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Results for "U1아산오피㈄⦋오피가자.COM⦌▲서면오피"

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Dear Amazon Support,

I've registered my LLC in US, on virtual address due to some reasons my account has been deactivated, now they need to verify this via any utility bill/piped gas/ water bill etc for the same address for reactivation of my account. however, I am non us resident owner of llc company and on virtual address its impossible to get these utility bills.

I'm confused how can I provide such utility bill/piped gas bill etc for virtual address?


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I have Finnish company, which is going to take care off all our sales in Amazon EU.

We have established subsidiary to UK (Registered to HMRC, owned 100% by our Finnish company) and that company is going to take care off all sales in UK. I already have 1 Seller Central account (directed to Finnish company) for EU sales.

I am not sure should i add our UK companys VAT number to current Seller Central account VAT listings or should I setup a new account for UK company? I have understanded that it's illegal to have 2 Seller Central accounts, especially if you are selling the same products.

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Ich bin ein Verkäufer mit Selbstversand und versende meine Bestellungen weiterhin. Ich muss mich jetzt mit vielen After-Sales-Problemen des Käufers befassen. Ich kann E-Mails von Käufern erhalten, aber nicht auf Nachrichten von Käufern antworten. Ich brauche Hilfe.

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by Seller_eSc8X5lQq8ZwD

Good Evening All,

A customer of our has sent some returned trainers back to Amazon instead of to us and these are now lost as Amazon won't forward back to us.

How would you recommend dealing with that?

Close return as not received?

Refund and then Safe T?

The Amazon chat has not being overly helpful.

Can you file a Safe T before refunding?

Thanks for your help guys

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Unsubstantiated counterfeit claim
In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s postby Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

So after a lot of back and forth I have finally gotten to the bottom of the problem.

Customer wanted a straw hat. My hats are made of simulated straw (and says so in description). So their actual complaint was bogus as they had not read the description correctly and the fact they used 'inauthentic' in their complaint caused so much aggravation. The customer was just a normal customer - they had no authority on the issue, were not brand holder or anything so for Amazon to give any credence to such a complaint in the first place was a bit ridiculous.

Nevertheless, Amazon wanted last 365 days invoices from my supplier. I got my supplier to send me copies of all invoices from May 2023. I would send invoices, Amazon would come back to say they could not verify supplier (they had made no attempt at even contacting supplier as I asked the supplier) so then Amazon wanted suppliers supplier invoices. I would explain there was no suppliers supplier as I bought directly from the manufacturer who designed and produced the hat. Then Amazon would ask for last 365 days invoices, I provided and whole sequence kept repeating.

Finally an Account Health Specialist I spoke to (for the third time on the issue) said that if I went to Manage Orders, and searched last 365 days for the ASIN that the number Amazon said I had sold was greater than the number of units I had bought on the invoices.

So I checked - the trouble was

1. As Amazon kept asking for invoices from last 365 days and that is what I provided - items sold May 2023 were actually bought in April 2023 - so these invoices were missing and this stock meant my total bought was higher than Amazon calculated just from looking at last 365 days. So I provided invoices from April 2023 to May 2024 instead

2. Looking at the sales Amazon said I had made I realised they were counting orders made - not sales. There were many refunds where customer had returned the hat and it had then gone back into stock and re-sold. So the number reported by Amazon was higher than actual sales.

Taking into account units bought in April 2023 and the returned/re-sold items and it proved I had bought more units than had actually sold.

When appealing , Amazon only allows files to be uploaded and has no box for additional information. So I created a Word document containing the above information with actual figures showing my calculations and finally Amazon have agreed I can continue selling the item.

So for a month now I have been tied up on the issue. And all because Amazon gave credence to 1 complaint out of 1000 from someone who had no authority on the issue - and because Amazon could not understand basics of having to buy in stock before it can be sold (hence they needed more than last 365 days invoices) and the fact they were counting orders made and not actual sales.

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Dear Amazon,

We tried calling the Amazon UK Seller Central Support Team but couldn't get through, it just showed "Internal Failure" (please see attached screenshot as below). Amazon customer service told us to change browsers, but it doesn't work either. (As you can see in the screenshot we were using the Microsoft Edge)

We would like to know the reason why can't make a call from Taiwan? Does Amazon have restrictions on other international codes?

Hope to get your reply ASAP, thank you.

Thanks and best regards,

Ellie C.

Addlink Technology Corp.

[Moderator Edit: personal data removed]

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Valid Tracking Rate
by Seller_mgF4QF9tiaBZy
Amazon replied

Just a heads up. I was warned that my 'Valid Tracking Rate' had fallen to 91%, way below the required rate. This made no sense at all, because I use the Seller App to confirm postage as soon as it goes. (I'm selling CDs, mostly, sent 2nd class, signed for, which is the cheapest I can do while still providing a reference number). It turned out that Amazon only recognises the class of postage if it is inserted using the drop down list, which is not available on the app - you have to type it manually.

I was still fairly puzzled, because I had been using the app for about three years and if they had appleid this rule properly, 100% of my sales would have failed their metric!

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KYC Verification
In reply to: Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN’s postby Seller_yuewxqQ3T1hsu

Is there an office I can come to and get information about the verification delay? Does face-to-face communication speed up the process?

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Applying for UK VAT number as a EU business.

Filled out the VAT 1 application form, they sent a follow up "Goods Questionaire" which included the above question. Anyone sure what it means, what the answer is?

I guess it's either Amazon or myself, but cant find any info online to be sure.

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I find it extremely concerning that if as a seller, I'm not meeting the target rate of below 5% for uploading an invoice within 24 hours of a customer payment, I am at risk of deactivation.

If this is such a sensitive metric that can lead to de-activation of an account, why isn't there a notification alert from Amazon requesting sellers to upload the invoice within 24 hours of the payment being made with the order I.D for said invoice each time? We get an email alert to respond to buyers messages within 24 hours of the buyer message for instance.

As sellers, we have a host of duties to perform. Do they expect us to check the orders page every few hours to ensure this mundane task is promptly met within a very narrow timeframe each time? This is extremely unreasonable in my humble opinion. I would like to adhere to this, however, life gets in the way, and without notification prompts, this is very difficult to adhere to ALL OF THE TIME.

Is there a way to receive an alert from Amazon each time an order is placed requiring an invoice to be uploaded?

I have auto invoices set up for all the countries where I have VAT registration, but occasionally, you get orders from other EU countries that do not have VAT registration, thus making this task difficult to adhere to without fail.

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