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Amazon removed us from our own listing, made the listing inactive and placed the inventory into 'Stranded'

We have a listing that we created and own the brand registry for.

This is one of our top selling listings that we have been selling on for nearly 2 years:

We made a slight change to the title today and Amazon immediately marked the listing as inactive and all of our inventory as stranded.

When we try to 'fix listing issue' we are told the following:

'Request selling approval for policy compliance

Reason: Product requires approval to sell.'

Which is clearly not correct as we own the listing and do not require any approval to sell.

When we do try to try to 'request to sell' we are told '

'We are not accepting applications to sell:

Other product(s)'

Our small business is now losing money every day this listing is inactive. Any help is massively appreciated in this stressful time.

Thank you,

12 replies
Tags:Listing deactivated
12 replies
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It has now been 24 hours since our listing is down.

Amazon support consistently tell us that there is no problem with the listing.

Can someone please help?


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Is your seller account email different from the one you used years ago to register the brand? I had to approve myself with a letter of authorisation.

user profile

Always the same email and there's no way to request approval unfortunately as Amazon says they are not accepting applications to sell (on our own listing!)



user profile

It has now been 48 hours since our listing was removed.

Over the last two years, we have invested significant time and capital to grow our brand on Amazon.

We have over £20,000 worth of stock stranded and are losing sales and rank every day.

Can anyone at all help?

@Julia_Amazon@Jessica_Amazon_ @Simon_Amazon

user profile

Hi, have you contacted Brand Registry team via Seller Central? Also check that someone hasnt changed the brand name to something else

user profile

Are you absolutely certain that the title change is what has taken the listing down, or could that be co-incidental ? Did a robot email you to give a reason as to why theyve taken this action ? We had a similar scenario a few years back on a £400k pa sku. Can't lie, it was a nightmare, but I might know something you can try, depending on what theyve said about why the listing came down.

user profile

Thank you for your response.

The title change could have been co-incidental but the timing does match up.

The listing is still live, from what I can gather, Amazon is telling us that we no longer have approval to sell (on our own listing -_-)

This is the exact email Amazon sent to us regarding removing us from the listing:


When we do try and request approval, it's a dead end:

user profile

OK - I know every click on here can be terrifying, but if you're brave enough to un-strand the inventory (i know thats not a proper word), it might mean you can get back into the listing and change the title back. I can see the words "canned pumpkin alternative" in the title. I know that you mean that as an alternative to canned pumpkin, but robot might take it as the ASIN supposedly being in a can, when its not and may not be taking applications on canned food or canned goods. Robot may also interpret a mismatch between the images, of a pouch, and a canned item, who knows, anything is possible on here. There is a crazy review too, albeit back in June 24, that talks about cross contamination. Sometimes they just take exception to terms like "cross-contamination" and as you will know, its a shoot first, dont ask any questions later, policy. I know how stressful this can be, wish I didnt...

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We added the word 'organic' to the title on this change as we recently received organic certification from our supplier. Based on your response, I have a feeling that is a sensitive word and it may have triggered this. I would absolutely rather just remove it completely at this point.

Sorry, by 'unstrand' inventory, do you mean to create a removal order of all the units back to us or is there an easier/less costly way to do that?

Thank you!

user profile

I'm always cautious with advice on Amazon, but we have created a removal order before, and been able to cancel it pretty much straight away. Seller Central can also cancel a removal order for you, not that you can rely on them being able to do the same thing twice. If you try it with 1 unit of something else, to see if you can then cancel, no harm done, as worst scenario, you'd just get 1 item back. I dont know if this will help unlock the listing, but I'm sure I can remember us doing something similar in the past. Basically you have to try things for yourself, because theres no help. This might remove 1 problem at least (the stranded inventory), but I think there's a chance that you will be able to edit, as I can still see the listing. The on screen message I am getting is that it is "currently unavailable", and that will be because theyve stranded all of the inventory. If that gets freed, and robot recognises that it now has inventory that isnt stranded, you might be OK.

