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Results for "E한게임머니구매⋮(텔그𝐊𝐊𝟖𝟒𝟔𝟓} ↘플레이포커머니구매┻"

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Results for "E한게임머니구매⋮(텔그𝐊𝐊𝟖𝟒𝟔𝟓} ↘플레이포커머니구매┻"

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Reporting Buyers: Amazon's Duty of Care to Sellers?
by Seller_pvx82zrXMTSpX

Hello Sellers,

I hope this post, message, rant... whatever you wish to call it, finds you well.

We're at our wits end with fraudulent buyers. It's sad that we have become quite good with dealing with them and can poke a million holes in their stories. As our items are typically high-value, we gather a considerable amount of evidence with every single order we fulfil and every return we process. For example, every item is sent Royal Mail, Signed For. If the order contains more than one item, we take a picture of the packaged goods on a scale. We retain serial numbers of electrical devices and apply security seals on packaging that shows when things have been opened. We video record opening every single return from start to finish...

This is a small taste of the things we do to protect our business and I am sure you all take a wide-range of similar actions. Yet unfortunately despite all of these things we often lose false/fraudulent A-Z claims to "preserve the customer experience". Whilst we are unhappy this is the way this works, we understand that we are not alone.

With this in mind my real question or point is, why does Amazon not act on clear fraud and importantly what happens when it goes further than just a fraudulent A-Z claim?

In the last few months our business has been attacked across the internet by unhappy fraudsters, damaging our reputation on here and everywhere our business name graces and I have even had death threats to my personal Facebook account. Despite all of this, there is still no clear process to report a buyer on this platform for anything other than their messages.

Over the last two weeks, we have had another fraudster jump on the hamster wheel: making various claims to Amazon about the order they received was "not brand new", and when that failed "it didn't arrive/nothing in the box" before magically turning to "it is broken"; only for the item to be returned unopened in the same packaging we sent it out in. Amazon has been pulled in on three different occasions through A-Z claims where the buyer provided no evidence whereas we did, and they also engaged Amazon's general Customer Support an additional 2 times to make other various demands about how "the buyer can't return the item via that method, please sort something else out and be sure to reply within 48 hours". Why can't Amazon step in at any of these points, see from the evidence we have provided and they are reviewing that the customer is acting fraudulently and take steps to protect us? This buyer has now gone on to slate us across the internet and report our conduct to Amazon where we are facing a serious policy violation.

I waste so much time on these people and half the battle is Amazon's stance on this. Why is this buyer not banned from their platform or given a warning? Why can I not report this buyer for attempted fraud here? Why do I have a "serious policy violation" for telling this fraudulent buyer that has damaged my business across the internet that "Making false statements online about a business to damage their reputation is illegal and I will not hesitate to protect my business if you continue", after everything they have done right under Amazon's nose?

I spent half an hour of my Friday trying to report this latest fraudster to a Seller Support agent that did not even know what fraud was. This isn't good enough and I hope that this is an area which Amazon significantly improve in or failing that find themselves in court over one day. To be clear, we actively report fraudulent buyers to Action Fraud UK and encourage all sellers to do the same when necessary to protect businesses everywhere.

What is Amazon's Duty of Care to Sellers? We pay their selling fees and give them a commission of every sale, do they not owe us protection as sellers on their marketplace? Why is their no clear route to report these buyers here?

Please feel free to share your experiences, thoughts or comments below.

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Ive already posted 3 times today about trying to do listings when Amazon seem to be doing everything in their power to stop me.

Unbelievably I've now encountered a new problem

I'm just trying to do some simple edits of some of my current listings - change my asking price , correct a spelling mistake in my description of the book. etc. Each time the little red dot warning me something is wrong pops up on "Product Details". The problem is "Language Type" - I have to change "unknown" to "original language" .

This is another new box and , presumably, "unknown" has been put in as the default. It is not a difficult thing to correct but it is so annoying

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"Language Type" seems to apply only to audio books as far as I can tell yet it appears to be on every edit page for books.

The new format is almost unbelievably clunky and useless for the majority of books.

It is full of mostly irrelevant options such as :

Does this product have customisations?

Target Audience

Part Number

Maximum Reading Age

Included Components

Lexile Code


Number of Pages Unit

Dangerous Goods Regulations

EU TSD Non Age Specific Warning

Compliance Media Source Location

GPSR Safety Attestation

Product Warranty

GHS Statement

...yet there is no field for important attributes such as editor, illustrator, preface, foreword etc &c

In any case, these fields should only be completed by the publisher/manufacturer. They are for the most part completely irrelevant for resellers (almost certainly amounting to at least 99% of the sellers who are forced to scroll through this nonsense).

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Not winning buy box as a new seller
by Seller_fkCx49hQJ7ZWl

Hi everyone,

Not sure how to say this but I am a new seller on amazon, the cheapest on all my listings but not won buy box at all. 0%. I sent 84 units to the coventry depot, inventory was then sent out to other depots around the UK currently 74 is available to sell. But like I said, nothing is selling. At all. Other sellers on the products are still making sales & winning buy box. Super confused. Has anyone experienced this before? Will my sales come after shipment is closed?

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Not winning buy box as a new seller
by Seller_fkCx49hQJ7ZWl

thanks for your response, I still haven’t had a share of the buy box even though I am the cheapest. Super annoying!

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Delivery Date Policy
by Seller_7pTs15IYXmTOB

Hello everyone

I am a tiny seller with just two sales I think this month or at best in the past few weeks. I have a wee £31 in my account and even that is under "deferred"

It says "Delivery Date Policy"

What is this all about please.

One of my fulfillment is with amazon and one was seller fulfilled.

I have opened a case but predictably a most long-winded response copy and paste of amazon website which I am struggling to figure out what applies to me.

Any similar experience? And what steps do I take to have this issue fixed, please?

Many thanks for your time

Case ID 10304957492


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Delivery Date Policy
by Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

You’re talking about tracking now. The dd+7 refers to the latest estimated delivery date.

Irregardless of tracking (which some orders might not even have) they will still have a last estimated delivery date.

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Amazon has lost all images to a product
by Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

Just had a message from Amazon saying listing suppressed.

On checking all images for the product are no longer there. This product is a dressing gown that comes in 3 sizes, and all images for all variants are gone too. Now this has been an active item for many years. Ive just uploaded the images again but how come they were deleted in the first place?

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I list ( often ) dozens of new items a day. Why cant i simply send those in bulk to ( or via ) 'Send Inventory' ? I seem to be able only to send one item at a time ..... confused ....

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We invite you all to our upcoming Ask Amazon Event. This time, we'll be addressing your questions about the new Manage All Inventory experience.

Do you have any queries or feedback regarding the New Manage All Inventory Interface? Join our Ask Amazon event on 1st October 2024, from 9 am to 5 pm (BST), and post your questions and comments in the dedicated Manage All Inventory Ask Amazon thread. We'll collaborate closely with our Manage Your Inventory Team to provide answers.

Please note: This event is intended for general questions and we cannot provide advice or feedback on individual claims.

We look forward to addressing your queries!

If you're not yet familiar with the Manage All Inventory interface updates, here's a list of the new features:

  • Customise your table view to suit your business needs. Click the gear icon to navigate to the Preferences page and set your default view.
  • Find your product variations organised as a single expandable group within your product list.
  • Sort listings by product performance metrics (Last 30-day sales, units, page views, and sales rank).
  • Easily access pricing and inventory details via updated pop-ups with comprehensive information in a single place.
  • Search for multiple products simultaneously.


Have a great day, and see you at the New Manage All Inventory Experience Ask Amazon Event!

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