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Seller account has been deactivated due to Suspected Intellectual Property Violations

I was wondering if you can help on below

My seller account was temporarily Suspended on 14/11/2019
Original suspension notice


Your account has been temporarily deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. This could take up to 90 days. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
We have not received a valid plan of action addressing the infringement issues below.
Amazon previously alerted you of these issues through warnings on the ASINs below:


How do I reactivate my account?
To reactivate your account, please send us the following information:
– Proof of non-infringement (e.g., invoice, Order ID, letter of authorisation, licensing agreement or court order) for all affected listings.
– The steps you have taken to ensure that you are no longer infringing and will not infringe in the future.
– Other relevant information.
– Supporting details should you believe that the actions were made in error.’’

I have submitted the Following POA

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team
In regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account I would like to bring following to your kind attention.

Root Cause

I have received a number of suspected Intellectual Property Violations on the Amazon UK and other Amazon selling platforms in EU.

These are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products These are grouped as per list below

Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.

Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs.

What happened
• Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as Suspected Intellectual Property Violations.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future.
• This occurred because the items were listed these a number of years ago by a member of staff who no longer is with Company.
• we haven’t reviewed our listings in a Long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

What I have done to resolve this issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s from all Market places.
• Any of the ASIn’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property.

what I will do prevent similar complaints in the future.

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that Iam not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable
laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

on 20/11/2019 we received the following email

''We reviewed your account and the information you provided, and we decided that you may no longer sell on ‘’

I would be grateful if someone can suggest any improvements that can be done to this POA, and in your experience would amazon reconsider their decision?

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

3 replies
Tags:ASIN, Compliance, Listings, SKU
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Seller account has been deactivated due to Suspected Intellectual Property Violations

I was wondering if you can help on below

My seller account was temporarily Suspended on 14/11/2019
Original suspension notice


Your account has been temporarily deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. This could take up to 90 days. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
We have not received a valid plan of action addressing the infringement issues below.
Amazon previously alerted you of these issues through warnings on the ASINs below:


How do I reactivate my account?
To reactivate your account, please send us the following information:
– Proof of non-infringement (e.g., invoice, Order ID, letter of authorisation, licensing agreement or court order) for all affected listings.
– The steps you have taken to ensure that you are no longer infringing and will not infringe in the future.
– Other relevant information.
– Supporting details should you believe that the actions were made in error.’’

I have submitted the Following POA

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team
In regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account I would like to bring following to your kind attention.

Root Cause

I have received a number of suspected Intellectual Property Violations on the Amazon UK and other Amazon selling platforms in EU.

These are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products These are grouped as per list below

Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.

Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs.

What happened
• Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as Suspected Intellectual Property Violations.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future.
• This occurred because the items were listed these a number of years ago by a member of staff who no longer is with Company.
• we haven’t reviewed our listings in a Long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

What I have done to resolve this issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s from all Market places.
• Any of the ASIn’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property.

what I will do prevent similar complaints in the future.

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that Iam not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable
laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

on 20/11/2019 we received the following email

''We reviewed your account and the information you provided, and we decided that you may no longer sell on ‘’

I would be grateful if someone can suggest any improvements that can be done to this POA, and in your experience would amazon reconsider their decision?

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

Tags:ASIN, Compliance, Listings, SKU
3 replies
3 replies
user profile

Just my opinion but

Your root cause does not go deep enough, therefore your entire POA falls down
The root cause as you have written it is

But that is merely what happened, and Amazon already know this, it’s why they suspended you.
What you need to explain is the “Why”
You started to do that with


But you still haven’t gone deep enough
You have blamed a former employee instead of explaining why your company was listing possibly infringing items.

Was it carelessness?
Lack of knowledge?
Failure to check against relevant databases?
Failure to source from reputable and authorized suppliers?

Find the root cause as to WHY you listed these and other items when they might be infringing others rights and then build the rest of your plan around those specific root causes.

Have you read any policy pages to educate yourself? List and link them
Have you undergone any other training to help you identify infringing goods? Specify
have you changed suppliers to authorized suppliers? Specify them and when that change happened
Have you a policy of obtaining letters of authorization from brand owners to sell their goods? Specify the details.

Carry on with other reactive steps you have already taken and then work through to the final section of proactive steps that you will take moving forward.

