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Request for Review of Remaining Parallel Import Violations

Hello Amazon Sellers,

I am writing to seek advice and assistance regarding a recent issue with parallel import violations for products in our account.

We received 311 violations related to New Balance branded products. All these products were sourced from a reputable and authorized supplier, and we have provided valid invoices and supporting documents to Amazon.

Out of the 311 violations, 200 were successfully removed from our account health after Amazon's review. However, the remaining 111 violations are still active. The products, invoices, and supplier information for all the violations are identical, so there is no difference between the violations that were removed and those that remain.

We believe the decision might vary depending on the specialist reviewing the case, and we are struggling to understand why some violations are accepted while others are not.

I am reaching out to the forum to ask:

Has anyone experienced a similar situation?

What additional steps can we take to ensure the remaining violations are reviewed and removed?

Is there a specific team or escalation process we should follow for such inconsistencies?

We have already resubmitted the supplier information and invoices to Amazon for reconsideration, but we would greatly appreciate any advice or insights from fellow sellers who have dealt with similar issues.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

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Tags:Account Health
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Request for Review of Remaining Parallel Import Violations

Hello Amazon Sellers,

I am writing to seek advice and assistance regarding a recent issue with parallel import violations for products in our account.

We received 311 violations related to New Balance branded products. All these products were sourced from a reputable and authorized supplier, and we have provided valid invoices and supporting documents to Amazon.

Out of the 311 violations, 200 were successfully removed from our account health after Amazon's review. However, the remaining 111 violations are still active. The products, invoices, and supplier information for all the violations are identical, so there is no difference between the violations that were removed and those that remain.

We believe the decision might vary depending on the specialist reviewing the case, and we are struggling to understand why some violations are accepted while others are not.

I am reaching out to the forum to ask:

Has anyone experienced a similar situation?

What additional steps can we take to ensure the remaining violations are reviewed and removed?

Is there a specific team or escalation process we should follow for such inconsistencies?

We have already resubmitted the supplier information and invoices to Amazon for reconsideration, but we would greatly appreciate any advice or insights from fellow sellers who have dealt with similar issues.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Tags:Account Health
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Previously, I submitted invoices from an EEA-based supplier for all 311 ASINs flagged for this issue. As a result, 298 of these violations were successfully removed, demonstrating that the invoices and supporting documents meet Amazon's compliance standards.

However, despite the same documentation being submitted for all flagged ASINs—including invoices listing multiple New Balance products—I have noticed inconsistencies in how these documents have been reviewed. For example:

On the same invoice, 9 out of 10 flagged ASINs have been cleared, yet the remaining 1 ASIN remains unresolved.

This inconsistency strongly suggests that the evaluation process may not have been uniform.

Additionally, I am experiencing significant challenges due to the automated rejection of my resubmitted documents within minutes, making it impossible to address these discrepancies.

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Request for Review of Remaining Parallel Import Violations

Hello Amazon Sellers,

I am writing to seek advice and assistance regarding a recent issue with parallel import violations for products in our account.

We received 311 violations related to New Balance branded products. All these products were sourced from a reputable and authorized supplier, and we have provided valid invoices and supporting documents to Amazon.

Out of the 311 violations, 200 were successfully removed from our account health after Amazon's review. However, the remaining 111 violations are still active. The products, invoices, and supplier information for all the violations are identical, so there is no difference between the violations that were removed and those that remain.

We believe the decision might vary depending on the specialist reviewing the case, and we are struggling to understand why some violations are accepted while others are not.

I am reaching out to the forum to ask:

Has anyone experienced a similar situation?

What additional steps can we take to ensure the remaining violations are reviewed and removed?

Is there a specific team or escalation process we should follow for such inconsistencies?

We have already resubmitted the supplier information and invoices to Amazon for reconsideration, but we would greatly appreciate any advice or insights from fellow sellers who have dealt with similar issues.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

1 reply
Tags:Account Health
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Request for Review of Remaining Parallel Import Violations

Hello Amazon Sellers,

I am writing to seek advice and assistance regarding a recent issue with parallel import violations for products in our account.

