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Results for "33피망포커머니시세➳(ㅌㄹ𝐊𝐊𝟖𝟒𝟔𝟓⸥ ↝플레이포커 환전⥯"

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Trademark transfer and listings
by Seller_NRbSrvQsLSXts

Hi All

I currently sell a brand on Amazon owned by my Uncle. He has separate amazon account where the original listings were created but hasn't sold for last few years. He keeps the account open because we were worried the listings might disappear and wanted to have option to sell again. The brand is registered and my account is admin on the brand so I have access to a+ etc. He now wants to fully retire and sell me the brand/trademark. As he still pays £30 a month account fees.

1. I am worried if deletes his account the listings might disappear also. I assume they are stored in the brand registry so can someone assure me the listings will still be available and active on my account?

2. If I do buy the trademark do I tell brand registry about the change and move from admin to owner or is that not possible is admin the most I can be? If he deletes his account will the brand pass onto me in brand registry automatically or is there going to be some unforeseen issues?

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book pricing.
by Seller_N0kQDKMgwda6y

Can ANYONE make any sense of Amazons pricing policy ? I have had books deactivated for overpricing when it was rare, mine was the only one on Amazon and those few on ABE were £10 more. I was asked to provide a 'reference price' which was presumably the new price in about 1980 !

Now I have had another removed so I looked up the others for sale. Mine was £38. Ther are two at £30, which was not the case when I first listed as I am always the cheapest like for like. But there are three at £80, and the one new copy ( surely their 'reference price' ) is over £200 !

I cant make any sense of it at all. Book prices on Amazon are totally random. I have seen prices ranging from 10 to 200 for the same book and Amazon is mostly happy with it. But when one of the bucket shops puts up a valuable book for a ridiculous price i am suddenly expected to match it. I would rather take it down the charity shop. ( mind you, thats where the bucket shops get some of their books )

Is it just me or does this happen to others ?

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Amazon FBA profit calculator software
by Seller_OZv9IRSI0jM7P


Can anybody recommend a software that can help me calculate my level of profit from my FBA sales?

I sell in multiple market places and need a snapshot of my sales and profit over the last 24-36 months

I am struggling to make sense of the Amazon reports


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KYC no reply 35 days
by Seller_ficW8NIv0rtw2

Seller Account has been suspended due to account verification, was asked to provide proof of id did that same day but still nothing happened and there is no update from amazon.

Please help me out here thanks.


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I am not established in the UK for VAT purposes and need to pay unpaid VAT owed to amazon.

0n 4/23/2024 amazon have block our account,and tell us our business address which does not match with your country of operations. This may have resulted in inaccuracies in tax calculation on your supplies,we need paid EU VAT and paid UK VAT.

On 05/10/2024 we have receive amazon message [Action required] Final tax liability assessment for unpaid UK VAT AND on 05/15/2024 [Action required] Final tax liability assessment for unpaid EU VAT,We tell amazon we want paypal our unpaid vat ,used our account ,there are any positive funds in your account, at this times we also contact Seller Support Team,and Seller Support Team also tell on 05/13/2024.

we have waiting 11days, [ ] Still no deduction for the VAT we owe. on 05/23/2024 we have paypal our unpaid UK VAT unpaid EU VAT to amazon account,we have send the Proof Of Payment to amazon[ ] , [ ] do not responding to our messages now.our account still block!

This situation is greatly impacting my ability to conduct business effectively on the Amazon platform. As a seller, timely access to disbursements is crucial for maintaining inventory, fulfilling orders, and meeting customer expectations.

Amazon will Disposal our products on 24/06/2024,we We're in a big hurry.

I kindly request urgent intervention to resolve this issue and would appreciate any guidance or assistance from fellow sellers who may have encountered similar challenges in the past.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,.

Please advise us and guide u

Can anyone advise?

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I kid you not, item delivered at 11:32 this morning, buyer filed an AtoZ claim at 12:01, I refunded seconds later, AtoZ granted against me?!

Amazon = incompetence personified.

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All my Payment is in reserved more than 3 months without any reason , with no notification received about it , I opened 3 case but all my case got transferred and receiving no reply from amazon Case Id 15444012231

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VAT Refund On Selling Fee's - No Update???
In reply to: Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU’s postby Seller_2BSBgE3FJzlK4

I contacted the managing director email, stating illegal delaying tactics as email title. got e reply within 30 minutes, almost 15k refunded within 2 weeks

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The insurance said they can add the following to the policy:

Can someone confirm if this is in line with Amazon's insurance requirement policy:

If the gross proceeds from Your Transactions exceed the applicable Insurance Threshold during any month, or otherwise if requested by us, then within thirty (30) days thereafter, you will maintain at your expense throughout the remainder of the Term, public third party liability insurance in connection with each Amazon Site with at least the Insurance Limits per occurrence/aggregate covering liabilities caused by or occurring in conjunction with the operation of your business in connection with such Amazon Site, including products liability and bodily injury, with policy (ies) naming Amazon and its assignees as additional insureds. At our request, you will provide to us certificates of insurance evidencing the coverage required by this Section 8 to the following address: Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l., 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Attn: Risk Management; and with a copy to: c/o Amazon, P.O. Box 81226, Seattle, WA 98108- 1226, USA, Attention: Risk Management.

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Account deactivated. Appeal rejected 20+ times
by Seller_0bpslEX359dRn
Amazon replied


I would appreciate some help if possible.

I have had my UK selling account deactivated for almost 6 weeks due to a high ODR %. They seem to think I simply marked orders as sent without sending them

Since the account was deactivated, I have spoken to Amazon Account support staff almost 30 times. Each time they suggest adding new information to my appeal and still I continue to receive the same rejection template email.

I have provided explanations and documentation for everything that has been requested plus more.

Originally, I was asked to provide proof of delivery for last 30 days. Then 60 days. Then 90 days.

Not only have I provided detailed excel spreadsheets with orders going back last 6 months which include tracking numbers, delivery status, refund status if so and reason for this, but I have also supplied picture proof of over 100 deliveries. I have provided my Incorporation documents, banking information, POA and a letter from the courier.

As everything has failed thus far, I tried to escalate my case to the MD office but I keep getting the same rejection emails or no replies at all.

It seems as if Amazon no longer cares much about helping Sellers reactivate their accounts.

Any help would be appreciated as this has become very frustrating and tiresome.

I’ve had deactivations previously and they lasted anywhere between 4-18 months. It’s fair to say, I cannot afford to be waiting that long again without access to funds that are being held.


someone please help



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