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DD+7 'a transition extension to 30 September 2025', why Amazon is not responding ?

We were taken by surprise when our funds were blocked. Upon investigation, we realized that the DD+7 policy had been implemented without prior warning. We relied on the message on our account health page, which still indicates a future date.

The message states:

''We will move your account to the standard base reserve policy called “Delivery Date Based Reserve” or “DD+7” in the coming months. Additional details have been emailed to you.

The DD+7 base reserve policy means that funds from sales will become available for disbursement based on the delivery date plus seven days. When the DD+7 base reserve policy is applied to your account, the change may cause a one-time cash flow issue for your business and may temporarily impact your ability to disburse funds if your balance is lower than the reserve fund required.

If you are concerned about the impact of this transition, please contact us and we’ll evaluate available options to help you, including a transition extension to 30 September 2025.

For more information about Delivery Date Based Reserves, go to Payments based on delivery date.''

We have written multiple times to the provided email, requesting an extension, but have received no response, despite including all necessary information.

Is anyone else experiencing the same issues?

Moderators, can you please resolve this?

Thank you.

47 replies
47 replies
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double check that the email address you are emailing them from is the same one they have on file for your account.

especially with gmail addresses the extra .s you can insert into an email address and it still work etc.

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Going back to the original question, have any of you received a response or even confirmation from Amazon with regards to extension to 30 September 2025?

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Hello @Seller_4jeZD40ha7u4o,

This is Sakura from Amazon.

Actually, @Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9 is correct in that the email address that you are writing from has to be the same as the one that you provided in Seller Central.

As I checked, I see that your last email to the Team (from July 28) , when you used your correct email address, was delivered to the correct team and is waiting for their review.

I will contact this Team and ask them about an update; however, please bear in mind that the review can take some time.

Please let us know here once you have any responses.



user profile


That was quick:) The Team informed me that the extension to September 30, 2025 was granted.

You should have received the notification with details on July 2, 2024.

Could you please check your email and confirm it for me ? 



user profile

Hello Sellers,

I see that some of you have tagged me to obtain confirmation if your email was delivered to .

I want to share with you the following important reminders:

  • Ensure that the email address you are emailing the Team from is the same one as the one that you have on your Amazon account in Seller Central. If you did so, there is no need to obtain confirmation from me, as the email will be delivered to the correct Team.

  • The review process can take up to 6 days; hence, don't worry if you do not get any answer within the next 6 days after sending the email.

Thank you,


user profile


I see that your email is pending review. The process can take up to 5 business days, please let me know if you don't get an answer after this time.



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Hi, we have been notified only this morning that we are being put onto DD+7 on the 18th of this month, that's less than a weeks notice. We are a small family business, me and 2 of my children so this will affect our cash flow and ability to continue trading. I have asked for a stay of execution using the email address given in the email to us this morning but to be frank I'm not holding my breath.

I could understand and agree with the policy if our metrics were all poor, however, they are all perfect as we always refund immediately on receiving a return, which is rare occurrence over the last 10 years that we have been selling on here, so to retain all of our disbursement money for 10 days to cover potential refunds etc is patently not the case.I'm afraid.

Could every one of our orders in a week be refunded? Of course not.

user profile

thank you, when i saw this post i could have some hope as been a worry of mine with invoices due for xmas stock

thank you

user profile

thank you , nothing as of yet 😊

user profile

afternoon @Sakura_Amazon_

Currently on 7 business days sent on the 10th.

Have been checking notifications ❤️ as much needed please

user profile

Hi @Sakura_Amazon_

This thread gives me a bit of hope. It seems our base reserve policy DD+7 has come into effect since yesterday without us realising or knowing. This is going to have a massive strain on the business because it is not just plus 7 days. This will be 2 days for delivery + 7 days from that point we can start requesting the funds, and then it takes 4 to 5 days for Amazons disbursement to hit the bank account. So we are potentially talking 14 to 15 working days before we see any funds come into our account.

This is not sustainable for us. Now as per the thread it seems help is available if we email as many other sellers have had their policy change extended and reversed. We are very hopeful for the same outcome for us.

