Read onlyHello everyone.
I've noticed this message has started to appear on many of my home-media listings:
Restricted edit permissions - As you are not the brand owner for this product, you can only create an offer for this ASIN. You are not authorised to make or request an update for any other attribute for this product. If you are the brand owner, please make sure that you’re registered in Brand Registry and this ASIN is registered to your brand.
Is this new? I don't remember seeing it before... But anyway, what if the Brand-Owners who own + originally created these listing pages accidentally saved some incorrect details about the product AND/OR missed out some extra details (of some sort) about the product? Assuming non-Brand-Owner sellers are allowed to sell on these pages in the first place, the Restricted edit permissions thing means if these listing pages have any incorrect/incomplete details on them, non-Brand-Owners can not correct/update the details if we happen to spot them. I do not include the "Report an issue with this product" link on all listing pages OR contact "Seller Support", both of which in my experience rarely work now + I doubt will work in this circumstance anyway.
Am I correct about this Restricted edit permissions thing now rather limiting our options when it comes to correcting/updating details on listing pages? The idea of Restricted edit permissions seems like a good idea generally so Brand-Owners can protect their listing pages, but what if the original Brand-Owners created the listing pages many years ago and have long since (b******* off) left Amazon, or simply don't care? All other sellers selling the same product can not wait around in hope that the original Brand-Owners might eventually fix their own listing pages!
I have seen it on some of my clothing listings recently. Mostly those which are for character brands.
Basically it is just telling you that you can change very little. Which has always been the case if you are not the brand owner.
You can though apply for permissions to modify/add ASIN's for that brand and then you can add your contributions to the listing.
This 'brand owner' thing is not exactly helping maintain the integrity of the BMVD catalogues.
The idea that the 'brand owner' (ie, publisher or studio or label) is going to send in updates to Amazon for out-of-print books and media is laughable.
The vast majority of titles, once they have reached their sales peak, are virtually abandoned by the publishers (and by Amazon too).
Once a title is no longer offerd new from Amazon (not including the phantom '6 weeks delivery' stuff) I notice that they become subject to all sorts of degradation, from 'Product Descriptions' that are actually adverts for one particular seller to images that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual 'product' in question.
For obvious examples, search Amazon for SOS TITLE UNKNOWN ...
Another example here of a longstanding problem that could easily be rectified if only the system would allow us to send in updates..
These Dutch placeholder images flooded the CD market a few years when Amazon opened its Netherlands site and are almost impossible to remove without opening multiple cases with SS...