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user profile

Amazon seem to be messing around with alot of peoples listings, mine included and then refuse to help sort. is probably your best bet

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Amazon removed us from our own listing, made the listing inactive and placed the inventory into 'Stranded'

We have a listing that we created and own the brand registry for.

This is one of our top selling listings that we have been selling on for nearly 2 years:

We made a slight change to the title today and Amazon immediately marked the listing as inactive and all of our inventory as stranded.

When we try to 'fix listing issue' we are told the following:

'Request selling approval for policy compliance

Reason: Product requires approval to sell.'

Which is clearly not correct as we own the listing and do not require any approval to sell.

When we do try to try to 'request to sell' we are told '

'We are not accepting applications to sell:

Other product(s)'

Our small business is now losing money every day this listing is inactive. Any help is massively appreciated in this stressful time.

Thank you,

12 replies
Tags:Listing deactivated
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Amazon removed us from our own listing, made the listing inactive and placed the inventory into 'Stranded'

by Seller_XxRuQFRxEzWiH

We have a listing that we created and own the brand registry for.

This is one of our top selling listings that we have been selling on for nearly 2 years:

We made a slight change to the title today and Amazon immediately marked the listing as inactive and all of our inventory as stranded.

When we try to 'fix listing issue' we are told the following:

'Request selling approval for policy compliance

Reason: Product requires approval to sell.'

Which is clearly not correct as we own the listing and do not require any approval to sell.

When we do try to try to 'request to sell' we are told '

'We are not accepting applications to sell:

Other product(s)'

Our small business is now losing money every day this listing is inactive. Any help is massively appreciated in this stressful time.

Thank you,

Tags:Listing deactivated
12 replies
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It has now been 24 hours since our listing is down.

Amazon support consistently tell us that there is no problem with the listing.

Can someone please help?


user profile

Is your seller account email different from the one you used years ago to register the brand? I had to approve myself with a letter of authorisation.

user profile

Always the same email and there's no way to request approval unfortunately as Amazon says they are not accepting applications to sell (on our own listing!)



user profile

It has now been 48 hours since our listing was removed.

Over the last two years, we have invested significant time and capital to grow our brand on Amazon.

We have over £20,000 worth of stock stranded and are losing sales and rank every day.

Can anyone at all help?

@Julia_Amazon@Jessica_Amazon_ @Simon_Amazon

user profile

Hi, have you contacted Brand Registry team via Seller Central? Also check that someone hasnt changed the brand name to something else

user profile

Are you absolutely certain that the title change is what has taken the listing down, or could that be co-incidental ? Did a robot email you to give a reason as to why theyve taken this action ? We had a similar scenario a few years back on a £400k pa sku. Can't lie, it was a nightmare, but I might know something you can try, depending on what theyve said about why the listing came down.

user profile

Thank you for your response.

The title change could have been co-incidental but the timing does match up.

The listing is still live, from what I can gather, Amazon is telling us that we no longer have approval to sell (on our own listing -_-)

This is the exact email Amazon sent to us regarding removing us from the listing:


When we do try and request approval, it's a dead end:

user profile

OK - I know every click on here can be terrifying, but if you're brave enough to un-strand the inventory (i know thats not a proper word), it might mean you can get back into the listing and change the title back. I can see the words "canned pumpkin alternative" in the title. I know that you mean that as an alternative to canned pumpkin, but robot might take it as the ASIN supposedly being in a can, when its not and may not be taking applications on canned food or canned goods. Robot may also interpret a mismatch between the images, of a pouch, and a canned item, who knows, anything is possible on here. There is a crazy review too, albeit back in June 24, that talks about cross contamination. Sometimes they just take exception to terms like "cross-contamination" and as you will know, its a shoot first, dont ask any questions later, policy. I know how stressful this can be, wish I didnt...

user profile


We added the word 'organic' to the title on this change as we recently received organic certification from our supplier. Based on your response, I have a feeling that is a sensitive word and it may have triggered this. I would absolutely rather just remove it completely at this point.