Like the other sellers on the thread, i have also email into from our registered seller central account email address.

I completely understand your advice of waiting around 6 days for them to review the email in other parts of this thread, but if you could do us the favor of checking if the email has landed in the inbox i would be very grateful. We do not want the possibility of the email not having been delivered and we keep waiting with no end. Once we know it has landed there, we will be content that it will be reviewed soon and wait patiently.

I thank you for this in advance

user profile


Thank you for your updates here. I am reaching out to the Partner Team to review it!

user profile

hi we have also having this issue please can you check our account as we believed we have already ready been moved and this will not be good for he business we desperately need the extension until 30th September 2025 .

user profile


hi we have also having this issue please can you check our account as we believed we have already ready been moved and this will not be good for he business we desperately need the extension until 30th September 2025 .

user profile

Hello @Seller_2uXrI0HVRlPM0,

I am coming back with an update. The team has already reviewed it, and they should let you know about their decision on the 20th of September in the notification titled: Your Reserve Policy.

Could you check it and let me know if you got it?



user profile

Hello @Seller_An2FTo4Sq7T2X,

Could you please review this thread and make sure that you are following all of the correct steps?

Extending DD7 Policy Exclusion



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DD+7 'a transition extension to 30 September 2025', why Amazon is not responding ?

We were taken by surprise when our funds were blocked. Upon investigation, we realized that the DD+7 policy had been implemented without prior warning. We relied on the message on our account health page, which still indicates a future date.

The message states:

''We will move your account to the standard base reserve policy called “Delivery Date Based Reserve” or “DD+7” in the coming months. Additional details have been emailed to you.

The DD+7 base reserve policy means that funds from sales will become available for disbursement based on the delivery date plus seven days. When the DD+7 base reserve policy is applied to your account, the change may cause a one-time cash flow issue for your business and may temporarily impact your ability to disburse funds if your balance is lower than the reserve fund required.

If you are concerned about the impact of this transition, please contact us and we’ll evaluate available options to help you, including a transition extension to 30 September 2025.

For more information about Delivery Date Based Reserves, go to Payments based on delivery date.''

We have written multiple times to the provided email, requesting an extension, but have received no response, despite including all necessary information.

Is anyone else experiencing the same issues?

Moderators, can you please resolve this?

Thank you.

47 replies
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DD+7 'a transition extension to 30 September 2025', why Amazon is not responding ?

by Seller_4jeZD40ha7u4o

We were taken by surprise when our funds were blocked. Upon investigation, we realized that the DD+7 policy had been implemented without prior warning. We relied on the message on our account health page, which still indicates a future date.

The message states:

''We will move your account to the standard base reserve policy called “Delivery Date Based Reserve” or “DD+7” in the coming months. Additional details have been emailed to you.

The DD+7 base reserve policy means that funds from sales will become available for disbursement based on the delivery date plus seven days. When the DD+7 base reserve policy is applied to your account, the change may cause a one-time cash flow issue for your business and may temporarily impact your ability to disburse funds if your balance is lower than the reserve fund required.

If you are concerned about the impact of this transition, please contact us and we’ll evaluate available options to help you, including a transition extension to 30 September 2025.

For more information about Delivery Date Based Reserves, go to Payments based on delivery date.''

We have written multiple times to the provided email, requesting an extension, but have received no response, despite including all necessary information.

Is anyone else experiencing the same issues?

Moderators, can you please resolve this?

Thank you.

47 replies
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double check that the email address you are emailing them from is the same one they have on file for your account.

especially with gmail addresses the extra .s you can insert into an email address and it still work etc.

user profile

Going back to the original question, have any of you received a response or even confirmation from Amazon with regards to extension to 30 September 2025?

user profile

Hello @Seller_4jeZD40ha7u4o,

This is Sakura from Amazon.

Actually, @Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9 is correct in that the email address that you are writing from has to be the same as the one that you provided in Seller Central.

As I checked, I see that your last email to the Team (from July 28) , when you used your correct email address, was delivered to the correct team and is waiting for their review.

