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This is getting crazy, we have a customer that put in an A-Z claim for delivery 204-8597270-0909926, claiming he did not sign for the parcel even though they received it. Amazon stated that we provided enough information that proves he received it, but still refunded over £100 to the customer and to keep the boots. However, Amazon said that they will not count this claim against our Order Defect Rate. Well thank you Amazon!

Any ideas how I can get this money back, no doubt Amazon will be silent on this issue.

Just a thought, how many parcels do I receive from Amazon that are never signed for? all of them, does this precedent by Amazon now mean I can get a refund and keep the item on all my deliveries?

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VAT Reclaiming
by Seller_GtGZAnqNrmArM


I created my company in the UK and started selling on Amazon 6 months ago. I have received an email from Amazon to collect the VAT on my all-time sales. It should be collected after excluding the Amazon fees rather than the selling price.

We are a non-UK established company. We are ready to pay VAT but this is not a good decision by Amazon if they collect the VAT on the selling price and do not exclude their own feeses.

Please guide me on how to talk with Amazon to discuss this matter

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List Price attribute (Books)
In reply to: Seller_dtDzb0clEI627’s postby Seller_RAXEWLxQ2dbmN

I'm seeing this on all used books when going into edit inventory. It's a pain as it cannot be ignored, even by clicking 'irrelevant attribute'.

I'm not sure if it's a glitch.*

If not, it's another indication that Amazon designers have lost the plot when it comes to the used book market (which is where it all started for 3rd party sellers, ironically).

*There are some old threads on the topic (relating to DVDs and CDs rather than books) where it is suggested that entering '0' is the solution but it would be good to have this confirmed by a mod.

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How to report a violation
In reply to: Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4’s postby Seller_EkGoiphKgUnUI

How about a non-exhaustive list of exactly what Amazon considers a violation, how were meant to report it, and what we can do to track the progress of that report. Every time Ive reported something wrong in SS, they dont TELL me to report a violation, but just signpost me to it without saying if what Ive reported to them is a violation. Then, theres no way of then knowing what action, if any has been taken.

Perhaps SS should keep open cases until the apparent "violation" has been addressed or rejected. Amazon need more effective case management processes and the system were given to manage them needs to be improved, so that cases close when we close it, not just after 5 days. And if the issue doesent get fixed, the case doesent get closed.

Also, if we report a violation to SS, they should put some frigging work in and just address it, not signpost us away from them to a non-entity who may or may not actually act.

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How to report a violation
by Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers 👋

Here a quick recap on how to report a violation:

Sellers are responsible for complying with all laws, regulations and Amazon policies when listing products. Amazon encourages sellers to report listing abuse or seller violations of Amazon’s policies or applicable law.

All reports are thoroughly investigated by our team.

For privacy reasons, the results of our investigations cannot be disclosed, but we will take any disciplinary actions that we find appropriate.

Policy violations are the result of a seller violating the activities listed on the Selling Policies and Code of Conduct page.

  1. Go to Report Abuse
  2. Select violation type
  3. Provide concerned Order ID or ASIN/ISBN, as applicable
  4. Make sure to include the following information in the Please describe your issue field, as applicable:
  • The store or business name of the seller that you are reporting
  • The ASIN or ISBN of the item’s detail page and the product title
  • The marketplaces for which the violation has occurred
  • A concise explanation of the violation based on the policy
  • Supporting documentation (for example, order IDs, related messaging or receipts)

5. Submit



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The value specified is invalid. On Every Listing?
by Seller_m0vMpGwaCESpF
Amazon replied

Anyone else having the same problem when trying to edit an existing listing? It seems that no matter what text I place into this first bullet point, it's invalid. Even copying the text from underneath shows as invalid, but not in those lines. It't affecting all of my listings, so not just isolated to a sku or category.

Is this an bug or is it something I'm missing?



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The value specified is invalid. On Every Listing?
In reply to: Seller_m0vMpGwaCESpF’s postby Seller_UMMbTjMTeDj7h

Has anyone managed to get this sorted? I have been trying to fix it for weeks, flat file partial update doesn't help.

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The value specified is invalid. On Every Listing?
In reply to: Seller_UMMbTjMTeDj7h’s postby Seller_2OaVN8OR9Tw7M

Reduce BOTH parent and child listing bullet points to 6

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The value specified is invalid. On Every Listing?
In reply to: Seller_m0vMpGwaCESpF’s postby Seller_2OaVN8OR9Tw7M

"After hours of research, I found a solution that worked for me. You can give it a try. I reduced my bullet points from 7 to 6. If you have variations, make sure to edit each one and limit the bullet points to 6. Also, don't forget to edit the parent listing's bullet points to 6 as well."

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This has to be the best one yet from the Amazon BOT!
In reply to: Seller_AJxxLujbGDqaW’s postby Seller_EkGoiphKgUnUI

SICK AND TIRED OF AMAZON NONSENSE. If theres mods watching over the general mood of sellers in the UK, I don't think I'm alone in saying I've grown a deep dislike, distrust and outright disgust at Amazon.

Several Kups Dolcegusto listings removed for having Group Seb barcodes, despite the IP for Krups being owned by Group Seb. I've apparently got to provide a letter confirming a relationship between Krups and Dolce Gusto in order to fix the listings, despite Amazon selling multiple Krups Dolce Gusto machines and guess what, all Group Seb barcodes. NONSENSE!

I know that Amazon and the Tefal brand have a direct relationship and association, as Tefal sell their goods through Amazon themselves. So I set up a case to ask for some sort of proof, such as the letter of affiliation that Amazon expect me to be able to provide. Did I get one, of course I didnt, you already know this. So Amazon expect us to be able to get in touch with those in power within brands and get documents, but despite us having a direct line into Amazon themselves and they still wont provide the same sort of document either. NONSENSE!

Tonnes of squishmallows products listed as PS5 games, previous posts in here looked like I was getting help, any of them corrected? NOPE. NONSENSE!

4 IPs from the same brand for parallel. Invoice provided by the legitimate UK supplier, a brand everyone reading this will know and trust. Denied due to suspicions its been "edited". Ive since provided the entire chain of custody, bank statements, emails to the supplier asking for the invoice, emais from them with the file attached, and the original file and its filename. Has it been accepted for the legitimate non-parallel purchase made, NOPE. NONSENSE!

Amazon being investigated for monopolistic tactics and saying they "commit to treating third party sellers and Amazon retail equally regarding the buybox algorythm". I have a listing with only us and Amazon selling on it, its even co-mingled (and thats yet another problem where Amazon fall flat but too much to go into here.....). So basically, its the same stock, same service, same delivery expectations and the price, Amazon match ANY price I set instantly, so same price. Sells 100-200 a month. How many of those sales am I seeing? a tiny fraction...... I sent 60 units around december and still have nearly half.... And now Amazon will charge me late storage fees for the privalidge of not selling my stock to customers. NONSENSE!

If you're on a listing and can clearly show Amazon is not treating third party sellers equally, check your home page and make a complaint. The torrent of evidence backed complaints should either get them fined, or enact some sort of change.....

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