Read onlyI have received the following warning when creating a shipment to send stock into Amazon FBA -
"Units of this ASIN had pending Long-Term Storage Fee charges and were removed before the LTSF charge. Your ability to send in more units of this ASIN has been limited."
I cannot send stock in for 3 months. Is there any way around this? Would I be able to pay the LTSF charge now, to be able to send stock in.
I was under the impression it was for 8 weeks, but that's likely old info if they've told you it's 12 weeks. There isn't a way to pay a fee that hasn't been charged.
It is understandable that Amazon doesn't want items in its warehouse which won't sell easily which is why they restrict you. There is no way around this just wait for 3 months or sell it on FBM.
However this policy doesn't take account of seasonality as some items only sell well at certain time of year (such as Christmas)
They maybe prepping for the Xmas session and want to empty as much space as possible.