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Results for "18와우홀덤현금화⦿(텔레KK8465> ⚊한게임머니⇓"

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Amazon Support: "Your account is not eligible for BuyBox"
In reply to: Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM’s postby Seller_LK2FhmX0Cvw9s

At the moment I have 1 "Product Authenticity Customer Complaints" in my Account Health, for which for some reason the invoice is not accepted by Amazon, even though the Wholesaler has already confirmed that the product is authentic. Other than that, no other problems.

But a bit of background: on June 12, my Account Health dropped to 132 due to the 3 IP complaints, and from about that date (actually, 4 days later) my sales dropped significantly

These Complaints have been resolved though, but I was wondering that although my AHR is now 248, maybe something in Amazon's system is still "stuck" and the system still doesn't give me the right to win BuyBox?

but that's just a thought.

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I really need your urgent help/advice guys.

First of all, I'm not a new seller. I've been selling since September last year, I've achieved month on month steady growth on the UK marketplace. I currently have over 700+ active SKUs.

However, overnight, without any warning or notification, since 16 June, I have had a significant issue with my Amazon account: I have lost the BuyBox/Featured Offer for ALL of my listings.

As a result, in the last few days my daily sales have dropped from around £1000 to almost zero. In addition, my "Featured Offer %" has dropped to 0%. Btw, my account health is currently 248.

I opened several tickets without success, but chatted with Amazon Support who confirmed: "As of the moment your ACCOUNT is not eligible for BuyBox".

However, as to the reason why this happened and what I needed to do to get it resolved, I was told nothing but to wait. The problem is that I am losing money every day by not being able to sell anything, but I have to cover the costs of my business and order new products.

I cannot name here a specific ASIN, because this issue affects ALL of my SKUs (700+ listings), and given that it appears to be an Amazon-side problem. Therefore I am requesting your urgent assistance.

I have already emailed the Managing Director about this, but have not yet received a reply.

Can I somehow reach the team responsible to check my account and restore the Featured Offers in my account as soon as possible?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

Thank you!


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Update regarding the SFP Delivery Dates for the Easter 2024 / SFP weekend pickups
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_yRqzR0ZXUoeEk

Hi @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK,

Having checked our SFP order for today, we can see 0 orders are due to be shipped by today.

There are at least 17 orders placed after 4pm on Friday, all with a ship by date on Monday, despite our collection date and shipping settings set for Sunday pick up and dispatch.

It seems that we're still facing the consequences of this issue and it is impacting our weekend sales.

Please can you assist?

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Customer return item disposition
by Seller_L0Bw3huPV4ixB
Amazon replied


Looking for some advice in relation to a customer return. Here is a breakdown of events:

-Item was purchased on 30th October 2022

-Amazon has refunded the customer on 20th March 2024 - that is nearly 17 months after the item was bought.

-The return was received on 28th March and immediately disposed of as it had batteries in it.

The headset is worth over £150 and amazon are refusing to reimburse me for it. Is there anything that can be done to get the cash back?


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Greedy Seller
by Seller_UVeFCZoAA4mkx

Fellow sellers, I'm seeking some advice on a frustrating situation I've encountered with another seller undercutting repeatedly.

I initially found a product with great profit margins over 100% ROI and there is about 10-15 sellers. I matched the current Buy Box price and sales were going well for about a month. Then yesterday, another seller started hugging the Buy Box, going just 1p below the current buy box.

It's evident they are using a repricing tool to constantly undercut the lowest price by 1p in order to solely maintain the Buy Box themselves. While I understand the motivation to capture all the Buy Box sales, it's exasperating when sellers configure repricers so aggressively just to box others out.

This particular seller has over 200 seller feedbacks, so they are an experienced seller who surely understands pricing strategies. As a result of their relentless undercutting, my potential ROI on this product has plummeted from over 100% down to only 5-10%.

I've now sold out of my inventory for this item. My question for everyone reading is would you continue sourcing more of this product knowing you'll likely just enter another Buy Box battle? Or would you cut your losses and move on to other products?

I'm all for healthy price competition, but it feels unethical when sellers setup repricers to continuously undercut by the smallest increments just to own the Buy Box. I wish we could agree as a seller community to share the Buy Box rather than trying to monopolize it. But I realize that's unlikely to happen.

Any thoughts or advice on how to approach this type of situation would be appreciated.

Here's to better seller karma for all of us.

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Acount verification for VAT liability UK
by Seller_4iW8YaYqSMbSC

Hello Let me explain the whole story in a few words.

Starting on 10 April 2024

Amazon indicate to us we need to pay GBP 47,258.28 VAT starting from 2021.

You can continue to sell, but your Amazon sales proceeds will remain temporarily ineligible for disbursement from this account, and any related accounts, until any UK VAT owed is paid to Amazon.

The company behind this account was established in August 2023, so it is impossible to have VAT from 2021.

According to the notification you (AMAZON) indicated to me, you also have to pay GBP 47,258.28 VAT ... THIS THING IS NOT POSSIBLE because we have not even generated sales of this amount, so we should have so much VAT to pay, which is wrong.

The company was founded in August 2023, so it is impossible to have VAT from 2021 to pay.

Until September 2023, the Amazon account belonged to a UK-based company whose owner was a UK resident for whom Amazon collected VAT.

