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Introducing multi-marketplace campaign creation: The seamless way to create campaigns in multiple countries

You can now create and copy Sponsored Products auto-targeted campaigns for other countries without spending additional time setting up and translating individual campaigns for each country where you want to advertise.

Key features of multi-marketplace campaign creation

  • Transfers all campaign settings, like targeting, placements, and ad groups, to the target country.
  • Converts budgets and bids to the currency of the target country.
  • Copies only products that are available in the target country to the new campaign.

Multi-marketplace campaign creation is available for auto-targeted Sponsored Products campaigns in the following countries:

Creating campaigns in all countries where you sell is now easier than ever with these new features. You can copy high-performing campaigns from one country to another. Alternatively, you can create a new campaign in one country and launch it in one or more countries with one click . Make use of these new features to save time and effort creating campaigns. For more information, go to Multi-Marketplace campaign creation.

To copy an existing campaign into other countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Choose the campaign you want to copy, and then select Copy.
  3. Select Copy to other marketplaces > Continue.
  4. Select the countries you want to copy campaigns to.
  5. Select Create campaign(s). We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, suggest bids, and translate your negative keywords.
  6. Find your copied campaign on the campaign manager page of the country you copied your campaign to.

To create new campaigns in multiple countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Select Create campaign, and then under Sponsored Products, select Continue.
  3. In the Campaign Builder, select Automatic targeting.
  4. In the Launch to other marketplaces section, select the check boxes for your desired countries.
  5. For each country, select the account to create the campaign in. We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, and suggest bids. You can override our suggested values in each of the target countries.
  6. Select Launch (N) campaigns to create the campaign(s) in the logged-in country and selected additional countries.
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Introducing multi-marketplace campaign creation: The seamless way to create campaigns in multiple countries

You can now create and copy Sponsored Products auto-targeted campaigns for other countries without spending additional time setting up and translating individual campaigns for each country where you want to advertise.

Key features of multi-marketplace campaign creation

  • Transfers all campaign settings, like targeting, placements, and ad groups, to the target country.
  • Converts budgets and bids to the currency of the target country.
  • Copies only products that are available in the target country to the new campaign.

Multi-marketplace campaign creation is available for auto-targeted Sponsored Products campaigns in the following countries:

Creating campaigns in all countries where you sell is now easier than ever with these new features. You can copy high-performing campaigns from one country to another. Alternatively, you can create a new campaign in one country and launch it in one or more countries with one click . Make use of these new features to save time and effort creating campaigns. For more information, go to Multi-Marketplace campaign creation.

To copy an existing campaign into other countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Choose the campaign you want to copy, and then select Copy.
  3. Select Copy to other marketplaces > Continue.
  4. Select the countries you want to copy campaigns to.
  5. Select Create campaign(s). We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, suggest bids, and translate your negative keywords.
  6. Find your copied campaign on the campaign manager page of the country you copied your campaign to.

To create new campaigns in multiple countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Select Create campaign, and then under Sponsored Products, select Continue.
  3. In the Campaign Builder, select Automatic targeting.
  4. In the Launch to other marketplaces section, select the check boxes for your desired countries.
  5. For each country, select the account to create the campaign in. We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, and suggest bids. You can override our suggested values in each of the target countries.
  6. Select Launch (N) campaigns to create the campaign(s) in the logged-in country and selected additional countries.
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Introducing multi-marketplace campaign creation: The seamless way to create campaigns in multiple countries

You can now create and copy Sponsored Products auto-targeted campaigns for other countries without spending additional time setting up and translating individual campaigns for each country where you want to advertise.

Key features of multi-marketplace campaign creation

  • Transfers all campaign settings, like targeting, placements, and ad groups, to the target country.
  • Converts budgets and bids to the currency of the target country.
  • Copies only products that are available in the target country to the new campaign.

Multi-marketplace campaign creation is available for auto-targeted Sponsored Products campaigns in the following countries:

Creating campaigns in all countries where you sell is now easier than ever with these new features. You can copy high-performing campaigns from one country to another. Alternatively, you can create a new campaign in one country and launch it in one or more countries with one click . Make use of these new features to save time and effort creating campaigns. For more information, go to Multi-Marketplace campaign creation.