You don’t have many chances left, so try and produce a detailed POA that shows Amazon you have changed for the better

user profile

Hi My_Perfect_Pair_Limi,

Intellectual Property Rights is one of the policies that the sellers are expected to follow while operating on the platform.

As the account is under review for Intellectual Property Rights issues, we would recommend to please go through the performance notification received in this regard that will help you to identify the type of infringement issues raised on the account. The Plan of action needs to baseline the root cause that address the type of infringement the account is in violation with.

In the root cause section, as recommended by Adrian @ you will have to mention the reason behind the violation, what was the cause due to which the account is in violation of the respective policy.

After the identification of the root cause, the Plan of Action needs to address the steps taken to resolve the current issue on the account. For this, we recommend to not only concentrate on the highlighted ASINs but also review the entire listings on offer to understand if there are any potential listings that can lead to future Intellectual Property Rights complaints. It is advisable to address the complaint as a whole and not only the highlighted ASINs.

Followed by corrective measures is the future preventive measures, where you will have to mention proactive steps that you will take or desire to take to ensure that the issue is not recurring in nature.

As you have mentioned,

Please provide reference points that you will check to educate yourself of polices and ensure the new listings are in compliance.

Please note, listing the products that infringes rights owner Intellectual Property Rights itself is a violation, you do not have to necessarily make a sale on them.

After this due diligence at your end, prepare a revised Plan of Action addressing the below points:

–The root cause(s) of the issue.

– The actions you have taken to resolve this issue.

– The steps you have taken to prevent this issue from happening in the future.

For details on the Policy, please visit (

Hope this was a helpful read,
Good Day,

user profile

HI Adrian and Fidak
thank you very much for your contributions, really appreciated.

having read your views I have changed the POA, please see a copy below, I would e grateful if you could Spare a few minutes to read and advise if I can improve this in any way before submitting to Seller performance team.

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team

I would like to take this opportunity to bring the following to your attention in regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account.

Root Cause
the ASIN’s marked in our account as Potential Trademark or Patent misuse are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products . These are grouped as per list below
• Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.
• Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs

What happened

• This has happened due to Lack of our knowledge. the items were listed when we newly started the business and didn’t have much knowledge on Intellectual property.
• The Buckle on offending ASIN’s have ‘‘handles’’ on each side and appearance is different to those on brands and we assumed it would be ‘‘Okay’’ to sell these as these were different.
• The name Printed on the shoes was different and we have not sold these as a Brand.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future. Hence, Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as suspected intellectual property violations.
• we were unaware how to check IP and trademarks.
• we had not reviewed our listings in a long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

The actions that you have taken to resolve the issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s as in the list above from sale across all Amazon Marketplaces.
• Any of the ASIN’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• we have read and understood Amazon Policy on Intellectual property link as below
• we have stopped Selling all Generic Shoes.
• we now design or Source our products from reputed factories and import these under our own brand.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines, especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property violations.
• we will also be doing Amazon Brand registry to protect our Intellectual property in future.

The steps that you have taken to prevent the issue going forward

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.
• we will also check sites such as

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that I am not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively. at the link below.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

Yours Sincerely
My Perfect pair Ltd’’

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Seller account has been deactivated due to Suspected Intellectual Property Violations

I was wondering if you can help on below

My seller account was temporarily Suspended on 14/11/2019
Original suspension notice


Your account has been temporarily deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. This could take up to 90 days. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
We have not received a valid plan of action addressing the infringement issues below.
Amazon previously alerted you of these issues through warnings on the ASINs below:


How do I reactivate my account?
To reactivate your account, please send us the following information:
– Proof of non-infringement (e.g., invoice, Order ID, letter of authorisation, licensing agreement or court order) for all affected listings.
– The steps you have taken to ensure that you are no longer infringing and will not infringe in the future.
– Other relevant information.
– Supporting details should you believe that the actions were made in error.’’

I have submitted the Following POA

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team
In regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account I would like to bring following to your kind attention.

Root Cause

I have received a number of suspected Intellectual Property Violations on the Amazon UK and other Amazon selling platforms in EU.

These are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products These are grouped as per list below

Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.

Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs.

What happened
• Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as Suspected Intellectual Property Violations.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future.
• This occurred because the items were listed these a number of years ago by a member of staff who no longer is with Company.
• we haven’t reviewed our listings in a Long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

What I have done to resolve this issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s from all Market places.
• Any of the ASIn’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property.

what I will do prevent similar complaints in the future.

