Read onlyHello
I have 2 shipments delivered to Amazon FC in same consignment. One of them has been received while other is still not received and closed without receiving.
Even after raising a case, seller support asked for all proofs and now no response is coming from them on the case.
Shipment id: FBA15JKW31NQ not received.
Case id: 10718286792
Request a forum mod to please escalate and have it looked.
@Ezra_Amazon @Angie_Amazon @Julia_Amazon
you haven’t tagged the mods correctly do they won’t see this post
As above reply, the tags need to be highlighted in blue. Start typing their name and select from dropdown.
My bad, in my browser it was not working. Now tagged from different browser.
Hello @Seller_6PW1CVw0E2fhO, thank you for reaching out! Is there any update on your case? What is the last communication you have received?
Cheers, Julia.