Our Customer returns for international sales requirements state that you must offer customers specific options for international returns of Fulfilled by Merchant items over €25 or £20 (incl. Value Added Tax (VAT)).
Starting on November 11, 2024, if you don’t offer any of these options to your Amazon.co.uk customers within four calendar days of the return request, we’ll refund the customer on your behalf and charge the amount to your seller account.
For more information on our international returns policy, go to Customer returns for international sales.
Sorry this is confusing, is this just for international sales or for UK domestic? why would we need to offer these options to Amazon.co.uk customers if it is for international only?
Can someone please clarify
clear as mud - all i know it will cost me and not amazon
In fairness to the OP, the title of the thread is "Comply with international returns requirements"
I also am not sure exactly what this means.
Does ' International sellers ' refer to sellers not based in the UK but selling on the UK site or does it mean all UK based sellers who sell to overseas buyers?
By the way - the 'Here is the information' link in your post took me to the log-in page for another seller and temporarily locked me out of my own account!