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We could not find Order ID ****** in our system. Please check that you have entered it correctly and try again, or enter a different Order ID

Help! I’m trying to create a support ticket to look into a missing item from a shipment.

I previously had a ticket open, but after major communication errors on the part of Amazon was told they could only look at it 10 days after the estimated delivery date. OK, so I wait until that time, and now I can’t re-open the ticket (no activity for X amount of days and it automatically closes) and instead have to create a new one.

Fine, I go to create a new ticket in the same manner as before (from the order summary page) and now the Help Sidebar denies the existence of the Order ID. I’m literally copy-pasting it from the order on the left into the sidebar on the right, and being told the order doesn’t exist. I’m losing my mind… someone help please. Screenshot attached.

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Tags:Lost shipment
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We could not find Order ID ****** in our system. Please check that you have entered it correctly and try again, or enter a different Order ID

Help! I’m trying to create a support ticket to look into a missing item from a shipment.

I previously had a ticket open, but after major communication errors on the part of Amazon was told they could only look at it 10 days after the estimated delivery date. OK, so I wait until that time, and now I can’t re-open the ticket (no activity for X amount of days and it automatically closes) and instead have to create a new one.

Fine, I go to create a new ticket in the same manner as before (from the order summary page) and now the Help Sidebar denies the existence of the Order ID. I’m literally copy-pasting it from the order on the left into the sidebar on the right, and being told the order doesn’t exist. I’m losing my mind… someone help please. Screenshot attached.

Tags:Lost shipment
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We could not find Order ID ****** in our system. Please check that you have entered it correctly and try again, or enter a different Order ID

Help! I’m trying to create a support ticket to look into a missing item from a shipment.

I previously had a ticket open, but after major communication errors on the part of Amazon was told they could only look at it 10 days after the estimated delivery date. OK, so I wait until that time, and now I can’t re-open the ticket (no activity for X amount of days and it automatically closes) and instead have to create a new one.

Fine, I go to create a new ticket in the same manner as before (from the order summary page) and now the Help Sidebar denies the existence of the Order ID. I’m literally copy-pasting it from the order on the left into the sidebar on the right, and being told the order doesn’t exist. I’m losing my mind… someone help please. Screenshot attached.

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Tags:Lost shipment
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We could not find Order ID ****** in our system. Please check that you have entered it correctly and try again, or enter a different Order ID

Help! I’m trying to create a support ticket to look into a missing item from a shipment.

I previously had a ticket open, but after major communication errors on the part of Amazon was told they could only look at it 10 days after the estimated delivery date. OK, so I wait until that time, and now I can’t re-open the ticket (no activity for X amount of days and it automatically closes) and instead have to create a new one.

Fine, I go to create a new ticket in the same manner as before (from the order summary page) and now the Help Sidebar denies the existence of the Order ID. I’m literally copy-pasting it from the order on the left into the sidebar on the right, and being told the order doesn’t exist. I’m losing my mind… someone help please. Screenshot attached.

Tags:Lost shipment
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We could not find Order ID ****** in our system. Please check that you have entered it correctly and try again, or enter a different Order ID

by Seller_GPxdSnK1rGNJw

Help! I’m trying to create a support ticket to look into a missing item from a shipment.

I previously had a ticket open, but after major communication errors on the part of Amazon was told they could only look at it 10 days after the estimated delivery date. OK, so I wait until that time, and now I can’t re-open the ticket (no activity for X amount of days and it automatically closes) and instead have to create a new one.

Fine, I go to create a new ticket in the same manner as before (from the order summary page) and now the Help Sidebar denies the existence of the Order ID. I’m literally copy-pasting it from the order on the left into the sidebar on the right, and being told the order doesn’t exist. I’m losing my mind… someone help please. Screenshot attached.

Tags:Lost shipment
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