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Amazon is now refunding buyers for items received late whilst allowing them to keep the item. As most items are delivered late, buyers are making a killing. We recently sold an item (£329) which was shipped on time via Amazon shipping but delivered one day late, Two days later the buyer filed an A-Z claim citing the delivery was late. Amazon refunded the buyer and charged our account. Our Safe-T claim was rejected stating the delivery was late.

Believe me, I am not crazy, the customer collected the item and realised 2 days later that the delivery was one day passed the scheduled time and filed a claim. They got the item and a full refund. I will of course fight this case, but in meanwhile guys, let the world know of this Amazon get-rich policy for buyers and plaster it all over social media.

If anyone knows otherwise or has any advice, it will be much appreciated.

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Referral Fees Series. Part 3
by Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Hello Sellers,

Continuing the series on referral fees, this post will be about the Referral fees reimbursement policy, as previously mentioned by @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN.

Effective January 13, 2023, the requirements and limitations below apply to the reimbursement of referral fees. This policy does not apply to other fee reimbursements.

Referral fee category descriptions are available in our fee category guidelines. Amazon reserves the right to determine the validity of referral fee disputes, including for products that are not explicitly described in the guidelines. Any reimbursement will be based on the referral fee rate effective at the date of the disputed transaction.

Before you submit your request

• Determine the referral fee amount you were charged on specific transactions using the Reports Repository. This report allows you to download transactions in bulk for a specific period. Check the Selling on Amazon fee schedule to determine if the amount that you were charged is in line with your product’s fee category.

• Use the fee category guidelines if you’re unsure of your product’s fee category. If you can’t find your product in these guidelines, identify the fee category that you believe your product belongs under and check the Selling on Amazon fee schedule for the rate of that fee category.

Submit your reimbursement request

If you have reviewed your referral fee amount in the Reports Repository and believe that it is inaccurate, contact Selling Partner Support and open a research request. To be eligible for a reimbursement, you must provide the following documentation:

• The date of the transaction or transactions

• The transaction or transactions for which you believe an incorrect referral fee was charged, and the referral fee amounts you were charged

• The referral fee amount that you believe is correct for each transaction, and your rationale

• The fee category guidelines that place your product in a different fee category. If the fee category guidelines don’t mention your product specifically, include which category you believe your product should belong under and your rationale for that placement. Disputes contrary to guidelines that are in effect at the time of the fee transaction will be declined.

• The Custom Unified Transaction report downloaded from Report Repository for the period in which the wrong referral fee was charged.


For each fee charge, you may only file one claim. Additional claims for the same fee charge will be declined. We may request additional documentation to process your claim. Claims with insufficient documentation may be declined and closed. Once we have completed our investigation, we’ll notify you whether you are eligible for reimbursement.

If you disagree with the investigation’s conclusions, you can file an appeal by requesting in the same case that the case be transferred for a second, independent review. If the case has been resolved, reopen the case to request the appeal.

Stay tuned for Referral Fees Series. Part 4, How to Read a Referral Fee Preview Report by @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH.

Regards, Spencer

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Hello, I have been talking to amazon for weeks now about inventory that we sent that they claim the contents didnt arrive.

The next step would be to take them to small claims court. Has anyone done this before?

Just to explain what happened: we send boxes to Amazon on 1 May 2024 via their own UPS service. They were tracked and delivered. The boxes were 15kg each (two inner cartons) with 32 units per box (around 330g each). Totalling 64 units.

They started checking them in, then weeks passed and the checked in quantity stayed on 0. It then eventually said that the shipment was complete and that it was short by 64 units(!).

I made the online request on the shipment for a review, and they said they recounted the stock across the warehouse and found 3 extra products of ours, but a different SKU (I assume this was nothing to do with the shipment, but just three extra items after a re-count)

I contacted them and asked them to investigate, after two weeks they came back and said that the investigation was complete and that they didnt receive any goods. They scanned in the boxes, the boxes were 15kg each. So how on earth have no items been checked off. According to their logic the boxes must have been empty because, of course, they cant possibly have lost the stock or boxes somewhere.

Is the next step making a claim through the courts? Any advice would be appreciated.

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Account deactivated. Appeal rejected 20+ times
by Seller_0bpslEX359dRn
Amazon replied


I would appreciate some help if possible.