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that Iam not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable
laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

on 20/11/2019 we received the following email

''We reviewed your account and the information you provided, and we decided that you may no longer sell on ‘’

I would be grateful if someone can suggest any improvements that can be done to this POA, and in your experience would amazon reconsider their decision?

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

3 replies
Tags:ASIN, Compliance, Listings, SKU
user profile

Seller account has been deactivated due to Suspected Intellectual Property Violations

I was wondering if you can help on below

My seller account was temporarily Suspended on 14/11/2019
Original suspension notice


Your account has been temporarily deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. This could take up to 90 days. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
We have not received a valid plan of action addressing the infringement issues below.
Amazon previously alerted you of these issues through warnings on the ASINs below:


How do I reactivate my account?
To reactivate your account, please send us the following information:
– Proof of non-infringement (e.g., invoice, Order ID, letter of authorisation, licensing agreement or court order) for all affected listings.
– The steps you have taken to ensure that you are no longer infringing and will not infringe in the future.
– Other relevant information.
– Supporting details should you believe that the actions were made in error.’’

I have submitted the Following POA

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team
In regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account I would like to bring following to your kind attention.

Root Cause

I have received a number of suspected Intellectual Property Violations on the Amazon UK and other Amazon selling platforms in EU.

These are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products These are grouped as per list below

Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.

Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs.

What happened
• Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as Suspected Intellectual Property Violations.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future.
• This occurred because the items were listed these a number of years ago by a member of staff who no longer is with Company.
• we haven’t reviewed our listings in a Long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

What I have done to resolve this issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s from all Market places.
• Any of the ASIn’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property.

what I will do prevent similar complaints in the future.

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that Iam not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable
laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

on 20/11/2019 we received the following email

''We reviewed your account and the information you provided, and we decided that you may no longer sell on ‘’

I would be grateful if someone can suggest any improvements that can be done to this POA, and in your experience would amazon reconsider their decision?

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

Tags:ASIN, Compliance, Listings, SKU
3 replies
user profile

Seller account has been deactivated due to Suspected Intellectual Property Violations

by Seller_FIIJr2dt71Y7T

I was wondering if you can help on below

My seller account was temporarily Suspended on 14/11/2019
Original suspension notice


Your account has been temporarily deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. This could take up to 90 days. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
We have not received a valid plan of action addressing the infringement issues below.
Amazon previously alerted you of these issues through warnings on the ASINs below:


How do I reactivate my account?
To reactivate your account, please send us the following information:
– Proof of non-infringement (e.g., invoice, Order ID, letter of authorisation, licensing agreement or court order) for all affected listings.
– The steps you have taken to ensure that you are no longer infringing and will not infringe in the future.
– Other relevant information.
– Supporting details should you believe that the actions were made in error.’’

I have submitted the Following POA

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team
In regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account I would like to bring following to your kind attention.

Root Cause

I have received a number of suspected Intellectual Property Violations on the Amazon UK and other Amazon selling platforms in EU.

These are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products These are grouped as per list below

Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.

Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs.

What happened
• Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as Suspected Intellectual Property Violations.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future.
• This occurred because the items were listed these a number of years ago by a member of staff who no longer is with Company.
• we haven’t reviewed our listings in a Long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

What I have done to resolve this issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s from all Market places.
• Any of the ASIn’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property.

what I will do prevent similar complaints in the future.

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that Iam not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable
laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

on 20/11/2019 we received the following email

''We reviewed your account and the information you provided, and we decided that you may no longer sell on ‘’

I would be grateful if someone can suggest any improvements that can be done to this POA, and in your experience would amazon reconsider their decision?

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

Tags:ASIN, Compliance, Listings, SKU
3 replies
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Just my opinion but

Your root cause does not go deep enough, therefore your entire POA falls down
The root cause as you have written it is

But that is merely what happened, and Amazon already know this, it’s why they suspended you.
What you need to explain is the “Why”
You started to do that with


But you still haven’t gone deep enough
You have blamed a former employee instead of explaining why your company was listing possibly infringing items.

Was it carelessness?
Lack of knowledge?
Failure to check against relevant databases?
Failure to source from reputable and authorized suppliers?

Find the root cause as to WHY you listed these and other items when they might be infringing others rights and then build the rest of your plan around those specific root causes.