I will contact this Team and ask them about an update; however, please bear in mind that the review can take some time.

Please let us know here once you have any responses.



user profile


That was quick:) The Team informed me that the extension to September 30, 2025 was granted.

You should have received the notification with details on July 2, 2024.

Could you please check your email and confirm it for me ? 



user profile

Hello Sellers,

I see that some of you have tagged me to obtain confirmation if your email was delivered to .

I want to share with you the following important reminders:

  • Ensure that the email address you are emailing the Team from is the same one as the one that you have on your Amazon account in Seller Central. If you did so, there is no need to obtain confirmation from me, as the email will be delivered to the correct Team.

  • The review process can take up to 6 days; hence, don't worry if you do not get any answer within the next 6 days after sending the email.

Thank you,


user profile


I see that your email is pending review. The process can take up to 5 business days, please let me know if you don't get an answer after this time.



user profile

Hi, we have been notified only this morning that we are being put onto DD+7 on the 18th of this month, that's less than a weeks notice. We are a small family business, me and 2 of my children so this will affect our cash flow and ability to continue trading. I have asked for a stay of execution using the email address given in the email to us this morning but to be frank I'm not holding my breath.

I could understand and agree with the policy if our metrics were all poor, however, they are all perfect as we always refund immediately on receiving a return, which is rare occurrence over the last 10 years that we have been selling on here, so to retain all of our disbursement money for 10 days to cover potential refunds etc is patently not the case.I'm afraid.

Could every one of our orders in a week be refunded? Of course not.

user profile

thank you, when i saw this post i could have some hope as been a worry of mine with invoices due for xmas stock

thank you

user profile

thank you , nothing as of yet 😊

user profile

afternoon @Sakura_Amazon_

Currently on 7 business days sent on the 10th.

Have been checking notifications ❤️ as much needed please

user profile

Hi @Sakura_Amazon_

This thread gives me a bit of hope. It seems our base reserve policy DD+7 has come into effect since yesterday without us realising or knowing. This is going to have a massive strain on the business because it is not just plus 7 days. This will be 2 days for delivery + 7 days from that point we can start requesting the funds, and then it takes 4 to 5 days for Amazons disbursement to hit the bank account. So we are potentially talking 14 to 15 working days before we see any funds come into our account.

This is not sustainable for us. Now as per the thread it seems help is available if we email as many other sellers have had their policy change extended and reversed. We are very hopeful for the same outcome for us.

Like the other sellers on the thread, i have also email into from our registered seller central account email address.

I completely understand your advice of waiting around 6 days for them to review the email in other parts of this thread, but if you could do us the favor of checking if the email has landed in the inbox i would be very grateful. We do not want the possibility of the email not having been delivered and we keep waiting with no end. Once we know it has landed there, we will be content that it will be reviewed soon and wait patiently.

I thank you for this in advance

user profile


Thank you for your updates here. I am reaching out to the Partner Team to review it!

user profile

hi we have also having this issue please can you check our account as we believed we have already ready been moved and this will not be good for he business we desperately need the extension until 30th September 2025 .

user profile


hi we have also having this issue please can you check our account as we believed we have already ready been moved and this will not be good for he business we desperately need the extension until 30th September 2025 .

user profile

Hello @Seller_2uXrI0HVRlPM0,

I am coming back with an update. The team has already reviewed it, and they should let you know about their decision on the 20th of September in the notification titled: Your Reserve Policy.

Could you check it and let me know if you got it?



user profile

Hello @Seller_An2FTo4Sq7T2X,

Could you please review this thread and make sure that you are following all of the correct steps?

Extending DD7 Policy Exclusion



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double check that the email address you are emailing them from is the same one they have on file for your account.

especially with gmail addresses the extra .s you can insert into an email address and it still work etc.

user profile

double check that the email address you are emailing them from is the same one they have on file for your account.

especially with gmail addresses the extra .s you can insert into an email address and it still work etc.

user profile

Going back to the original question, have any of you received a response or even confirmation from Amazon with regards to extension to 30 September 2025?

user profile

Going back to the original question, have any of you received a response or even confirmation from Amazon with regards to extension to 30 September 2025?

user profile

Hello @Seller_4jeZD40ha7u4o,

This is Sakura from Amazon.

