Read onlyWe started selling a month ago and listed about 100 products both FBA and FBM, we have had an IP issue on one of our listing but it was sorted out. And one of our customer received a wrong item due to a mistake from us but we refunded fully and asked customer to keep the item they received. Amazon also lodged an authenticity complaint on our listing we submitted an invoice which is pending answer. But the significant event is we have been continuously getting orders and all products we listed are on the minimum price and offering fastest shipping as compare to other sellers but still we have lost 100% buy box since last week. No sale since last week!!!!
Please help somebody @Simon_Amazon
Amazon support said buy box is something which is determined by automatically it's not something we can help you with. What shall i do??
As a new seller, it used to be that you had to wait 90 days before you were eligible for the buy box for FBM - though that might have changed ?? I believe FBA may be different. The Buy Box is decided by an Amazon algorithm, taking into account various criteria, which none of us know ! It does rotate between sellers, we think, as their products meet the criteria at any time, but this is Amazon, so who knows !!.
One of the forum mods @Spencer_Amazon was looking into Buy Box issues.
Hello @Seller_MRPkh3u2qexJZ,
I am Spencer with Amazon.
We have a thread specifically for Buy Box issues.
Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
In this thread I ask our sellers to share the ASINs where they lost the Buy Box. I then share these ASINs with the Buy Box team who check for eligibility.
Please be aware, this team does not share the outcome with me. If you want to know if you are eligible or not, you have to open a case with Seller Support.
Here are two articles regarding the Buy Box / Featured Offer.
If you feel you are eligible for the Buy Box, please share your ASINs in the MEGATHREAD.
I am closing this thread as a duplicate.
Regards, Spencer