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Results for "Q6G7구글-바넌피유심-텔그@banonpi,선불유심내구제,회선당7만원,선불유심매입,선불유심삽니다"

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Results for "Q6G7구글-바넌피유심-텔그@banonpi,선불유심내구제,회선당7만원,선불유심매입,선불유심삽니다"

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VAT Relief
by Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

Amazon state this...

VAT Refunds for Disabled or Chronically Ill Persons

Amazon can issue VAT refunds on eligible sales to customers who are registered disabled or chronically ill. To apply for your VAT refund, after your order has been completed you'll need to fill out an eligibility declaration form which can be requested from our Customer Service department or obtained directly from HMRC (HMRC Notice 701/7 VAT reliefs for disabled people). Please send the completed form to us via the following address:

Amazon UK Services Ltd

1 Principal Place

Worship Street



United Kingdom

Alternatively, you can submit the form via email, in PDF format, to b2b-refund@

If you're in any doubt as to whether you're eligible to receive goods or services zero-rated for VAT you should consult HMRC.

For sales by Marketplace Sellers, whether enrolled into Amazon’s Tax Calculation Service or not, you’ll need to contact the seller directly to ask for a VAT refund.

So it reads like the customer pays in full and you can refund the VAT. You should probably read up on if your items qualify of course etc.

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I woke up this morning to 5 emails telling me that my VTR has dropped

I only use buy shipping and nothing else.

I have also tried to contact the health specialist but they are not answering and have told me to ring back at a later time, which I will

Has this happened to anyone else,? I do everything by the book so a bit lost with this

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I’m applying to sell my soft drink under groceries and fine foods, but every time I submit further information with my product photos, I receive an almost instant rejection. I cannot get help within the application ‘chat’ as I simply receive the same error message when I ask for assistance or to speak with a human. When calling Amazon help, I am simply told to return to the application chat where I receive the same error message.

Any ideas?

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Just got this answer from Amazon




Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for contacting us regarding the appeal of your VTR being at risk.

Regarding any questions, I would recommend contacting the Account Health Team in the Account Health section of Seller Central.

We appreciate your appeal, however we cannot provide a resolution to this issue as of now.

We will reach out to you if we require more information.

For any queries related to this issue, please do not hesitate to reach out if you are still having issues.

For further requests not related to this query, please create a new case with the following form to get a quicker response:

1. What exact steps did you take to resolve the error?

2. Have you followed all of the steps outlined in a relevant help page?

3. Did you encounter any errors when trying to fix the issue?

4. Any identifier related to the issue such as product ID or if you uploaded a Feed file, then the Batch ID of the Feed file.

Thank you, have a great day!

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.

Were you satisfied with the support provided?

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There is some confusion, if you look at the line 3.b below, it contradicts what you say.

You say in your message above:

'VTR will now include ALL shipping service providers, not just those integrated with Amazon for scan information

However the VTR page says :

3. 'We will not calculate your Valid Tracking Rate for the following shipments (“VTR-exempt shipments”):

a. Your shipments which are not Fulfilled by Merchant shipments;

b. Your domestic shipments delivered by non-integrated delivery service providers;

So, what is the correct answer please?


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A few days ago listings for 3 new ASINS were blocked because I needed to up[date the ingredients attribute.

I have had this before & it is usually no problem to update by going into edit listing & updating the attributes. This time around for some reason the listings have been blocked which means that I can’t use the edit listing function to update the attribute.

I have had a long back & fourth with seller support who have been unable to help. All they keep saying is that your ‘listing appeal has been rejected please update ingredients attribute’ yet I can’t update the attribute as the listing is blocked!

They have advised updating the product via inventory file but it does not give me the option to upload a product update & anyway editing via listing is far simpler, so this is not an option

I spoke to seller support over the phone who agreed that all that needs to happen is my listing is unblocked so I can update the attributes.

Please could somebody urgently help me resolve this for the below ASINs.





Case ID 10693270982

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Spencer_Amazon could you please have a look at listing

Amazon is out of stock but keeps on decreasing the price to fix the buybox for future sales.

this has badly effected health of the listing.

Recommended retail price is 32.99, Amazon with no stock on hand is offering the product for 22.99 to hold the buybox promising delivery within 7months.

Amazon is expected to adhere to the competition laws, could you please remove or amend the amazon offering? this will allow the seller partners to have an opportunity to get a share of the buybox.

many thanks

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As of now (14:00 15/01/2025)

1. The UK help pages state that cross border shipments are exempt from VTR

2. The Germany/France help pages state that cross border shipments above 20 Euro to and from UK, DE, IT, ES, NL, PT, PL, AT, SE are within VTR (No France or Belgium?)

3. The above statement contradicts both of these as it refers to "between" and includes France.

@Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sNplease clarify as soon as possible.

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Yesterday, I got a notice to fix stranded inventory for 2 lines. I have been selling them for some time, and we have approval for most brands in our category (music). The problem is that Deutsche Grammophon products are listed under Dolce & Gabbana brand or a nonexistent brand: $DOLCE & GABBANA. I know that I will not be able to get the application approved due to the brand on the ASIN being a brand that doesn't match the product. I and many other sellers have tried to list and failed before. The topic was discussed before because we couldn't list some products (please see the link below) and@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK had to remove brand approval manually. Now, I face the same problem, but now for existing listings...

All $DOLCE & GABBANA, Dolce and Gabbana, D&G, DG, etc. approval requirements should be lifted under the music category. They do not produce anything related to music! Hundreds of ASINS prevent sellers from listing and selling. @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM@Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP Could you please help? My ASINs: B08KHP42W8 , B08NMD8236 , B09SVZ3XP7 and B07ZWBD3WC

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account deactivation! HELP HELP HELP
by Seller_kBWXlJLyUrV3G

hi all,

hope you can help me its been a while and i cant get sense out of anyone from amazon over the phone or via email!

we have been deactivated as we are supposed to be linked with several companies all over europe, we only have 1 account and sell in the uk, amazon are saying we are linked to other accounts how do we prove we are not linked to these accounts

please help!

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