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Results for "36플레이포커 머니상⧻(까턱KK8465>⤚한게임 머니▵"

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I really need your urgent help/advice guys.

First of all, I'm not a new seller. I've been selling since September last year, I've achieved month on month steady growth on the UK marketplace. I currently have over 700+ active SKUs.

However, overnight, without any warning or notification, since 16 June, I have had a significant issue with my Amazon account: I have lost the BuyBox/Featured Offer for ALL of my listings.

As a result, in the last few days my daily sales have dropped from around £1000 to almost zero. In addition, my "Featured Offer %" has dropped to 0%. Btw, my account health is currently 248.

I opened several tickets without success, but chatted with Amazon Support who confirmed: "As of the moment your ACCOUNT is not eligible for BuyBox".

However, as to the reason why this happened and what I needed to do to get it resolved, I was told nothing but to wait. The problem is that I am losing money every day by not being able to sell anything, but I have to cover the costs of my business and order new products.

I cannot name here a specific ASIN, because this issue affects ALL of my SKUs (700+ listings), and given that it appears to be an Amazon-side problem. Therefore I am requesting your urgent assistance.

I have already emailed the Managing Director about this, but have not yet received a reply.

Can I somehow reach the team responsible to check my account and restore the Featured Offers in my account as soon as possible?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

Thank you!


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Shipping small letter size orders
In reply to: Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn’s postby Seller_w9VI3UyAR7oxH

I send around 100 large letters ( £1.55 ) per month and find that 20-30% dont have delivery confirmation - so it's worth checking delivery , even if you dont get a customer complaint , because you can claim compensation for all those without confirmation ... if each item is worth £20 that's an extra £200 - £300 per month compensation from royal mail .

very rarely have non delivery for tracked 48

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We have a customer bought 4 different cravats all shipped together as it was one order. Customer has opened a return for 3 cravats and has been provided 3 different return labels by Amazon at our cost. Surely customer should only receive one returns label for the order rather that 3?

We have seen a big increase in customers orders “for choice” and sending lots of items back via the free returns label as a result our returns rate on Amazon is three times higher than eBay.

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Fraud UK trademark applications - parallel import violations
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_kF1rs156m2vK2

I have had over 30 parallel import claims in the past 6 months. It seems to be the go-to loophole for brandowners trying to illegally limit competition. Ive been able to appeal succesfully for the most part but then they just resubmit and deactivations are back.... These brand owners are getting the tools to break anti-trust laws in bulk, there should be an investigation as soon as possible. Ive opened many many cases and many were escalated, but no response. I even have written proof of cases where the brand owner even admits to me that it has nothing to do with parallel import, they just dont want us on Amazon.

Correct invoices are rejected because the reviewer is not properly trained to understand parallel import, the product even has an EU flag on it + the brand owner itself is selling on the listing with the name "<BRANDNAME> EU", like how much proof does one need. But no, once identity of brand owner is confirmed, they can block others from selling the product they sell in the same market = 100% ILLEGAL.

Some items they say in their complaint that they did tests orders but we have 0 orders for them since the start. Its ridiculous.

Our BE store is currently deactivated on 5 remaining cases and forgiveness path for Parallel import claims is gone despite all the succesful appeals, we are pushed in a corner.

Legal action against these brand owners is my next step.

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Let’s Talk Price Discounts
by Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

Everybody loves a deal (and I am sure your customers will too).

I have seen a few threads in the forums asking about what Price Discounts are or how to get “strike-through pricing"?

Price Discounts are a time-bound campaign in which you can offer discounted prices on your products for up to 30 days and on a limited number of inventories. Price Discounts for products with a validated reference price will appear with a strike-through price in Search and on the Product Detail page.

The benefits of Price Discounts are:

  • Set a duration - Price Discounts can run between 1 to 30 consecutive days. The discounted price will automatically go live on the Start Date and will automatically end on the End Date you specify.
  • Set a budget - Budget capabilities allow you to easily offer discounted prices on a limited number of inventory that is defined by you. When creating a Price Discounts on a product, you can enter the number of units to offer at the discounted price. Once you sell through the committed units, the price will automatically revert to its regular price.
  • Increase conversion - Price Discounts can help you increase conversion and sell through inventory, including inventory on seasonal products at the end of the season.
  • Product discovery - Price Discounts may help drive additional customer discovery and sales, both during and after the discount has run.
  • View performance - While your Price Discounts is running and after it ends, gain insight into the impact it had with access to performance metrics such as Sales, Units Sold, Glance Views, Conversion Rate, and Sell-through Rate.

