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Results for "91바둑이머니판매┴⸤ㅌㄹ@𝐊𝐊𝟖𝟒𝟔𝟓⸩ ⥫플레이포커머니구매⊡"

(352 results)
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Unsubstantiated counterfeit claim
by Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

Received a policy warning that someone had made a counterfeit/authenticity claim on a product I sell.

Now as I buy the product direct from the manufacturer who designed and make the item, and I have been selling it for several years I wasn't unduly worried.

So I go into appeal - and it asks me to submit invoice dated within last 90 days and also dated before the claim was made showing I bought at least 10 units.

So I send in invoice from 9th May showing 25 units bought.

Now I get an email saying the information was not sufficient. Amazon now want me to submit invoices for last 365 days showing total units matching what I have sold over the last 365 days!!

This is frankly ridiculous - I have submitted last 6 months worth invoices and a Letter of Authority from the manufacturer giving me re-sell rights. Im not going back further. This is not Amazon seeing if item is counterfeit - it cannot be as I buy direct from the manufacturer who designed and make the item. It is either a competitor making an unsubstantiated claim or Amazon themselves who want to start selling the item for themselves and checking to see how many units I sell through other channels because they can now see how many units I bought and they know how many I sold on Amazon.

Im getting very disheartened with selling on Amazon with their constant interference in my business and constant requests for documentation. I also received yet another request from Amazon to prove my VAT status because they say the name on their records does not match up with my VAT Certificate. Strange how this test passed before. Anyway, so I have had to download and send in my VAT Certificate yet again - and lo and behold the names match exactly between the Certificate (that they have had now several times) and the name in Amazon Business Information. Im seriously thinking of quitting altogether.

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by Seller_SQgoQ7DOR69NP

I lost 100% of my featured offers/buy boxes overnight. Previously all my listings won buy boxes, but now I'm losing 90% of them, even though I'm the cheapest, have only one seller and FBA, and have good seller account health and performance metrics. Can you help me to solve this problem? Thanks. @Spencer_Amazon

This is bad for business.

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Fair Use of Someone else’s Trademark
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

Hello Sellers,

So far we have reinstated 96 listings.

Please, share your cases IDs and ASINs before deciding to remove any of your listings

Thank you for your cooperation,


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Account deactivated. Appeal rejected 20+ times
by Seller_0bpslEX359dRn
Amazon replied


I would appreciate some help if possible.

I have had my UK selling account deactivated for almost 6 weeks due to a high ODR %. They seem to think I simply marked orders as sent without sending them

Since the account was deactivated, I have spoken to Amazon Account support staff almost 30 times. Each time they suggest adding new information to my appeal and still I continue to receive the same rejection template email.

I have provided explanations and documentation for everything that has been requested plus more.

Originally, I was asked to provide proof of delivery for last 30 days. Then 60 days. Then 90 days.

Not only have I provided detailed excel spreadsheets with orders going back last 6 months which include tracking numbers, delivery status, refund status if so and reason for this, but I have also supplied picture proof of over 100 deliveries. I have provided my Incorporation documents, banking information, POA and a letter from the courier.

As everything has failed thus far, I tried to escalate my case to the MD office but I keep getting the same rejection emails or no replies at all.

It seems as if Amazon no longer cares much about helping Sellers reactivate their accounts.

Any help would be appreciated as this has become very frustrating and tiresome.

I’ve had deactivations previously and they lasted anywhere between 4-18 months. It’s fair to say, I cannot afford to be waiting that long again without access to funds that are being held.


someone please help



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Valid Tracking Rate
by Seller_mgF4QF9tiaBZy
Amazon replied

Just a heads up. I was warned that my 'Valid Tracking Rate' had fallen to 91%, way below the required rate. This made no sense at all, because I use the Seller App to confirm postage as soon as it goes. (I'm selling CDs, mostly, sent 2nd class, signed for, which is the cheapest I can do while still providing a reference number). It turned out that Amazon only recognises the class of postage if it is inserted using the drop down list, which is not available on the app - you have to type it manually.

I was still fairly puzzled, because I had been using the app for about three years and if they had appleid this rule properly, 100% of my sales would have failed their metric!

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Valid Tracking Rate
In reply to: Seller_mgF4QF9tiaBZy’s postby Seller_eFBIgawAZQyhw

Your Valid Tracking Rate is below 95%

I send most of my consignments via Royal Mail Tracked 48hr, but I keep getting a warning over listing suspension on one of my items, I am only selling it for £3.00, which means I can't possibly then spend £2.70 on a tracked service, why can you add RM 2nd Class as an option on your shipping template?


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Account Level Reserve Percentage Excessively High
by Seller_dDQT2kcwiN7zV
Amazon replied

For the past couple of months, approximately 90% of our 'Net Proceeds' are consistently held in the 'Account Level Reserve' when disbursements are made to us.

I understand that Amazon "typically reserves our sales proceeds until a certain number of days after the delivery date of an order to ensure we have enough funds to fulfil any refund requests from buyers," but that does NOT seem to be the case here.

For example, we had a disbursement made to us yesterday on Amazon UK where we only received 1% of the total proceeds and 99% of the funds was held in 'Account Level Reserve'. Of the 1% that was paid to us, this was for orders that were placed during the last 1-2 days so that proves that our funds are NOT being reserved until a certain number of days after delivery.

This issue is affecting all our Amazon marketplaces and is significantly impacting our business's cash flow.

We have created multiple seller support cases, spoke on support live chat, emailed the disbursements-appeals/payments-investigates/managing-director Amazon email addresses but we've not gotten anywhere with anyone.