Sorry, by 'unstrand' inventory, do you mean to create a removal order of all the units back to us or is there an easier/less costly way to do that?

Thank you!

user profile

I'm always cautious with advice on Amazon, but we have created a removal order before, and been able to cancel it pretty much straight away. Seller Central can also cancel a removal order for you, not that you can rely on them being able to do the same thing twice. If you try it with 1 unit of something else, to see if you can then cancel, no harm done, as worst scenario, you'd just get 1 item back. I dont know if this will help unlock the listing, but I'm sure I can remember us doing something similar in the past. Basically you have to try things for yourself, because theres no help. This might remove 1 problem at least (the stranded inventory), but I think there's a chance that you will be able to edit, as I can still see the listing. The on screen message I am getting is that it is "currently unavailable", and that will be because theyve stranded all of the inventory. If that gets freed, and robot recognises that it now has inventory that isnt stranded, you might be OK.

user profile

user profile

Amazon seem to be messing around with alot of peoples listings, mine included and then refuse to help sort. is probably your best bet

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It has now been 24 hours since our listing is down.

Amazon support consistently tell us that there is no problem with the listing.

Can someone please help?


user profile

It has now been 24 hours since our listing is down.

Amazon support consistently tell us that there is no problem with the listing.

Can someone please help?


user profile

Is your seller account email different from the one you used years ago to register the brand? I had to approve myself with a letter of authorisation.

user profile

Is your seller account email different from the one you used years ago to register the brand? I had to approve myself with a letter of authorisation.

user profile

Always the same email and there's no way to request approval unfortunately as Amazon says they are not accepting applications to sell (on our own listing!)



user profile

Always the same email and there's no way to request approval unfortunately as Amazon says they are not accepting applications to sell (on our own listing!)



user profile

It has now been 48 hours since our listing was removed.

Over the last two years, we have invested significant time and capital to grow our brand on Amazon.

We have over £20,000 worth of stock stranded and are losing sales and rank every day.

Can anyone at all help?

@Julia_Amazon@Jessica_Amazon_ @Simon_Amazon

user profile

It has now been 48 hours since our listing was removed.

Over the last two years, we have invested significant time and capital to grow our brand on Amazon.

We have over £20,000 worth of stock stranded and are losing sales and rank every day.

Can anyone at all help?

@Julia_Amazon@Jessica_Amazon_ @Simon_Amazon

user profile

Hi, have you contacted Brand Registry team via Seller Central? Also check that someone hasnt changed the brand name to something else

user profile

Hi, have you contacted Brand Registry team via Seller Central? Also check that someone hasnt changed the brand name to something else

user profile

Are you absolutely certain that the title change is what has taken the listing down, or could that be co-incidental ? Did a robot email you to give a reason as to why theyve taken this action ? We had a similar scenario a few years back on a £400k pa sku. Can't lie, it was a nightmare, but I might know something you can try, depending on what theyve said about why the listing came down.

user profile

Are you absolutely certain that the title change is what has taken the listing down, or could that be co-incidental ? Did a robot email you to give a reason as to why theyve taken this action ? We had a similar scenario a few years back on a £400k pa sku. Can't lie, it was a nightmare, but I might know something you can try, depending on what theyve said about why the listing came down.

user profile

Thank you for your response.

The title change could have been co-incidental but the timing does match up.

The listing is still live, from what I can gather, Amazon is telling us that we no longer have approval to sell (on our own listing -_-)

This is the exact email Amazon sent to us regarding removing us from the listing:


When we do try and request approval, it's a dead end:

user profile

Thank you for your response.

The title change could have been co-incidental but the timing does match up.

