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Unable to create listing
by Seller_a3yJ2JwMTOSUC

Due to limited account activity, your ability to create listings has been disabled. To restore your ability to create listings, please click on Replace Charge Method to either add a new credit card or select an existing credit card. Processing time may take up to 48 hours.

Im facing this above issue, What is the solution. please explain.

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Shipping price jump
by Seller_Qwy1MSk3bgTlo


I started using amazon shipping a little over a week ago, the price for next day delivery was £3.48, suddenly yesterday this price has jumped to £6.96 can anybody shed some light on this for me?

Thank you

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by Seller_qBUk1i66H3JQ7

how to reactivate my account i try everything it doesn't work somewhere i think it's wrong why my account has been stopped and solution please

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In reply to: Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP’s postby Seller_qBUk1i66H3JQ7

No, I already have one account, this is it, I don't have another account.

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Amazon refunded an A-Z case where item was received but custoemr didn't sign for it
In reply to: Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh’s postby Seller_MT8rt0A2OpbCx
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While you are legally within your rights to do that (LBA to the customer) it has been stated by others that if the customer complains to amazon - it can put your amazon account at risk as it flies against some amazon policy.

I would say, any punitive action by Amazon is aiding and abetting criminal activity. Even the policy itself could be seen as this. Every citizen has a moral duty to report crime. Amazon have no right to take that away.

However, if every seller sent a LBA to Amazon for each fraudulent instance, they might change things to make it harder for scammers. Unfortunately it's unlikely enough sellers would get behind this to make a difference, but you never know.

The customer is King. Customers are willing to pay, scammers don't, so scammers aren't customers, they are ___________ (add your own imaginative description - no profanity please)

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This is getting crazy, we have a customer that put in an A-Z claim for delivery 204-8597270-0909926, claiming he did not sign for the parcel even though they received it. Amazon stated that we provided enough information that proves he received it, but still refunded over £100 to the customer and to keep the boots. However, Amazon said that they will not count this claim against our Order Defect Rate. Well thank you Amazon!

Any ideas how I can get this money back, no doubt Amazon will be silent on this issue.

Just a thought, how many parcels do I receive from Amazon that are never signed for? all of them, does this precedent by Amazon now mean I can get a refund and keep the item on all my deliveries?

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IP Account Deactivation - All Appeals Declined
by Seller_kFqn4WvdxnEjS

I saw the wonderful things @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEKwas helping to do on this board regarding IP violations & I thought I would post this here.

Our Store is currently deactivated on Amazon due to an IP violation given by Amazon's AI which sweeps new seller listings. The ASIN behind the issue has been IP targeted for around 3 weeks before the store was deactivated.

During the time we had taken to resolve the initial IP issue - we had been approved for a Pokemon GTIN exemption. With this GTIN exemption, we were given "96 hours" (a very weird, specific number) to create our ASIN listings under the respective brand (Pokemon).

During product creation, we were greeted with some UPC errors. The errors were Amazon's registry waiting to sync with GS1's registry. We followed up regarding the errors and spoke with an Amazon employee by the name of "Vivek".

During our chat with Vivek, we stated our issue - and asked a simple question regarding a potential ASIN brand change to avoid removing FBA inventory from the warehouse. Vivek's response initially was that he was unsure regarding this. After about 3 minutes, he returned to the chat with what seemed like great information at the time.

Vivek gladly told me that he would update the IP Targeted ASINs brand to Pokemon for the listing to reactivate. In glee, I replied with happiness thanking him:

In astonishment and happiness - I asked him if I was able to use the term "Pokemon" in my listing considering the brand for our listing has been changed:

Vivek doesn't seem like a bad person, but the biggest issue at this point is that our Store is deactivated due to the most recent IP violation on the targeted listing that Vivek had changed.

