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Results for "20프라그마틱업체 ⸨ 텔 FT24CS ⸩프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체"

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Results for "20프라그마틱업체 ⸨ 텔 FT24CS ⸩프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체-프라그마틱업체"

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by Seller_zP4mEc2uI42Ja
Amazon replied

I have reported a seller several times and no one at amazon have done anything.

Seller name: LIKKEOCH

This person is selling everything for £4.42, even high value items. We are selling duraframes for £18.00 and they cost us £5.90 to buy.

The feedback is all 1's and everyone is saying goods not shipped.

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by Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM

Don't worry. Amazon have very robust systems to prevent and block this type of seller, especially after another seller reports them (a few times).

Maybe they are waiting for the feedback to go down to 0%.


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Buy shipping for international orders
by Seller_RwotLZSnX4QIA

Hi all,

So i have just update some of my listings to other countries and have had 2 sales to france and 1 to spain.

How do i use buy shipping print off in bulk along with other orders?

When i put the weight and size in the only service it comes up with is DHL at around £20, these are large letter items which weigh less than 100 grams so this price is insane.

I have today just purchased the labels through royal mails site but i am sending via standard airmail so have no tracking so won't this hurt my VTR on these orders if i just put stamps/franking?

Any help would be great :-)

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Buy shipping for international orders
by Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

" i did put the first 3 in as stamps"

Hopefully it hasn't impacted your VTR too much. I no longer sell overseas because of the high postage costs, though I sell books so sometimes heavier items.

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Buy shipping for international orders
by Seller_RwotLZSnX4QIA

Ah thank you this helps alot.

I don't mind buying postage from royal mail for a few orders but if i put all of my items on other countries and end up with something like 50 orders over a weekend it will take me forever to type them all across to get the labels so was thinking there must be a faster way.

Yea i did put the first 3 in as stamps as didn't know about the other option so will do it properly from now on.

Thanks again for the help :-)

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You have now started 5 threads for more or less the same topic - which is against forum guidelines, and likely that a forum mod will close 4 of them - you do need to stick to just one thread per topic. @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM

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VTR Category Suspension
by Seller_vPTlUYc5NALmW

I’ve had one of my categories suspended so am in the process of writing an appeal. The reason for being under 95% is threefold - several ‘Invalid’ IDs with no tracking input, several where tracking was initially entered from buying online postage from RM but subsequently given new numbers at the post office (and not amended on orders) and lastly where on a few occasions I’d inadvertently input the letter O instead of a number 0.

So here is my poa so far - really grateful for any comments/advice/room for improvement before sending it off. Thanks.

The root causes that led to a lower than expected Valid Tracking Rate:

1) I did not fill in some tracking numbers at all which led to there being some 'Invalid' entries in my VTR

2) some labels purchased from Royal Mail online and initially input into orders were allocated new tracking numbers and/or carriers when dropping parcels at the post office but not subsequently updated on the orders

3) on occasion Royal Mail tracking numbers have been mistakenly, and carelessly, entered with the letter 'O' instead of a number '0' leading to 'Invalid' entries

What actions I have taken to resolve the lower than expected Valid Tracking Rate?

1) & 3) In order to prevent there being any missing or inaccurate tracking numbers I have now employed someone to assist purely in the recording of valid tracking numbers into every order

2) to avoid any possibility of being allocated different tracking numbers or carriers once already input, I have now signed up to a Royal Mail Business account. By picking up my mail it will avoid entirely any need to visit the post office and potentially receiving different tracking numbers.

What steps I have taken to prevent a lower than expected Valid Tracking Rate going forward

We have now re-read and familiarised ourselves with both the Valid Tracking Rate Policy ( and the Valid Tracking Rate FAQ ( in depth, noting the importance of inputting valid tracking numbers/carriers into all orders in order to prevent future Invalid IDs and breach of VTR policy and of course importantly, giving the customer a good buying experience. I believe both the collection of my mail by Royal Mail and the employment of an extra person dedicated to VTR responsibility will achieve this goal.

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Product Review as Seller Feedback Again
by Seller_gEv1wCLlWibuA
Amazon replied

Hi guys,

We've received many seller feedback on Christmas season, which are actually product reviews. Can you please look into these and help me removing them because automated replies are not very helpful:

1- 206-0771233-1666749

2- 205-0588567-2957947

3- 026-7274406-8700312

4- 203-7693381-9257124

5- 203-8732135-0198706

6- 202-1968494-5090753

Thank you so much in advance.

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK@Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

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We have just received a 3 star review where the comment is "Unable to comment at the moment as I've been in hospital for months"

A three star review has the same impact on a seller feedback score as a one or two star review.

Surely as the customer has no review to leave for understandable reasons through no fault of their own this cannot be retained?

Amazon have refused to remove the comment and the buyer has opted out of messages so we cannot contact them.

Can anyone help the order number is 202-3217088-5900311

@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_Udi0JNbTrsmUV @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_rX0LOsTSK2Zer

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Premium A+ Content Access Lost
by Seller_g5sGu1QVOejoR
Amazon replied


We had access to Premium A+ Content for over a year. We submitted numerous successfully approved Premium A+ designs.

As of last week, we lost access to Premium A+ modules. We can still view our designs in the A+ Content Manager and attempt to edit them. However, when submitting, we receive an error:

Requested from: [/aplus/api/SaveContent]. Recieved status: [400] with message: [APLUS_VALOO_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE_ACCESS_ERROR]. The A+ content contains modules to which you do not have access: [Premium Full Image, Premium Background Image with Text, Premium Comparison Table 1, Premium Full Video].

We are also unable to create new Premium A+ designs, as the option is simply no longer available.

Have any of you encountered Premium A+ access being revoked? If so, how can we obtain it back, as we have already met all the requirements?

Support is ineffective and provides outdated requirements (which we comply with anyway).

Case ID: 10672009642

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