The listing is still live, from what I can gather, Amazon is telling us that we no longer have approval to sell (on our own listing -_-)

This is the exact email Amazon sent to us regarding removing us from the listing:


When we do try and request approval, it's a dead end:

user profile

OK - I know every click on here can be terrifying, but if you're brave enough to un-strand the inventory (i know thats not a proper word), it might mean you can get back into the listing and change the title back. I can see the words "canned pumpkin alternative" in the title. I know that you mean that as an alternative to canned pumpkin, but robot might take it as the ASIN supposedly being in a can, when its not and may not be taking applications on canned food or canned goods. Robot may also interpret a mismatch between the images, of a pouch, and a canned item, who knows, anything is possible on here. There is a crazy review too, albeit back in June 24, that talks about cross contamination. Sometimes they just take exception to terms like "cross-contamination" and as you will know, its a shoot first, dont ask any questions later, policy. I know how stressful this can be, wish I didnt...

user profile

OK - I know every click on here can be terrifying, but if you're brave enough to un-strand the inventory (i know thats not a proper word), it might mean you can get back into the listing and change the title back. I can see the words "canned pumpkin alternative" in the title. I know that you mean that as an alternative to canned pumpkin, but robot might take it as the ASIN supposedly being in a can, when its not and may not be taking applications on canned food or canned goods. Robot may also interpret a mismatch between the images, of a pouch, and a canned item, who knows, anything is possible on here. There is a crazy review too, albeit back in June 24, that talks about cross contamination. Sometimes they just take exception to terms like "cross-contamination" and as you will know, its a shoot first, dont ask any questions later, policy. I know how stressful this can be, wish I didnt...

user profile


We added the word 'organic' to the title on this change as we recently received organic certification from our supplier. Based on your response, I have a feeling that is a sensitive word and it may have triggered this. I would absolutely rather just remove it completely at this point.

Sorry, by 'unstrand' inventory, do you mean to create a removal order of all the units back to us or is there an easier/less costly way to do that?

Thank you!

user profile


We added the word 'organic' to the title on this change as we recently received organic certification from our supplier. Based on your response, I have a feeling that is a sensitive word and it may have triggered this. I would absolutely rather just remove it completely at this point.

Sorry, by 'unstrand' inventory, do you mean to create a removal order of all the units back to us or is there an easier/less costly way to do that?

Thank you!

user profile

I'm always cautious with advice on Amazon, but we have created a removal order before, and been able to cancel it pretty much straight away. Seller Central can also cancel a removal order for you, not that you can rely on them being able to do the same thing twice. If you try it with 1 unit of something else, to see if you can then cancel, no harm done, as worst scenario, you'd just get 1 item back. I dont know if this will help unlock the listing, but I'm sure I can remember us doing something similar in the past. Basically you have to try things for yourself, because theres no help. This might remove 1 problem at least (the stranded inventory), but I think there's a chance that you will be able to edit, as I can still see the listing. The on screen message I am getting is that it is "currently unavailable", and that will be because theyve stranded all of the inventory. If that gets freed, and robot recognises that it now has inventory that isnt stranded, you might be OK.

user profile

I'm always cautious with advice on Amazon, but we have created a removal order before, and been able to cancel it pretty much straight away. Seller Central can also cancel a removal order for you, not that you can rely on them being able to do the same thing twice. If you try it with 1 unit of something else, to see if you can then cancel, no harm done, as worst scenario, you'd just get 1 item back. I dont know if this will help unlock the listing, but I'm sure I can remember us doing something similar in the past. Basically you have to try things for yourself, because theres no help. This might remove 1 problem at least (the stranded inventory), but I think there's a chance that you will be able to edit, as I can still see the listing. The on screen message I am getting is that it is "currently unavailable", and that will be because theyve stranded all of the inventory. If that gets freed, and robot recognises that it now has inventory that isnt stranded, you might be OK.

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user profile

user profile

Amazon seem to be messing around with alot of peoples listings, mine included and then refuse to help sort. is probably your best bet

user profile

Amazon seem to be messing around with alot of peoples listings, mine included and then refuse to help sort. is probably your best bet

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