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Handling times being ignored

by Seller_W47oZ6SGGvpzR

Hi everyone

We have a frustrating problem. We need to set some longer handling times on some products, say 5 days, and Amazon appear to just be ignoring it, resulting in a load of "late shipments" from us. I've checked the listing in manage inventory, opened it up, and the handling time is correctly showing as 5. However, when I search for the product as a customer, the delivery date being given is for 2 days handling time. Likewise when our orders for the product come in, the promise date is too soon and we are inevitably shipping them "late".

Has anyone had something similar? I'm really not sure what else to do other than set the handling time. It isn't everything, some of our products are picking up the handling time we have set, others are ignoring it.

We don't have the new automatic shipping turned on.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Tags: Fulfilment, Shipping
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In reply to: Seller_W47oZ6SGGvpzR’s post

Hello @Seller_W47oZ6SGGvpzRy,

Did you check if the ways in which you set your handling time do not override ?

"There are three ways to set your handling time:

  • Default handling time
  • ASIN-specific handling time
  • Automated handling time

ASIN-specific handling time overrides the default handling time for that ASIN. If you have automated handling time enabled, then it overrides the ASIN-specific handling time and the default handling time, except for prime orders."

Please review this Help page Modify handling time to understand different ways of modifying handling time.



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