to the seller support and I am not getting a reply whatsoever, they just close the case as if it was answered without any reply.

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Can anyone tell me exactly what logic the FC Processing algorithm is based on?

I have 5 thousands of inventory that have been in FC Processing that are not available on the shelves.

After several conversations with Amazon's customer service team, I was told that since the existing stock can support the next 3 weeks of selling, the thousands of stock do not need to be put on the shelves.

But the truth is that I already have two links out of stock due to FC Processing resulting in a significant drop in sales business!

I'm sure they can see that my available stock is already 0!

Even my subsequent campaigns of multiple lighting deals etc. that I've raised have all been affected!

Is there anyone here who can offer help? Have I actually lost my inventory?

This FC Processing situation has been going on for over 60 days, isn't 60 days long enough for them to deal with this issue?

Does Amazon want me to continue selling these fans until after the summer is over, in the cold autumn/winter months?

CASE ID: 9923440802

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Paid Historical VAT, Amazon still holds my money
In reply to: Seller_w8pLYBTOzW50L’s postby Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH

Hello @Seller_w8pLYBTOzW50L,

I'm Abella from Amazon, here to assist you.

We greatly appreciate you reaching out with your inquiry. Rest assured, we are committed to putting forth our utmost efforts to assist you with your query.

It appears that your funds are being held for the VAT process.

From January 1, 2021, Amazon will be responsible for collecting UK VAT on the following sales of goods delivered to customers in the UK where ordered through any Amazon storefront

However, for better understanding of the issue, I would request you to share the last performance notification that you received from the team so that we can go through it and provide more insights on the same.

Please consider referring to the help page for further assistance.

If you need any further assistance, you can post here so that we or any of the sellers on forum can help you.



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Two colours in one box
by Seller_hCOsIe8c2Vopw

Hi, I am sending in two different colour of the same product which are small and light, 25 of each colour as I’m new to fba I got 2 different shipping labels, how ever my manufacturer has emailed me today saying as the cases are small and light weight 1.5kg each Amzon is charging them an extra fee (45usd for each case so 90usd in total) but if they have both colours in one carton it would be cheaper (1 x 45 usd). What I’m confused with is I created 1 shipping plan and got 2 shipping labels again meaning 2 cases can I put both these cases in to one larger case? And do I use both the shipping labels on the master carton? But then I’m assuming Amazon would want the dimensions for the master carton? Can someone please help with this ?

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Two colours in one box
In reply to: Seller_ZQyopdiwkUHOZ’s postby Seller_hCOsIe8c2Vopw

regarding the outer box it will be 2 smaller cardboard boxes separating the 2 colours put into one slightly larger brown box or can I get them to pack only the products both colours directly in to one box?

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