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Subscribe & Save Transfers


We have a case 10167223092 open with Amazon where we are not getting any real help.

On Monday 2nd September 2024 we transferred 513 subscribe and save subscriptions from one SKU to another SKU (on the same ASIN).

But on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 the subscribe and save for the SKU was marked as inactive and there is no entry for the new SKU in the Subscribe and Save dashboard.

Seems like amazon took it out the S&S programme.

This is a huge loss for us and we need to get them transferred to the new SKU.

Anyone have any contacts in the UK S&S team? OR email address I can use to reach out to them?

OR, is there any Amazon forum moderators that can help us urgently before we use these subscriptions for good?

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Tags:Subscribe & Save
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Hello @Seller_759WBaZsRzyMR,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

At the moment the team is investigating, I am monitoring this case closely. I will let you know as soon as there is an update.

Regards, Spencer

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