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IP complaint received

by Seller_6IRNn6iTrnykh

HI iv’e been selling for two years now got three ip complaints not sure what action to take and how do i know if there genuine ,very worrying as never had any issues so far with my account two are for the same item one in uk and one in Germany any advice on how to proceed would much appreciated

Tags: International expansion
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In reply to: Seller_6IRNn6iTrnykh’s post

A few questions:

  1. What sort of IP complaint? Grey import, using a brand name without permission, selling one product that infringes on the rights of another (e.g. a design right or patent)
  2. Can you prove that you haven’t infringed on anyone’s rights?
  3. Is the complaint from the rights holder?
  4. Is the complainant willing to withdraw the complaint?
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In reply to: Seller_6IRNn6iTrnykh’s post

I find the IP complaints on Amazon very confusing. We received a Design infringement complaint once, but it was completely spurious. Amazon still upheld the complaint and blocked us from selling that product anymore. The complaint came from a China-based seller simply sabotaging all the other sellers on a listing.

We noticed after about a month the seller abandoned the listing anyway! Thankfully we’ve since resumed selling the product without any other issues thus far.

I do fear something like this may happen again so I’ll be watching this thread with interest.

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In reply to: Seller_6IRNn6iTrnykh’s post

went on western … digital website to see if genuine complaint sent this email

28 May at 18:55

HI just wanted to check had a an email from amazon a company called saying we had infringed there copy right, just wanted to find if it’s a scam email or from your company. so we can resolve the issue in the proper manner and the to the correct right’s owner

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