Read onlyTonight I have a warning on my seller central home page that my account is at risk of deactivation due to a 1 star review. The customer has left the following review
I'm having real trouble with this item I'm getting next to nothing on alternate sides a few times and now next to nothing on both. It's really disheartening. I know it's the breast pump because I have one from the hospital here and always get a good amount. Could the seller please get I'm touch to rectify this because I can't see contact seller anymore on amazon
I do not and have never sold breast pumps the order id is for a premature baby vest. Buyers should not be able to leave reviews on innocent sellers orders when they cant get a hold of the correct seller.
The customer has opted out of unsolicited emails from sellers so have no way to contact the seller to remove the feedback. Amazon bots have refused to remove the feedback, as expected.
I have tagged the mods in the hope that an actual human being can see the problem as remove this and save my account.
Thank you
Order Id 205-2509690-3582746
Case id 10089138512
it’s unlikely your account would be at risk over 1 negative, more likely amazon program the message for any infraction.
Though is it seller feedback or a product review? I can’t see you have any negative seller feedback on your seller profile.