Images (etc) on several main listing pages have been randomly changed to unmatching products (yet again!) - reporting them not helping!


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Images (etc) on several main listing pages have been randomly changed to unmatching products (yet again!) - reporting them not helping!

The images on various listing pages have been changed to unmatching products. The listing pages affected are:

B00004CUW0 - The English Patient [VHS] = All the images are wrong + the product-description is wrong because it is not displayed in English, when this is an UK / English product. ***NOTE: I don't mean that just because of the title of this product***

B00004CX4G - Titanic [VHS] = Most the images are wrong.

B0000AISIH - To End All Wars [VHS] = All the images are wrong.

B00004TXGZ - Star Trek Voyager - Vol. 6.5 [VHS] = All the images are wrong.

B00004CK6W - Top Gun [VHS] = All the images are wrong.

B00004CJTX - Rain Man [VHS] = All the images are wrong.

B00004CMEA - JFK [VHS] = All the images are wrong + the product-description is wrong because it is advertising Marketplace Seller information, instead of showing a description of the product.

B00004CIDK - The Bridge At Remagen [VHS] = Most the images are wrong.

B00004CJTG - Queen We Will Rock You [VHS] = All the images are wrong.

B000057MCR - Mr Bean Unseen Bean [VHS] = All the images are wrong.

B00004CO7A - The Fugitive [VHS] = All the images are wrong.

B00004CJ56 - Gone With The Wind [VHS] = Some of the images are wrong (three are correct, three others are wrong).

This nonsense of images on listing-pages suddenly somehow becoming messed up started several years ago on all kinds of (mostly) VHS home-media product listing-pages. I managed to get most my VHS listing pages more or less fixed last year, but a few weeks ago the ones above got messed up again!!!! GAAAA!!!!! I have reported the listing-pages multiple times in the past few weeks (using the "Report an issue with this product" links), and unsurprisingly STILL NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO FIX THEM.

Also while I am complaining about problems with listing pages (and lack-there-of fixes for them when reports about them have been made): each of the following the product-descriptions are wrong or slightly wrong because (like with "The English Patient [VHS]" mentioned above) the product-descriptions are not displayed in English, when they are all UK / English products:

B00004D02E - (Disneys) Mulan [VHS]

B00004CVVE - Air Force One [VHS]

B00004CRXV - Die Hard With A Vengeance [VHS]

B00004CYZ0 - Enemy Of The State [VHS]

B00004CN5E - Sister Act [VHS]

B00004CP8W - Sister Act 2 Back In The Habit [VHS]

B00004CW82 - Face/Off [VHS]

B00004CUJ3 - Ransom [VHS]

B00004CK28 - Splash [VHS]

Are there any moderators around who can help?

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Tags:Images, Listings, detail page
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My guess is that the barcode numbers are being reused for different products. Old barcodes do sometimes get reused. That is probably why they keep changing back again.

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Hi @Seller_2hS4s2SbSs4On,

Have you opened a case with Seller Support about this yet? If so, could you share the case ID?



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There was a time, many moons ago, when OOP VHS tapes on Amazon were very profitable and I couldn't stock them fast enough.

Those days are long gone and with the catalogue now so jumbled and demand for VHS almost non-existent I threw that particular towel in years ago.

I now have only about a half a dozen VHS tapes left for sale on Amazon and only saved them from going to landfill because they are very rare and unavailable in any other format...ten years on, regular price reductions and still no takers!

It always amazes me when I hear that people are still managing to sell VHS on Amazon.

It was a relief when I finally gave up on them. No more battling with SS over the catalogue, no more dealing with buyers who thought they were buying DVDs and more storage space for things that might actually sell!

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And with no big surprise, the response from Seller Support for case ID: 10734051372 is WRONG again (which is why I did not want to contact Seller Support in the first place). The relevant part of the response is follows:

In order to process your request, you must provide the URL for the manufacturer’s website, or for books, the publisher’s website, clearly showing the requested change, along with a visible product identifier, such as a UPC, European Article Number (EAN) or International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

I knew it was either going to be that response, or something along the lines saying "you are not the brand owner... we Amazon (are incompetent - lol) and can not do anything ourselves so we expect you do all the work to SOMEHOW contact the brand owner (which in most cases is either impossible or not relevant) and get them to try and fix the images" - in fact the brand owners most likely can't fix the pages either (or just won't fix because they don't care). ALL WHEN IT WAS AMAZON THEMSELVES WHO MESSED UP THE LISTING PAGES IN THE FIRST PLACE AND WON'T ADMIT THAT THEY ARE THE ONES AT FAULT AND ONLY THEY CAN FIX THESE KINDS OF PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ach, let me make a few things clear about the listing pages I have mentioned that have problems - this is for @Ezra_Amazon + all other forum moderators + everyone really (although am sure everyone knows the following things already anyway - but I don't care, I feel like ranting):

(1) I am not the creator of the listing pages.

(2) I am not the Brand Owner of the listing pages.

(3) The listing pages are of products that are not just limited to sell by only the Brand Owner. Anyone is allowed to sell the same identical products - meaning the listing pages are "shared" by multiple Sellers.

(4) The listing pages do not have (and did not ever have) a manufacturer’s website - in fact, why do Amazon assume that all products sold on their system have a manufacturer’s website (and even need one)? If Amazon need some kind of evidence proof of products, the only thing we can offer for these kinds of products is an image scan of the product with the EAN Barcode on it (which I can provide easily if necessary) - but I'm fairly sure Amazon won't accept that as proof, because they now have this nonsense of requireing references and proof from NON EXISTANT WEBSITES.

(5) I am simply trying to report to Amazon that certain things on this listing pages (images and product descriptions) don't match the products, or are not appropriate in some way for the products. This reporting I am trying to do is to help everyone who is selling and buying these products from these listing pages - to make things accurate and clearer for everyone basically.

(6) All listing page error reports do not get properly investigated by Amazon (+ any replies we get tend to be automatic and unrelated to our error reports) or just get ignored. And this is regardless of how error reports are sent: by "Report an issue with this product" links on the listing pages, by "get help" from Seller Support, or "report abuse" pages.

This is why I'm am screaming for help on the Amazon Forums!!! Which TBH I know is also futile but I still don't care, I like to rant.

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