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Results for "t010인증판매⊴{텔그@𝐼𝑆𝐸𝑈𝐿𝑇𝐴𝐿𝐾} 모바일카톡팝니다⊝국내카톡인증█카톡인증업체➦비실명인증업체⟶"

(5 results)
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Automotive Aftermarket Parts
In reply to: Seller_8OVvPzBgjK8jA’s postby Seller_uPuf4V7GDz2aH

I am also an aftermarket brand owner. I have avoided all issues with what you describe by using the following format (example):

Brake Discs compatible with Ford Focus 2010-2015

I haven't had any issues with brand or model when using this format.

The important thing is the use of "compatible with" before any brand names. "Ford Focus brake discs" will cause issues as it implies they are manufactured by Ford. Also use the PartFinder as the other seller already suggested. I also include an excel fitment table which includes all compatible vehicles, which I save as a jpeg and use as a final "image".

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Reserve Policy Change - Option To Extend To 2025
In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM

I just had the continuous threats of the reserve with the date going back every time.

I opened my account in 2010 or thereabouts.

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Leaderboard April 2024
In reply to: Seller_MT8rt0A2OpbCx’s postby Seller_c2AXLXkxBm8Rx

I don't think that's quite correct.

As I said, Kika possessed the intellect to understand Amazon's "processes" very well indeed - if she ever came up short, perhaps it was only in relation to local variations? Correct me if I'm wrong.

The truth is that there's a reason why Amazon has been repeatedly fined for anti-trust violations - because in its arrogance, it thought nothing of creating T&Cs that were not only excessively punitive, but deeply underhand and duplicitous. In other words, holding out a helping hand to new businesses, making promises to "help them grow"... and then slowly and steadily destroying them. That's pretty well the definition of anti-trust.

I ran a very efficient little account on here - I'd already been trading for over 25 years when I started selling on Amazon in 2010. I never even received one neutral or negative in 10 years trading on here. I was way more efficient than Amazon itself!! BUT that didn't stop Amazon from sending me hundreds of ridiculous emails, warning me of absurd restrictions and threats of suspension etc etc. For nothing - I was the very definition of a perfect seller.

As far as Kika is concerned, her ability to cut through all this bullsh*t was so exceptional it got up Amazon's noses. The bully doesn't like to be exposed, the bully always has cronies - so Kika was punished for being smart, for being straight, honest and true. Not only that, but she was insulted and abused by gullible posters AND Amazon employees.

The fact still remains that Kika should be welcomed back to the forum as part of Amazon's apology package, not least because she can actually help sellers with their issues. Rather more than Amazon's so called "seller support" can/

I totally understand your point about sellers who aren't up to scratch Apricot. I was a long term participant in eBay's member reporting program - incompetent and dishonest sellers do not deserve a place on any online selling platform. I never saw Kika trying to help those kinds of sellers - perhaps only occasionally spelling out the basics to them?

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Penguin Books - Suddenly Require Approval
In reply to: Seller_RAXEWLxQ2dbmN’s postby Seller_eX5PU1b0GGPXn

Mine were 2014 and 2010

So not the most recent

Very random in choice of books restricted

But listed when permission granted

Some I have already sold without problems

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Anyone else eerily quiet this weekend?
In reply to: Seller_ejiFQ2ymaOUmR’s postby Seller_hOZNPw7G8FIjl

March and the beginning of April have been the worst since starting selling on here in 2010. No orders for almost 2 weeks. Think I'll have to shut up shop :(

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