To be eligible for Price Discounts, you must be a professional seller with at least a 3.5 seller feedback rating.

Your products must meet the following criteria at all times:

  • Products must have at least a 3-star rating
  • Products must be in new condition
  • Discount must meet the following:
  • At least 5% off the 30-day lowest price bought by customers
  • At least 5% off the current price
  • At least 5% off the reference price for products with a validated reference price. Products without a validated reference price will not display a strike-through price or savings to customers
  • Adult products, restricted products, or otherwise offensive products are not allowed
  • A validated reference price, in order to show a savings comparison. For more information, go to Amazon Policy on Reference Prices

Well that just about wraps up today’s discussion on Price Discounts.

If you have any questions specifically around Price Discounts please feel free to leave them in the reply section below.


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I am doing FBA and Amazon keeps the buy box with 6-7 months of shipping time on some of my listings. How on earth can it be possible? It cannot be accepted as a normal shipping time and there is no chance to beat those prices. Amazon does not allow us to win the buy box.

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Greedy Seller
In reply to: Seller_UVeFCZoAA4mkx’s postby Seller_soBD2wwhsVOww

Just need look at your margin & not worry about what other sellers are doing.For me,25% is minimum I know many sellers run at a margin way lower there's lots of busy fools on here. I currently average 35-40% daily/monthly.If any sku drops below 25% I just dump it & move on

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Postage/Claims - Ongoing issues
In reply to: Seller_d8WfbEccuaGMc’s postby Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor

My product is quite different yours, I sell fine wine so the box could be worth £30 or £3000, while someone could probably guess it is a box of wine the value isn't obvious.

I'm well past the 1000 delivery mark with DHL now and not one has been lost without trace and their breakage rate is a fraction of 1%, mostly due to me using high quality packaging rather than the courier being careful I would add.

They collect from me daily (often too early in the day for someone who offers next day delivery but we'll put that aside for a moment) and any box up to about 15kg costs me about £8+VAT to most addresses, highlands and islands are more, sometimes considerably. The delivery cost looks less on the invoice but then they add HGV and congestion zone surcharges so £8 is about right. I guess your packages are probably 1kg or less but they don't offer a lower rate, for me its the same whether I send one bottle or six.

I don't pay for additional insurance for the reason you state, it costs a lot and they make it almost impossible to make a valid claim. If your packages are obviously phones I suspect the temptation to steal them is higher than for my boxes both by customers and couriers. Perhaps you could try using a larger plain outer with a protective filler to disguise the product and see if the disappearance rate drops.

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I kid you not, item delivered at 11:32 this morning, buyer filed an AtoZ claim at 12:01, I refunded seconds later, AtoZ granted against me?!

Amazon = incompetence personified.

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i started selling items and sold a bunch of items through seller fulfilment my account saying 100% valid tracking rate even though some yet most of items were untracked however only had 1 customer complaint regarding not delivery and they are requesting information i have given this information like 10 times every time stating i need to give this information which i have

what makes this worst is i got an email saying it would be a hold for 30days and seller fulfillment deactivated until they confirm delivery which seems completely ridiculous however as i have appealed and they are not accepting the documents my account is now going to be deactivated forever after 90days of them not accepting my documents rang amazon 10 times at this point no help what so ever there not even clear of what information i should give so my account will be on hold funds forever and i wont be able to do my own orders

thirdly i sent my orders in fba all the delivery times are just completely ages away and cant sell anything at this rate completely ruining my amazon business can some actual human help me sort this out

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B

We do not have enough information to reinstate your account for one or more of the following reasons:

-- Evidence of delivery or verify that currently uploaded tracking information is correct. Tracking information may be provided in the Manage Orders section of your seller account. This may include buyer confirmation of receipt or proof-of-delivery documentation.

-- You may be missing critical business information from your account to validate positive buyer-seller history across other sales channels. Provide supporting documents that includes but are not limited to business website and email or company bank information.

-- We have observed a significant increase to your sales or an unusual change in your selling patterns. Please provide us supporting evidence that you have inventory to fulfill all of the orders placed. This includes but is not limited to copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days.

this is what it keeps asking me even though i have given it its a joke amazon have just forced to send everything to them and now they in result i have terrible delivery times from them and i am paying them every month not to able to sell items myself

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