Have you read any policy pages to educate yourself? List and link them
Have you undergone any other training to help you identify infringing goods? Specify
have you changed suppliers to authorized suppliers? Specify them and when that change happened
Have you a policy of obtaining letters of authorization from brand owners to sell their goods? Specify the details.

Carry on with other reactive steps you have already taken and then work through to the final section of proactive steps that you will take moving forward.

You don’t have many chances left, so try and produce a detailed POA that shows Amazon you have changed for the better

user profile

Hi My_Perfect_Pair_Limi,

Intellectual Property Rights is one of the policies that the sellers are expected to follow while operating on the platform.

As the account is under review for Intellectual Property Rights issues, we would recommend to please go through the performance notification received in this regard that will help you to identify the type of infringement issues raised on the account. The Plan of action needs to baseline the root cause that address the type of infringement the account is in violation with.

In the root cause section, as recommended by Adrian @ you will have to mention the reason behind the violation, what was the cause due to which the account is in violation of the respective policy.

After the identification of the root cause, the Plan of Action needs to address the steps taken to resolve the current issue on the account. For this, we recommend to not only concentrate on the highlighted ASINs but also review the entire listings on offer to understand if there are any potential listings that can lead to future Intellectual Property Rights complaints. It is advisable to address the complaint as a whole and not only the highlighted ASINs.

Followed by corrective measures is the future preventive measures, where you will have to mention proactive steps that you will take or desire to take to ensure that the issue is not recurring in nature.

As you have mentioned,

Please provide reference points that you will check to educate yourself of polices and ensure the new listings are in compliance.

Please note, listing the products that infringes rights owner Intellectual Property Rights itself is a violation, you do not have to necessarily make a sale on them.

After this due diligence at your end, prepare a revised Plan of Action addressing the below points:

–The root cause(s) of the issue.

– The actions you have taken to resolve this issue.

– The steps you have taken to prevent this issue from happening in the future.

For details on the Policy, please visit (

Hope this was a helpful read,
Good Day,

user profile

HI Adrian and Fidak
thank you very much for your contributions, really appreciated.

having read your views I have changed the POA, please see a copy below, I would e grateful if you could Spare a few minutes to read and advise if I can improve this in any way before submitting to Seller performance team.

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team

I would like to take this opportunity to bring the following to your attention in regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account.

Root Cause
the ASIN’s marked in our account as Potential Trademark or Patent misuse are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products . These are grouped as per list below
• Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.
• Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs

What happened

• This has happened due to Lack of our knowledge. the items were listed when we newly started the business and didn’t have much knowledge on Intellectual property.
• The Buckle on offending ASIN’s have ‘‘handles’’ on each side and appearance is different to those on brands and we assumed it would be ‘‘Okay’’ to sell these as these were different.
• The name Printed on the shoes was different and we have not sold these as a Brand.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future. Hence, Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as suspected intellectual property violations.
• we were unaware how to check IP and trademarks.
• we had not reviewed our listings in a long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

The actions that you have taken to resolve the issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s as in the list above from sale across all Amazon Marketplaces.
• Any of the ASIN’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• we have read and understood Amazon Policy on Intellectual property link as below
• we have stopped Selling all Generic Shoes.
• we now design or Source our products from reputed factories and import these under our own brand.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines, especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property violations.
• we will also be doing Amazon Brand registry to protect our Intellectual property in future.

The steps that you have taken to prevent the issue going forward

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.
• we will also check sites such as

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that I am not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively. at the link below.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

Yours Sincerely
My Perfect pair Ltd’’

Follow this discussion to be notified of new activity
user profile

Just my opinion but

Your root cause does not go deep enough, therefore your entire POA falls down
The root cause as you have written it is

But that is merely what happened, and Amazon already know this, it’s why they suspended you.
What you need to explain is the “Why”
You started to do that with


But you still haven’t gone deep enough
You have blamed a former employee instead of explaining why your company was listing possibly infringing items.

Was it carelessness?
Lack of knowledge?
Failure to check against relevant databases?
Failure to source from reputable and authorized suppliers?

Find the root cause as to WHY you listed these and other items when they might be infringing others rights and then build the rest of your plan around those specific root causes.

Have you read any policy pages to educate yourself? List and link them
Have you undergone any other training to help you identify infringing goods? Specify
have you changed suppliers to authorized suppliers? Specify them and when that change happened
Have you a policy of obtaining letters of authorization from brand owners to sell their goods? Specify the details.

