Read onlyHello,
We've had a customer order a £400 item on a SFP Prime delivery that was successfully delivered a GPS tracked to her location, she made a A-Z claim that it wasn't delivered at 9pm on the 27th Sept and by 5am on the 28th Sept it had been rejected by Amazon with no input form us.
She has since kept chasing us for an update and a refund constantly each day since.
She keeps citing that on the day of the delivery she had to go out for an emergency and although the parcel was left (which was requested by cust) it was stolen on the same day.
I've never had an A-Z get rejected so quickly which is making me beleive that she maybe trying to get a fraudlent refund and amazon are on the case.
What should we do, just issue the refund as a gesture of goodwill or stand our ground. There's only so many messages and chases I can take!
Stand your ground and wait and see what Amazon come back with. Does the customer have any proof that the parcel was stolen ? - probably not - if so she needs to report it to the police, as you have all the proof you need to confirm that it was delivered.
Stand your ground.
Amazon have rejected the claim. If the customer had a leave safe instruction and the courier delivered according to those instructions then the parcel is classed as delivered under the consumer rights act.
just politely advise the customer they will be required to report the theft to the Police.
and to add if they continue to message, make sure your position is clear and state you won’t respond to further messages. Then further message mark as no response needed. Might also be able to report any continued messages
I wouldn't refund. If the customer does believe it was stolen then tell them to inform the police and see if they can claim on their house insurance.
Tell the customer you will not enter into any further correspondence and mark any future messages as no response required.
They may though ask their payment provider to issue a chargeback but Amazon are normally good at defending those or not holding the seller responsible l.
I had a fully tracked parcel which a customer said was stolen and Amazon found the A-Z against me. So there must have been evidence that the customer was lying or you were just lucky.
Thanks all, she said she’s filing it with the bank and also going to a small claims court. She is stating that the neighbours saw the parcels were left and that’s what we’re using as a this as it’s clearly theft.
It’s frustrating when people order things knowing full well they won’t be in or use the services to delay shipments and parcels which they have available.
Stand your grand and dont budge an inch
Absolutely stand your ground.
For Amazon to deny her A-Z so quickly is a statement in itself. Maybe she has form for doing this to other sellers and they've cottoned on to it.
Who knows. Either way don't budge.
Quote: ' she said she’s filing it with the bank and also going to a small claims court. '
So that sounds like she is going to do a chargeback ?, and 'small claims court', for what ? - against you ? If the neighbour saw the parcels delivered, then did they also see them stolen too ? If not, then I doubt the small claims will even consider if they believe it was stolen.
As others have said, stand your ground, with all the evidence of correct delivery.
Don't under any circumstances, give out anything for free on the Amazon platform. IF this were Ebay, I'd be a lot more open to offering goodwill, but Amazon screws us out of enough, without you screwing yourself too.
Every seller who caves in, makes it worse for every other seller by training these people that they can get whatever they want by complaining, legitimate issue, or not.
It doesent have to be hassle, set up a template on your pc with a template response, and simply reply with that response every day. Shouldnt waste more than a few seconds of your time and eventually they will get tired of wasting theirs.
Amazon are supporting you on this so take it.
If you refund this you are actually accepting the liability
This is SFP so the rules are slightly different and you are protected on this parcel by Amazon. the customer should be corresponding directly with Amazon on this one anyway.
If the decision was to go against you I think it is a classic Safe_T claim. If you was to refund, you would then lose out on the Safe-T claim as well since this has not been authorised by Amazon.
Any chargeback or court issue the way I see it is purely down to Amazon anyway. This is the whole point of SFP rather than premium shipping etc as both you and the customer are protected, it will ultimately be down to Amazon what happens. Any action you take could cause more harm than good.