To copy an existing campaign into other countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Choose the campaign you want to copy, and then select Copy.
  3. Select Copy to other marketplaces > Continue.
  4. Select the countries you want to copy campaigns to.
  5. Select Create campaign(s). We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, suggest bids, and translate your negative keywords.
  6. Find your copied campaign on the campaign manager page of the country you copied your campaign to.

To create new campaigns in multiple countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Select Create campaign, and then under Sponsored Products, select Continue.
  3. In the Campaign Builder, select Automatic targeting.
  4. In the Launch to other marketplaces section, select the check boxes for your desired countries.
  5. For each country, select the account to create the campaign in. We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, and suggest bids. You can override our suggested values in each of the target countries.
  6. Select Launch (N) campaigns to create the campaign(s) in the logged-in country and selected additional countries.
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Introducing multi-marketplace campaign creation: The seamless way to create campaigns in multiple countries

You can now create and copy Sponsored Products auto-targeted campaigns for other countries without spending additional time setting up and translating individual campaigns for each country where you want to advertise.

Key features of multi-marketplace campaign creation

  • Transfers all campaign settings, like targeting, placements, and ad groups, to the target country.
  • Converts budgets and bids to the currency of the target country.
  • Copies only products that are available in the target country to the new campaign.

Multi-marketplace campaign creation is available for auto-targeted Sponsored Products campaigns in the following countries:

Creating campaigns in all countries where you sell is now easier than ever with these new features. You can copy high-performing campaigns from one country to another. Alternatively, you can create a new campaign in one country and launch it in one or more countries with one click . Make use of these new features to save time and effort creating campaigns. For more information, go to Multi-Marketplace campaign creation.

To copy an existing campaign into other countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Choose the campaign you want to copy, and then select Copy.
  3. Select Copy to other marketplaces > Continue.
  4. Select the countries you want to copy campaigns to.
  5. Select Create campaign(s). We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, suggest bids, and translate your negative keywords.
  6. Find your copied campaign on the campaign manager page of the country you copied your campaign to.

To create new campaigns in multiple countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Select Create campaign, and then under Sponsored Products, select Continue.
  3. In the Campaign Builder, select Automatic targeting.
  4. In the Launch to other marketplaces section, select the check boxes for your desired countries.
  5. For each country, select the account to create the campaign in. We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, and suggest bids. You can override our suggested values in each of the target countries.
  6. Select Launch (N) campaigns to create the campaign(s) in the logged-in country and selected additional countries.
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Introducing multi-marketplace campaign creation: The seamless way to create campaigns in multiple countries

by News_Amazon

You can now create and copy Sponsored Products auto-targeted campaigns for other countries without spending additional time setting up and translating individual campaigns for each country where you want to advertise.

Key features of multi-marketplace campaign creation

  • Transfers all campaign settings, like targeting, placements, and ad groups, to the target country.
  • Converts budgets and bids to the currency of the target country.
  • Copies only products that are available in the target country to the new campaign.

Multi-marketplace campaign creation is available for auto-targeted Sponsored Products campaigns in the following countries:

Creating campaigns in all countries where you sell is now easier than ever with these new features. You can copy high-performing campaigns from one country to another. Alternatively, you can create a new campaign in one country and launch it in one or more countries with one click . Make use of these new features to save time and effort creating campaigns. For more information, go to Multi-Marketplace campaign creation.

To copy an existing campaign into other countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Choose the campaign you want to copy, and then select Copy.
  3. Select Copy to other marketplaces > Continue.
  4. Select the countries you want to copy campaigns to.
  5. Select Create campaign(s). We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, suggest bids, and translate your negative keywords.
  6. Find your copied campaign on the campaign manager page of the country you copied your campaign to.

To create new campaigns in multiple countries:

  1. Go to the advertising console campaign manager in one of the supported countries mentioned above.
  2. Select Create campaign, and then under Sponsored Products, select Continue.
  3. In the Campaign Builder, select Automatic targeting.
  4. In the Launch to other marketplaces section, select the check boxes for your desired countries.
  5. For each country, select the account to create the campaign in. We will convert your budget to the local currency, match products, and suggest bids. You can override our suggested values in each of the target countries.
  6. Select Launch (N) campaigns to create the campaign(s) in the logged-in country and selected additional countries.
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