Actually, @Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9 is correct in that the email address that you are writing from has to be the same as the one that you provided in Seller Central.

As I checked, I see that your last email to the Team (from July 28) , when you used your correct email address, was delivered to the correct team and is waiting for their review.

I will contact this Team and ask them about an update; however, please bear in mind that the review can take some time.

Please let us know here once you have any responses.



user profile

Hello @Seller_4jeZD40ha7u4o,

This is Sakura from Amazon.

Actually, @Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9 is correct in that the email address that you are writing from has to be the same as the one that you provided in Seller Central.

As I checked, I see that your last email to the Team (from July 28) , when you used your correct email address, was delivered to the correct team and is waiting for their review.

I will contact this Team and ask them about an update; however, please bear in mind that the review can take some time.

Please let us know here once you have any responses.



user profile


That was quick:) The Team informed me that the extension to September 30, 2025 was granted.

You should have received the notification with details on July 2, 2024.

Could you please check your email and confirm it for me ? 



user profile


That was quick:) The Team informed me that the extension to September 30, 2025 was granted.

You should have received the notification with details on July 2, 2024.

Could you please check your email and confirm it for me ? 



user profile

Hello Sellers,

I see that some of you have tagged me to obtain confirmation if your email was delivered to .

I want to share with you the following important reminders:

  • Ensure that the email address you are emailing the Team from is the same one as the one that you have on your Amazon account in Seller Central. If you did so, there is no need to obtain confirmation from me, as the email will be delivered to the correct Team.

  • The review process can take up to 6 days; hence, don't worry if you do not get any answer within the next 6 days after sending the email.

Thank you,


user profile

Hello Sellers,

I see that some of you have tagged me to obtain confirmation if your email was delivered to .

I want to share with you the following important reminders:

  • Ensure that the email address you are emailing the Team from is the same one as the one that you have on your Amazon account in Seller Central. If you did so, there is no need to obtain confirmation from me, as the email will be delivered to the correct Team.

  • The review process can take up to 6 days; hence, don't worry if you do not get any answer within the next 6 days after sending the email.

Thank you,


user profile


I see that your email is pending review. The process can take up to 5 business days, please let me know if you don't get an answer after this time.



user profile


I see that your email is pending review. The process can take up to 5 business days, please let me know if you don't get an answer after this time.



user profile

Hi, we have been notified only this morning that we are being put onto DD+7 on the 18th of this month, that's less than a weeks notice. We are a small family business, me and 2 of my children so this will affect our cash flow and ability to continue trading. I have asked for a stay of execution using the email address given in the email to us this morning but to be frank I'm not holding my breath.

I could understand and agree with the policy if our metrics were all poor, however, they are all perfect as we always refund immediately on receiving a return, which is rare occurrence over the last 10 years that we have been selling on here, so to retain all of our disbursement money for 10 days to cover potential refunds etc is patently not the case.I'm afraid.

Could every one of our orders in a week be refunded? Of course not.

user profile

Hi, we have been notified only this morning that we are being put onto DD+7 on the 18th of this month, that's less than a weeks notice. We are a small family business, me and 2 of my children so this will affect our cash flow and ability to continue trading. I have asked for a stay of execution using the email address given in the email to us this morning but to be frank I'm not holding my breath.

I could understand and agree with the policy if our metrics were all poor, however, they are all perfect as we always refund immediately on receiving a return, which is rare occurrence over the last 10 years that we have been selling on here, so to retain all of our disbursement money for 10 days to cover potential refunds etc is patently not the case.I'm afraid.

Could every one of our orders in a week be refunded? Of course not.

user profile

thank you, when i saw this post i could have some hope as been a worry of mine with invoices due for xmas stock

thank you

user profile

thank you, when i saw this post i could have some hope as been a worry of mine with invoices due for xmas stock

thank you

user profile

thank you , nothing as of yet 😊

user profile

thank you , nothing as of yet 😊

user profile

afternoon @Sakura_Amazon_

Currently on 7 business days sent on the 10th.