Carry on with other reactive steps you have already taken and then work through to the final section of proactive steps that you will take moving forward.

You don’t have many chances left, so try and produce a detailed POA that shows Amazon you have changed for the better

user profile

Just my opinion but

Your root cause does not go deep enough, therefore your entire POA falls down
The root cause as you have written it is

But that is merely what happened, and Amazon already know this, it’s why they suspended you.
What you need to explain is the “Why”
You started to do that with


But you still haven’t gone deep enough
You have blamed a former employee instead of explaining why your company was listing possibly infringing items.

Was it carelessness?
Lack of knowledge?
Failure to check against relevant databases?
Failure to source from reputable and authorized suppliers?

Find the root cause as to WHY you listed these and other items when they might be infringing others rights and then build the rest of your plan around those specific root causes.

Have you read any policy pages to educate yourself? List and link them
Have you undergone any other training to help you identify infringing goods? Specify
have you changed suppliers to authorized suppliers? Specify them and when that change happened
Have you a policy of obtaining letters of authorization from brand owners to sell their goods? Specify the details.

Carry on with other reactive steps you have already taken and then work through to the final section of proactive steps that you will take moving forward.

You don’t have many chances left, so try and produce a detailed POA that shows Amazon you have changed for the better

user profile

Hi My_Perfect_Pair_Limi,

Intellectual Property Rights is one of the policies that the sellers are expected to follow while operating on the platform.

As the account is under review for Intellectual Property Rights issues, we would recommend to please go through the performance notification received in this regard that will help you to identify the type of infringement issues raised on the account. The Plan of action needs to baseline the root cause that address the type of infringement the account is in violation with.

In the root cause section, as recommended by Adrian @ you will have to mention the reason behind the violation, what was the cause due to which the account is in violation of the respective policy.

After the identification of the root cause, the Plan of Action needs to address the steps taken to resolve the current issue on the account. For this, we recommend to not only concentrate on the highlighted ASINs but also review the entire listings on offer to understand if there are any potential listings that can lead to future Intellectual Property Rights complaints. It is advisable to address the complaint as a whole and not only the highlighted ASINs.

Followed by corrective measures is the future preventive measures, where you will have to mention proactive steps that you will take or desire to take to ensure that the issue is not recurring in nature.

As you have mentioned,

Please provide reference points that you will check to educate yourself of polices and ensure the new listings are in compliance.

Please note, listing the products that infringes rights owner Intellectual Property Rights itself is a violation, you do not have to necessarily make a sale on them.

After this due diligence at your end, prepare a revised Plan of Action addressing the below points:

–The root cause(s) of the issue.

– The actions you have taken to resolve this issue.

– The steps you have taken to prevent this issue from happening in the future.

For details on the Policy, please visit (

Hope this was a helpful read,
Good Day,

user profile

Hi My_Perfect_Pair_Limi,

Intellectual Property Rights is one of the policies that the sellers are expected to follow while operating on the platform.

As the account is under review for Intellectual Property Rights issues, we would recommend to please go through the performance notification received in this regard that will help you to identify the type of infringement issues raised on the account. The Plan of action needs to baseline the root cause that address the type of infringement the account is in violation with.

In the root cause section, as recommended by Adrian @ you will have to mention the reason behind the violation, what was the cause due to which the account is in violation of the respective policy.

After the identification of the root cause, the Plan of Action needs to address the steps taken to resolve the current issue on the account. For this, we recommend to not only concentrate on the highlighted ASINs but also review the entire listings on offer to understand if there are any potential listings that can lead to future Intellectual Property Rights complaints. It is advisable to address the complaint as a whole and not only the highlighted ASINs.

Followed by corrective measures is the future preventive measures, where you will have to mention proactive steps that you will take or desire to take to ensure that the issue is not recurring in nature.

As you have mentioned,

Please provide reference points that you will check to educate yourself of polices and ensure the new listings are in compliance.

Please note, listing the products that infringes rights owner Intellectual Property Rights itself is a violation, you do not have to necessarily make a sale on them.

After this due diligence at your end, prepare a revised Plan of Action addressing the below points:

–The root cause(s) of the issue.

– The actions you have taken to resolve this issue.

– The steps you have taken to prevent this issue from happening in the future.