We made sure to ask Vivek if we were allowed to use the branded term "Pokemon" before making any changes to the listing - to which he replied,

"Yes, you may update the titles to say Pokemon"

We have been going through the appeal process trying to make our claim that we did not wake up one day and just say,

"Hey, let's go change the name of this listing and circumvent IP policy"

No, we tried our absolute best to do the right thing in this situation & at this point, I only wish that Vivek had just simply told us to use the GTIN exemption we were approved for to create new ASINs under the appropriate approved GS1 UPCs.

For the thread finale, and what's even more insane to me regarding this situation - after submitting all of this information with corresponding chat logs, case IDs, approval notifications regarding our GTIN exemption/ability to create ASINs, Amazon Health Support came back with this message asking for the following information:

To add - we have proper invoices proving our ability to resell authentic Pokemon items from multiple distributors listed on the Pokemon website.

Please Note: This is NOT a thread "calling out" Amazon or any of their employees. We do take responsibility for the account deactivation, and we should have been more aware regarding the IP policies & correct methods to move forward with creating new ASINs under specific brands.

The purpose of this thread is to point out the repetitive nature we have been crawling through with the appeal process. Even with every crumb of evidence on our side, we are still hitting a brick wall.

I suppose really what I'm looking for here is potential feedback from a member of the Amazon team regarding this.

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Why are A-Z claims so unfair???
by Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU

A customer ordered a T-Shirt from me, it was a Kids Size 7-8 and they paid next day delivery, i posted them the Kids 7-8 and they recieved the t-shirt the next day, customer opens a return stating different to what was ordered, claiming they ordered a size XL. The order definitely shows as a Kids 7-8. The customer even messaged me saying they ''dont know how they ended up ordering a kids 7-8 because they was definitely on the XL or 2XL as they was debating between the 2'' The customer then messaged me a few days later saying they returned the t-shirt and want a full refund, i hadn't recieved the return back at that point and stated all returns through amazon are auto refunded at first scan anyway. a few hours later the customer opens an A-Z claim against me, soon as the claim was opened i just clicked to refund the customer for the t-shirt to save the hassle with it, but did not refund the next day delivery postage costs they paid because it's not my mistake. I wrote a long detailed explanation in the A-Z claim explaining everything yet Amazon have closed the A-Z case today and just taken the next day delivery postage costs from my account to refund the customer. How is this even fair in the slightest, i can only assume this was a customer mistake however it could of also been an error on amazons system as the order went through but that's probably unlikely.

if the customer orders a kids size 7-8 t shirt and pays for next day delivery, and i deliver them a kids 7-8 size t-shirt the very next day. Why on earth would i be responsible to refund the next day delivery postage costs because of a customer or amazons mistake??? I fullfilled the order my end correctly in line with amazons policy.

Amazon don't realise things like this cripple small business's, let me break it down for you, it costs me £6 to make the t-shirt, it costs me £10 to pay for next day delivery, that's £16, the customer opened a returned which i did recieve in the end, which means ive paid nearly £4 return postage, that's £20 in costs were on, the customer then recieves a refund for the next day delivery postage that i've already paid for, that's £30 im now out of pocket on a t-shirt i was originally only making £4ish on, i mean ok i've had the t-shirt returned back to me but i don't re-sell returns i always make fresh t-shirts, the way most t-shirts are returned to me are unusable anyway. It's an absolute joke, seller support told me to appeal and once ive appealed the outcome will be final either way. Which i know i won't win the appeal because i wrote everything in detail before the A-Z was granted to the customer anyway. Losing my wits with this platform i really am.

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Why are A-Z claims so unfair???
In reply to: Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU’s postby Seller_y729ioGfOm0lt

I thought I was the only one upset with A to Z, but I can see that many sellers are unhappy with it as well. I don't even appeal anymore because I believe it is just a waste of time

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Evri Label - Deliver Address Not Really Readable
In reply to: Seller_aa4tr6HoXwfZX’s postby Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor

I can't help you with why it happens but I second that all labels I buy from Amazon shipping do print faintly compared to other labels (printed with the same label printer).

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