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Results for "79블랙잭환전업체⇲[텔레𝐊𝐊𝟖𝟒𝟔𝟓⸥ ⇀피망 머니시세≽"

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What should I do? The goods have arrived at the seller's hands. The claim has been approved.
In reply to: Seller_uRNttStKxfk4s’s postby Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

I think you have to get used to it, it's a dysfunctional system that makes no sense. And the very infuriating thing is that they apply different rules for FBA or us sellers.

When it snowed last year, one evening a customer opened an A-Z saying that her order had not arrived. It was meant to be there that day but you know with snow and everything, it would have been sensible to wait a day or two. She was immediately granted the A-Z. The following morning at 11 am the order arrived.

One of the last times I used Amazon Prime I got the notification that my order had been delivered, no one rang the bell and it was nowhere to be seen. Amazon CS told me I had to wait 72 hours before reporting it missing (it might have gone to the pub or something), Amazon Prime is terrible around here, they just drop things in random places.

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I have made multiple shipments recently, and certain color variations of my products almost always go missing.

Shipment FBA15J26FK6J: 125 units packed, only 50 units received, 75 missing.

Shipment FBA15J2BTC0D: 125 units packed, only 74 units received, 50 missing (I found the 1 lost item).

Shipment FBA15J3G52YW is still active, 125 units packed, only 84 units received, 41 units missing.

Total missing units: 166.

There is a pattern to the missing items; they are all the same color variations - green, purple, and pink. This can't be an accident. They all have the same package quality, same label quality, and they are in the same box as others, but only these colors go missing. What is going on? Amazon support didn't help. They made no explanation about whats going on. As a seller, I am starting to loose my trust to amazon.

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Here is my original forum post here.

It's best to read my previous post for full details, but long story short, Amazon has not resolved an issue that's been ongoing for 7 months. The moderators also seem to have abandoned my case, as it's getting no attention.

I've opened this second forum post to give Amazon another chance to resolve this before escalating further. I would appreciate it if anyone could tag any moderators to bring more attention to my case.

@Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH initially tried to help but went silent over a month ago. Can we please reconnect?


@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B

Attached is proof I am no longer being contacted by Amazon Forum Moderators*

Original post:

Thanks so much,

Looking forward to connecting again.


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Can no longer enter SKU when copying a listing
by Seller_O4OEvN6kuN4WQ
Amazon replied


On most of our ASINS I have 2 listings, 1 is FBA and 1 is MFN. I have never had an issue with this. I would simply copy an ASIN listing and I would enter a new SKU which would be the same, just with either FBA or MFN added to it.

I have just gone to copy a listing for an ASIN, the existing listing is set to MFN but now there is no option to enter an SKU, I went ahead and did this but it has given a random SKU, which is not ideal as this doesn't link to anything. So below is what happened;

Existing ASIN: B0B25RFBFG Existing SKU: Y4308 DGPK 1

In the past I would copy this listing so that the SKU was Y4308 DGPK 1_FBA

But as there was no option to enter the SKU, it has given an SKU of BN-QF4J-9OYB obviously I could use this SKU but it doesn't match up with the SKU on our systems outside of Amazon. Also I mainly search by SKU when looking for a listing.

It's worth noting that I the last time I tried this prior to today was 15/09/2023 so I don't know if there's been a change since then. I have tried searching but can't seem to find any mention of this.

We are the manufacturers of the products and this ASIN was created by us initially.

Has anybody encounterd this or got any thoughts.

Thanks in advance.

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Order ID or Order Item ID for Customs?
by Seller_02vshHrVdfi8E

We have received an email today of a parcel (book worth about £70) to the Netherlands being returned by Evri and looking at the P2G tracking info it says it failed customs clearance. We don't know why that is as so far as we're aware we filled in everything online. However we noticed today when looking at the order that as well as the order id there is an order item id. We have no need for those numbers so hadn't paid much attention before but Amazon tell us to put the number on the parcel when sending to the EU. We had put the order id on the parcel but was it actually the order item id that we needed to put on the parcel and might that be the reason it failed customs clearance?

Thanks for any advice on this.

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Missing Inventory
In reply to: Seller_ctBKj5XBruGft’s postby Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9

If you go to the FBA inventory report,

does it show the original 59 items received on a particular depot on a date.

and then a negative/adjustment on a different date at the same or another fba centre?

and was this shipment only 59 items or are there other sku/quantities that were received ok?

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Missing Inventory
by Seller_ctBKj5XBruGft

Sent in 59 Units with a value of £600+, amazon confirmed this has been checked in and then apparently its gone missing. Now they are changing their story and claiming they didn't receive the items.

An absolute joke I must admit. I am a very small business and £600 is a lot of money to my business. The fact that no one is willing to look into this properly is annoying especially as its been going on for 4 weeks now.

Absolutely disgusting.

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Applying for UK VAT number as a EU business.

Filled out the VAT 1 application form, they sent a follow up "Goods Questionaire" which included the above question. Anyone sure what it means, what the answer is?

I guess it's either Amazon or myself, but cant find any info online to be sure.

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Fair Pricing Violation
In reply to: Seller_zP4mEc2uI42Ja’s postby Seller_rluydfDQ8rGNc

You can complain to the UK Competition & Markets Authority. There is a specific part email for it, you can find it here: ....

OK, amazon wouldn't let me post a link to it (shocking). It is in their 'news' section here:

Pursuant to the commitments Amazon has entered into with the UK Competition & Markets Authority, if you have any complaints regarding Amazon’s compliance with its commitments, you may direct them via a complaint form to the Monitoring Trustee at *****or Alcis Advisers GmbH, Fasanenstraße 73, 10719 Berlin, Germany.

The complaint form and further information can be found on the Monitoring Trustee’s website:

Give it a google, and you'll find it, I'm sure.

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Stuck in a loop
In reply to: Seller_DMwbrfCFLXc1O’s postby Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Hello @Seller_DMwbrfCFLXc1O,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I have checked for you and the information you provided on May 29, 2024 is now being verified. Your funds will be on hold until the verification process has been successfully completed.

This validation can take up to 10 business days starting from the last update provided by the seller.

You will receive a confirmation email when the verification is complete.

I will keep an eye out and let you know as soon as I receive it. In the mean time please keep checking your email.

Regards, Spencer

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