I would appreciate it if someone could review our account to check for any blocks, required verifications (bank details, account information, etc.), or any other potential reasons for this issue.

Thank you.


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Selling Restricted Due to Account Verification
by Seller_Tt7Ybuv9uqugV
Amazon replied

I received an email stating

*** Suspended selling privileges status

90-day removal notification


We have previously notified you that your selling privileges have been suspended or that your access to Amazon selling services is limited. (And further below in the email they explained that i have to remove my stranded inventory and how i can do that.) ***

When I contacted seller support they told me that my account is under verification and advise me to email the verification team for an update. I have emailed them twice but haven't received any response from them.

Moreover, I never received any email or performance notification regarding my account being restricted due to verification and not being ask to provide anything.

I have invested all my savings into the inventory i have dispatched to amazon warehouse for FBA and now it's getting very difficult for me to wait i need to start selling as soon as possible.

ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME IN THIS ISSUE. @Seller_pKdF0dnvoraDu @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH@Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B

Thanks in anticipation.

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Requesting a MOD help me get to the bottom of this. All of my listings have been made inactive in all of the European countries pending my identity verification. (We do millions a year on amazon UK+DE + rest of EU , so each day we are losing many thousands of dollars in revenue)

Amazon says you have 60 days to provide this information or your account will be disabled. Their first contact with me was May 21 2024, they disabled my account June 12, 2024. I have been dealing with this for over a week now. Each time they contact me, they ask for more documents without explanation. Why don't they just ask me for everything they need right away? Why did they go against their policy and disable my selling account before the 60 day period? Can a mod please help? I've had 7-8 calls to the account health team and they are zero help.

Timeline went as follows:

  1. May 21, received first email requesting identity verification docs.
  2. May 27, second email second email requesting identity verification docs.
  3. May 28 I received a call and email. I said that I was on vacation from May 20-30 and would get to it as soon as possible. I noted in the emails it said I had 60 days.
  4. June 12, account deactivated with (Action Required) Information needed for selling account. One of the following documents issued within the last 180 days:

-- A fictitious business name statement

-- A "doing business as" (DBA) document

-- A valid (not expired) business license

-- A document confirming payment of income tax or self-employment tax

I provided them with A EIN business license from the IRS, and a scanned copy of my passport. They asked for more.

5. June 12, Hours after I sent the EIN, they sent another email asking for more documents. Account is still deactivated. (Action Required) Information needed for selling account.

One of the following documents issued within the last 180 days:

-- A fictitious business name statement

-- A "doing business as" (DBA) document

-- A valid (not expired) business license

-- A document confirming payment of income tax or self-employment tax

I provided my DBA and a Bank account statement with my DBA in the title and my address and full name clearly stated on the PDF. The next day, they asked for more.

6. June 13th. They asked for a "Certified bank letter" with the following requirements.

-- The document must be dated within the last 180 days.

-- The document must show the bank name and the bank logo.

-- The document must be signed or stamped by the bank.

-- The document must include the account holder's name, residential address, and bank account number.

I went to my bank and they created a certified letter, stating my full name, my DBA, the full account name, and everything they provided on their certified letterhead. I even took a photo, holding up the letter, and my passport, inside the bank, and sent that as well.

7. June 17th. They asked for MORE documents. Address verification documents:

Here is what they are requesting. Keep in mind, I have already submitted my bank statement. So they are requesting the same document twice here.

For the primary contact person, provide a copy of a proof of address document. We can accept any of the following documents:

-- Council tax bill

-- Utility bill (gas, water, electricity, TV, internet, mobile phone, or landline)

-- Bank statement (Documents issued by a financial services provider, such as third-party providers or online digital banks, are not acceptable as a proof of address.)

-- Credit union or building society statement

-- Credit card statement or bill

-- Mortgage statement

-- Rent receipt from a local council or letting agent

-- Benefits agency letter (such as from the Department for Works & Pensions, Job Centre Plus, or Veterans Agency) confirming your rights to benefits

Ensure that the document meets the following criteria:

-- The document must show the individual’s name and residential address, as well as the provider’s logo.

-- The document must be dated within 180 days.

-- For a council tax bill only, the document must be valid for the current tax year.

-- The document must not be a screenshot.

-- The information in the document must match the information in your Seller Central account.

So I sent them a SCANNED copy, of my mortgage statement. Since they didn't accept the PDF download of my bank statement.

Based on amazon's own policy, it would appear my account was disabled before it should have. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of documents they are asking for. Every email, I give them what they want. Why are they asking for more? Why not just ask for it all at once? What else do they need from me? What will they ask for next? DNA sample? At this point, I don't care what I have to do, I just need my account active so I can continue selling. It's not just the money lost, that I can never get back, its the ranking we lost, which will take weeks if not months to get back. The losses are staggering, and for an account of our size, to be going 4 days in-between contact, is blowing my mind.

I did not want to post, but I just don't know what more I can do, im losing my mind over this.

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Hola, desde 2023 me hice vendedor generico aunque ya tenia la solicitud de marca a probada, pero Amazon me puso muchas trabas,

De dos envios que realice , me dijeron habian perdido en sus centros logisticos algunos productos, precisamente los mas valiosos. Un inventario de mas de 4000€ , me desembolsaron menos de 90€.

Ahora queiero retirar todos mis productos y darme de baja de amazon como vendedor. Es imposible, correos genericos , nadie te ayuda, y te sientes que cada dia que pasa pierdes mas y mas dinero

Es intolerable la politica de Amazon

es mi experiencia

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