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Results for "52바카라환전업체⊆{Ka톡₭₭8465>⤊바둑이환전상┦"

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Mein Konto wurde gesperrt und ich bin dabei, meine Informationen zu klären, um Berufung einzulegen.
In reply to: Seller_HJjnoExtd8jRT’s postby Seller_hOZNPw7G8FIjl


"My account has been suspended and I am in the process of clarifying my information to appeal.

I am a self-shipping seller and continue to ship my orders. I now have to deal with many buyer's after-sales problems. I can receive emails from buyers, but I cannot respond to messages from buyers. I need help."

As this is the UK forum please post in English or post on the German forum

Go into the order and click the buyer name alongside Contact Buyer, or

Go into Messages, click "Response needed", click reply

If all else fails, contact Amazon Seller support

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Ich bin ein Verkäufer mit Selbstversand und versende meine Bestellungen weiterhin. Ich muss mich jetzt mit vielen After-Sales-Problemen des Käufers befassen. Ich kann E-Mails von Käufern erhalten, aber nicht auf Nachrichten von Käufern antworten. Ich brauche Hilfe.

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Getting ungated for some brands and not others
In reply to: Seller_tzKmyWZtX9f6B’s postby Seller_8jvDsRwMEdLKW

Have you had any luck with any of this as I seem to have got gated in so much beauty all of a sudden , was wondering if Stylevana is ok for ungating ?

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Getting ungated for some brands and not others
by Seller_tzKmyWZtX9f6B

I've used Stylevana to ungate some beauty brands, but for others it's not allowing me to, for example Beauty of Joseon.

Is there any specific reasons for this or do I just need to have more sales before being approved for certain brands?

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Account Health Rating drop
by Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v


I'm seeking advice from this seller forum regarding a persistent issue with my Account Health Rating (AHR). Over the last two months, my AHR has been dropping by 4 points every week or 10 days, despite having no policy violations and all performance metrics being within acceptable thresholds.

In April, my AHR was 320, but it has now fallen to 272. I've contacted the AHR specialists multiple times, but they consistently tell me it's beyond their scope and to reach out to Seller Central. Seller Central, however, can't identify any reason for the drop. I feel like I'm being passed back and forth between the AHR specialists and Seller Central, with each providing different explanations.

One representative suggested that the drop was due to my MFN orders for 180 days decreasing from 1700+ in April to 1500 in May, even though my total orders (FBA + MFN) in May were higher than in April. Additionally, I have a compliance request where I've submitted an appeal three times to close a listing that we've had no intention of selling for over a year, yet it still appears on my dashboard.

I have screenshots documenting the changes in my AHR every 10 days. If this decline continues, my AHR will soon fall below 200. I need advice from the forum on how to resolve this issue with Amazon. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Account Health Rating drop
In reply to: Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh’s postby Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v

Hello thank you for your reply, I just want to understand does it take sales volume as MFN + FBA.?

Seller central representive told me it is only MFN and your MFN droping so your AHR dropping. I am really concerend as many sellers only have FBA. Over last 6 months we have changed in strategy and we do more FBA than MFN. Please let me know if have any insight on it.


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Account Health Rating drop
In reply to: Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v’s postby Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

Sorry, can't advise there. The help page only makes reference to 'you also gain 4 points for every 200 successful orders you fulfilled over the last 180 days'

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by Seller_eSc8X5lQq8ZwD

Good Evening All,

A customer of our has sent some returned trainers back to Amazon instead of to us and these are now lost as Amazon won't forward back to us.

How would you recommend dealing with that?

Close return as not received?

Refund and then Safe T?

The Amazon chat has not being overly helpful.

Can you file a Safe T before refunding?

Thanks for your help guys

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VAT Refund On Selling Fee's - No Update???
In reply to: Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU’s postby Seller_8jvDsRwMEdLKW

Hi, Mine all started going through about a month before yours and I have just received the payment, I got an email every 4-5 days saying they are looking into it and then ne day my payments had the VAT refund on there, I applied on May 16th for the refund as had got the same vat excemption status like yourself before that, hope this helps .

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VAT Refund On Selling Fee's - No Update???
by Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU


So in march i applied to be exempt from paying VAT on seller fee's as im not VAT registered and have been incorrectly charged since opening my account, that was granted and in the response from seller support i was told

''We are glad to inform you, that you have been updated in our system as VAT exempt on Merchant and FBA Seller Fees as of 7th Mai, 2024.

If you wish to request refund of any previously charged VAT, please contact us any time after 16th June 2024, referring the original Case ID 9764898132 Please also note, in order to refund you all the overpaid taxes we require the tax returns for all to be refunded years, please provide them in your new Case after the 16th June''

So i waited until the 16th of June to request my refund, opened a case and sent all my tax documents and requested the refund, this is seller supports response below. They havent given me a definitive answer saying yes my refund is being processed, im told there's no update and to be patient? It doesn't look like amazon wants to give the refund judging by this email, can anyone please advise, is this the response you recieved when you requested your refund?


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