I have had my UK selling account deactivated for almost 6 weeks due to a high ODR %. They seem to think I simply marked orders as sent without sending them

Since the account was deactivated, I have spoken to Amazon Account support staff almost 30 times. Each time they suggest adding new information to my appeal and still I continue to receive the same rejection template email.

I have provided explanations and documentation for everything that has been requested plus more.

Originally, I was asked to provide proof of delivery for last 30 days. Then 60 days. Then 90 days.

Not only have I provided detailed excel spreadsheets with orders going back last 6 months which include tracking numbers, delivery status, refund status if so and reason for this, but I have also supplied picture proof of over 100 deliveries. I have provided my Incorporation documents, banking information, POA and a letter from the courier.

As everything has failed thus far, I tried to escalate my case to the MD office but I keep getting the same rejection emails or no replies at all.

It seems as if Amazon no longer cares much about helping Sellers reactivate their accounts.

Any help would be appreciated as this has become very frustrating and tiresome.

I’ve had deactivations previously and they lasted anywhere between 4-18 months. It’s fair to say, I cannot afford to be waiting that long again without access to funds that are being held.


someone please help



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Buy shipping - Evri overcharges
In reply to: Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn’s postby Seller_hRO7UAJDvJDwK

Just had a batch of these too.

Ranges from under 1kg adjusted to 1-2kg and some to over 2kg.

Example 3 identical products all under 1kg on one order too big to pack together so three parcels - at £2.95 the adjustment from Friday changed the price of the third one to 4.04 which is the combined weight of the three at a guess but left the other two at 2.95 Tried to find the right route to query it and failed. Was going to try again in the week

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VTR ISSUES 28th of may!!
by Seller_pbWIrPKbTsshy
Amazon replied


has anyone had any VTR issues this morning amazon sent us a message regarding our vtr and after checking all the tracking numbers on our VTR Sheet they are all valid we use integration via royal mail and evri never had a issue everything goes tracked tracking always been 100% but it seems all the tracking numbers entered on the 28th of may seem to be invalid. we have checked them against other orders and they are entered fine. all of them other than 1 have been delivered (LOST IN TRANSIT) we have messaged seller support about this waiting to hear back. anyone else had this issue?

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Update regarding the SFP Delivery Dates for the Easter 2024 / SFP weekend pickups
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_yRqzR0ZXUoeEk

Hi @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK,

Having checked our SFP order for today, we can see 0 orders are due to be shipped by today.

There are at least 17 orders placed after 4pm on Friday, all with a ship by date on Monday, despite our collection date and shipping settings set for Sunday pick up and dispatch.

It seems that we're still facing the consequences of this issue and it is impacting our weekend sales.

Please can you assist?

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There are A-Z's then there are A-Z's
by Seller_GkLry66xQzT9C

Sometimes I am staggered at what people do. We Always try and help customers where we can and our service record shows that but in over 7 years the worse case of buyer manipulation ever. Really not sure what to do so answers on a postcard.

A customer buys a personalised item of clothing and we ship tracked 48 as always within 24 hours. After we shipped the item the customer asks to change the size. We said we would assist the customer where possible to soften the blow of their mistake so contact us when they receive it. The item was delivered 4 days ago. This morning with no further messages and A-Z saying hasn't arrived and 10 minutes later an order in the size they wanted their order changed to. What would you suggest. Clearly I will appeal the A-Z but pointless I guess.

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Order Cancellation
In reply to: Seller_hRO7UAJDvJDwK’s postby Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9

we have this

and after 4 months the stuck order is still there

and no one can remove it.

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The Problem With Amazon Not Providing Customer Email Addresses
In reply to: Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM
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(as Amazon's default is to say Buyers do not want emails from Sellers)

It's only a small point but I don't believe that you are correct. Buyers may (annoyingly) CHOOSE to block unsolicited emails but this is not the default setting.

In my case, it is unusual to have my messages to them blocked, probably less than 1 in 10.

You also need to designate the couriers "from" email address into the Amazon messaging system to allow their messages to get through but unless the message incorporates the order number, it will be blocked.

email permissions

It is unusual for couriers to include the order number in the message so in reality, most courier messages will get blocked.

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