After many many emails with we send all the document requested like: id, passports, driving licence, contracts, bills, banck statments, invoice .... etc.

Since April and until now, no concrete answer, every time I send an email or open a case, the same answer is returned to me:


Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

My name is Guillaume and I am contacting you regarding your VAT liability request. Thank you for your patience in this case. I understand how important this is for you and I am glad to assist you the best possible way.

Please let me inform you that our internal teams are working actively on your case. There is no action required from your side and I will keep you updated about the process.

Thanks again for your patience. We remain available.

Have a nice day !


Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We understand how important is this matter for you. In response to your inquiry regarding the VAT applied to your invoices, we would like to inform you of the following:

The corresponding department is still working on your case and we will get back to you as soon as we have further information to provide.

We appreciate your patience and it was a pleasure to assist you.

Thank you for selling with Amazon.


on 19 June:

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for your patience. At the moment, I am working with our internal team to reach a resolution on your case. While I don’t currently have an update, I will follow up with you as soon as additional information is available.

Thank you for selling with Amazon.

Sara B.


3 months have already passed and nothing.

Does anyone know how soon the verification will be completed?

Can anyone help me speed up the verification process?

Very bad impact on store sales near to zero for 3 months.

Thank you

any help is highly appreciated @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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PO Box address for seller account
by Seller_sdciVpJlMHpt3

Does anybody have any experience of using a PO Box address on Amazon, especially for returns?

We have been on Amazon for over 10 years, so not a new seller. We are moving from our business premises in a few weeks and will be using a residential address for a period. We do not want our residential address publically available for security reasons and have set up a PO Box address. This is no issue on any other marketplace or our website, but Amazon seem to be less than helpful with these type of changes.

All other business information will remain the same - company name, registered business address, company number, VAT number, contact details etc

- The return address will need to be changed to the PO Box address so that customers do not have our residential address.

- The ship from address can remain as our residential address if this information is not publically accessible and used only internally by Amazon. If it is shown publically then this would also need to be changed to the PO Box address.

Does anybody else do something similar or have any experience of it?

Thanks in advance




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This was originally a reply to a forum post by @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM. I decided to post it separately as this will soon become a serious issue. I'm hoping Amazon will be proactive to keep honest sellers' businesses getting damaged by ill intended people/sellers.

TLDR: fraudsters find small US brands and fraudulently apply for UK trademark (fake ownership documents +170GBP), then kick other sellers off the listing via "parallel import violation".


Hi Julia,

Sorry for replying so late.

The trademark itself is a fraudulent application. If you check the address on the UK UPO website, it shows up as a company "Mint Formations Ltd", which is a business that forms UK Ltd companies. Also the company owner (public info) owns 10+ other UK Ltd companies, all classified as "Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet" businesses. I am pretty sure all the other companies have or had Amazon Seller accounts which were suspended/banned, or simply exist to illegally evade HMRC VAT (keep annual turnover below 85,000 GBP and switch owner of Amazon account to the new LTD)

I can go on about the illegal and fraudulent behavior of such sellers from abroad. This IP claim is one of those. Sellers such as these find small US based companies who are not active in the UK and fraudulently file for IP to the UK (fake ownership documents + 170 GBP filing fee), so they can sell the products on exclusively. There are "courses" being sold by "amazon gurus" that show them step by step how to do this. This is also how I know such an organized crime gang exists.

Such US companies do not even have any idea about having UK trademarks.

This is a serious issue that is hurting our account (we received yet another parallel import violation today, ASIN B0001LE1VC). If you look at the account that is now exclusively selling this item - which by the way sells 400+/month- is of course a brand new account with 0 reviews and only 1 product for sale. No brand owner would give such an amazon account exclusive rights, let alone letting them hold the trademark to their brand.

Amazon needs to take this issue seriously, as these cases are going to increase -because these "gurus" are selling "courses" showing them the way.

Let me know if you need any further details on this issue. It will hurt resellers like us as long as these types of mischievous and fraudulent people are allowed to carry out their actions on Amazon.

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Hello. our account was deactivated on 11 april 2024 and funds were hold. upon enquiry with multiple teams on emails, we waited for 60 days. now today on 21 june 2024 we had our interview call done for identity verification. we received email after the interview as mentioned below. i would like to know when the funds will be released as the person only verified my passport and ask few basic questions only. it went smooth. and what enforced team they talking about? as my account deactivated due to recent VAT issue. i will resolve it with the team once the funds will be released as per amazon withhold policy.

@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK@Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR@Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B your help will be appreciated if you could get this sorted asap and get my funds released please.

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Dear Forum Members,

I am reaching out to seek advice and share our ongoing struggle with Amazon regarding a significant payment issue. For over a year now, we have been trying to get Amazon to release a payment of €16,000. Despite our continuous efforts and having initiated 10 different cases, we have yet to receive the payment.

Every time we contact Amazon support, the representatives assure us that they will investigate the matter, but we never receive any follow-up or resolution. This situation has become incredibly frustrating and seems highly unfair, especially considering that we have not committed any violations.

Interestingly, our new sales are being paid out without issue, yet this particular amount remains withheld.

We are at a loss for what to do next and are considering escalating the matter to an external dispute resolution body. Could anyone provide guidance on how to initiate a claim with such an entity? Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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