Have been checking notifications ❤️ as much needed please

user profile

afternoon @Sakura_Amazon_

Currently on 7 business days sent on the 10th.

Have been checking notifications ❤️ as much needed please

user profile

Hi @Sakura_Amazon_

This thread gives me a bit of hope. It seems our base reserve policy DD+7 has come into effect since yesterday without us realising or knowing. This is going to have a massive strain on the business because it is not just plus 7 days. This will be 2 days for delivery + 7 days from that point we can start requesting the funds, and then it takes 4 to 5 days for Amazons disbursement to hit the bank account. So we are potentially talking 14 to 15 working days before we see any funds come into our account.

This is not sustainable for us. Now as per the thread it seems help is available if we email as many other sellers have had their policy change extended and reversed. We are very hopeful for the same outcome for us.

Like the other sellers on the thread, i have also email into from our registered seller central account email address.

I completely understand your advice of waiting around 6 days for them to review the email in other parts of this thread, but if you could do us the favor of checking if the email has landed in the inbox i would be very grateful. We do not want the possibility of the email not having been delivered and we keep waiting with no end. Once we know it has landed there, we will be content that it will be reviewed soon and wait patiently.

I thank you for this in advance

user profile

Hi @Sakura_Amazon_

This thread gives me a bit of hope. It seems our base reserve policy DD+7 has come into effect since yesterday without us realising or knowing. This is going to have a massive strain on the business because it is not just plus 7 days. This will be 2 days for delivery + 7 days from that point we can start requesting the funds, and then it takes 4 to 5 days for Amazons disbursement to hit the bank account. So we are potentially talking 14 to 15 working days before we see any funds come into our account.

This is not sustainable for us. Now as per the thread it seems help is available if we email as many other sellers have had their policy change extended and reversed. We are very hopeful for the same outcome for us.

Like the other sellers on the thread, i have also email into from our registered seller central account email address.

I completely understand your advice of waiting around 6 days for them to review the email in other parts of this thread, but if you could do us the favor of checking if the email has landed in the inbox i would be very grateful. We do not want the possibility of the email not having been delivered and we keep waiting with no end. Once we know it has landed there, we will be content that it will be reviewed soon and wait patiently.

I thank you for this in advance

user profile


Thank you for your updates here. I am reaching out to the Partner Team to review it!

user profile


Thank you for your updates here. I am reaching out to the Partner Team to review it!

user profile

hi we have also having this issue please can you check our account as we believed we have already ready been moved and this will not be good for he business we desperately need the extension until 30th September 2025 .

user profile

hi we have also having this issue please can you check our account as we believed we have already ready been moved and this will not be good for he business we desperately need the extension until 30th September 2025 .

user profile


hi we have also having this issue please can you check our account as we believed we have already ready been moved and this will not be good for he business we desperately need the extension until 30th September 2025 .

user profile


hi we have also having this issue please can you check our account as we believed we have already ready been moved and this will not be good for he business we desperately need the extension until 30th September 2025 .

user profile

Hello @Seller_2uXrI0HVRlPM0,

I am coming back with an update. The team has already reviewed it, and they should let you know about their decision on the 20th of September in the notification titled: Your Reserve Policy.

Could you check it and let me know if you got it?



user profile

Hello @Seller_2uXrI0HVRlPM0,

I am coming back with an update. The team has already reviewed it, and they should let you know about their decision on the 20th of September in the notification titled: Your Reserve Policy.

Could you check it and let me know if you got it?



user profile

Hello @Seller_An2FTo4Sq7T2X,

Could you please review this thread and make sure that you are following all of the correct steps?

Extending DD7 Policy Exclusion



user profile

Hello @Seller_An2FTo4Sq7T2X,

Could you please review this thread and make sure that you are following all of the correct steps?

Extending DD7 Policy Exclusion



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