We received 311 violations related to New Balance branded products. All these products were sourced from a reputable and authorized supplier, and we have provided valid invoices and supporting documents to Amazon.

Out of the 311 violations, 200 were successfully removed from our account health after Amazon's review. However, the remaining 111 violations are still active. The products, invoices, and supplier information for all the violations are identical, so there is no difference between the violations that were removed and those that remain.

We believe the decision might vary depending on the specialist reviewing the case, and we are struggling to understand why some violations are accepted while others are not.

I am reaching out to the forum to ask:

Has anyone experienced a similar situation?

What additional steps can we take to ensure the remaining violations are reviewed and removed?

Is there a specific team or escalation process we should follow for such inconsistencies?

We have already resubmitted the supplier information and invoices to Amazon for reconsideration, but we would greatly appreciate any advice or insights from fellow sellers who have dealt with similar issues.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Tags:Account Health
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Request for Review of Remaining Parallel Import Violations

by Seller_Z5H7B3MDWdSKS

Hello Amazon Sellers,

I am writing to seek advice and assistance regarding a recent issue with parallel import violations for products in our account.

We received 311 violations related to New Balance branded products. All these products were sourced from a reputable and authorized supplier, and we have provided valid invoices and supporting documents to Amazon.

Out of the 311 violations, 200 were successfully removed from our account health after Amazon's review. However, the remaining 111 violations are still active. The products, invoices, and supplier information for all the violations are identical, so there is no difference between the violations that were removed and those that remain.

We believe the decision might vary depending on the specialist reviewing the case, and we are struggling to understand why some violations are accepted while others are not.

I am reaching out to the forum to ask:

Has anyone experienced a similar situation?

What additional steps can we take to ensure the remaining violations are reviewed and removed?

Is there a specific team or escalation process we should follow for such inconsistencies?

We have already resubmitted the supplier information and invoices to Amazon for reconsideration, but we would greatly appreciate any advice or insights from fellow sellers who have dealt with similar issues.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Tags:Account Health
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Previously, I submitted invoices from an EEA-based supplier for all 311 ASINs flagged for this issue. As a result, 298 of these violations were successfully removed, demonstrating that the invoices and supporting documents meet Amazon's compliance standards.

However, despite the same documentation being submitted for all flagged ASINs—including invoices listing multiple New Balance products—I have noticed inconsistencies in how these documents have been reviewed. For example:

On the same invoice, 9 out of 10 flagged ASINs have been cleared, yet the remaining 1 ASIN remains unresolved.

This inconsistency strongly suggests that the evaluation process may not have been uniform.

Additionally, I am experiencing significant challenges due to the automated rejection of my resubmitted documents within minutes, making it impossible to address these discrepancies.

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Previously, I submitted invoices from an EEA-based supplier for all 311 ASINs flagged for this issue. As a result, 298 of these violations were successfully removed, demonstrating that the invoices and supporting documents meet Amazon's compliance standards.

However, despite the same documentation being submitted for all flagged ASINs—including invoices listing multiple New Balance products—I have noticed inconsistencies in how these documents have been reviewed. For example:

On the same invoice, 9 out of 10 flagged ASINs have been cleared, yet the remaining 1 ASIN remains unresolved.

This inconsistency strongly suggests that the evaluation process may not have been uniform.

Additionally, I am experiencing significant challenges due to the automated rejection of my resubmitted documents within minutes, making it impossible to address these discrepancies.

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Previously, I submitted invoices from an EEA-based supplier for all 311 ASINs flagged for this issue. As a result, 298 of these violations were successfully removed, demonstrating that the invoices and supporting documents meet Amazon's compliance standards.

However, despite the same documentation being submitted for all flagged ASINs—including invoices listing multiple New Balance products—I have noticed inconsistencies in how these documents have been reviewed. For example:

On the same invoice, 9 out of 10 flagged ASINs have been cleared, yet the remaining 1 ASIN remains unresolved.

This inconsistency strongly suggests that the evaluation process may not have been uniform.

Additionally, I am experiencing significant challenges due to the automated rejection of my resubmitted documents within minutes, making it impossible to address these discrepancies.

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