For details on the Policy, please visit (

Hope this was a helpful read,
Good Day,

user profile

HI Adrian and Fidak
thank you very much for your contributions, really appreciated.

having read your views I have changed the POA, please see a copy below, I would e grateful if you could Spare a few minutes to read and advise if I can improve this in any way before submitting to Seller performance team.

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team

I would like to take this opportunity to bring the following to your attention in regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account.

Root Cause
the ASIN’s marked in our account as Potential Trademark or Patent misuse are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products . These are grouped as per list below
• Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.
• Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs

What happened

• This has happened due to Lack of our knowledge. the items were listed when we newly started the business and didn’t have much knowledge on Intellectual property.
• The Buckle on offending ASIN’s have ‘‘handles’’ on each side and appearance is different to those on brands and we assumed it would be ‘‘Okay’’ to sell these as these were different.
• The name Printed on the shoes was different and we have not sold these as a Brand.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future. Hence, Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as suspected intellectual property violations.
• we were unaware how to check IP and trademarks.
• we had not reviewed our listings in a long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

The actions that you have taken to resolve the issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s as in the list above from sale across all Amazon Marketplaces.
• Any of the ASIN’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• we have read and understood Amazon Policy on Intellectual property link as below
• we have stopped Selling all Generic Shoes.
• we now design or Source our products from reputed factories and import these under our own brand.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines, especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property violations.
• we will also be doing Amazon Brand registry to protect our Intellectual property in future.

The steps that you have taken to prevent the issue going forward

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.
• we will also check sites such as

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that I am not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively. at the link below.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

Yours Sincerely
My Perfect pair Ltd’’

user profile

HI Adrian and Fidak
thank you very much for your contributions, really appreciated.

having read your views I have changed the POA, please see a copy below, I would e grateful if you could Spare a few minutes to read and advise if I can improve this in any way before submitting to Seller performance team.

Many thanks

My Perfect pair

''Dear Amazon UK Seller Performance Team

I would like to take this opportunity to bring the following to your attention in regards to Suspected Intellectual property violations on our account.

Root Cause
the ASIN’s marked in our account as Potential Trademark or Patent misuse are all child Variations (Size /Colour variants ) of 2 products . These are grouped as per list below
• Parent 1 , SKU: YM7464/ ASIN: B0xxxx7B8 with 24 child ASINs.
• Parent 2 , SKU: MS6007/ ASIN : B00xxxxDFM with 32 child ASINs

What happened

• This has happened due to Lack of our knowledge. the items were listed when we newly started the business and didn’t have much knowledge on Intellectual property.
• The Buckle on offending ASIN’s have ‘‘handles’’ on each side and appearance is different to those on brands and we assumed it would be ‘‘Okay’’ to sell these as these were different.
• The name Printed on the shoes was different and we have not sold these as a Brand.
• These are Generic shoes but the buckle on these is similar in appearance to other brands and may cause possible issues with the brand owners in future. Hence, Amazon, rightly marked the above ASIN’s as suspected intellectual property violations.
• we were unaware how to check IP and trademarks.
• we had not reviewed our listings in a long time.
• We should have noted, that because of similarities there might be possible IP issues in future with the brand owners.

The actions that you have taken to resolve the issue

• I can confirm that I have removed all offending ASIN’s as in the list above from sale across all Amazon Marketplaces.
• Any of the ASIN’s as above which had inventory in Amazon fulfilment centres has now been removed.
• we have read and understood Amazon Policy on Intellectual property link as below
• we have stopped Selling all Generic Shoes.
• we now design or Source our products from reputed factories and import these under our own brand.
• I have reviewed the entire range of products we have for sale on Amazon to make sure all our listings comply with Amazon policies and guidelines, especially in regards to suspected Intellectual property violations.
• we will also be doing Amazon Brand registry to protect our Intellectual property in future.

The steps that you have taken to prevent the issue going forward

• Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon, I will verify that the products and listings do not violate anyone’s intellectual property, trademark, copyright or patent.
• we will also check sites such as

• I will keep myself informed by regularly reading the Amazon guidelines and policies to ensure that I am not in violation of any of the rules. I will monitor all changes of the policies and or any applicable laws which could affect my selling account and react proactively. at the link below.

I trust that this plan will sufficiently address the issues and I hope that you will allow me to continue selling on Amazon, being a Small business very reliant on Amazon to provide a Livelihood to our family.

Yours Sincerely
My Perfect pair Ltd’’

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