Read onlyMy account manager has sent a file to me suggesting I upload this to "improve my account".
Wow, it contains items I do not sell, suggested prices, the lot.
I'm sorry, I do not sell these things. Email address {moderator edit Julia_Amzn, personal data} I do not sell these things. Why would an Amazon rep ask me to list things I do not sell?
“Why would an Amazon rep ask me to list things I do not sell?”
Maybe I’m missing something but why would you expect them to suggest products you already do sell?
I can't see it improving your other sales all it will do is put your account at risk if there are any issues with those listings as you won't have the correct invoices.
If they have suggested you have stock for these listings that is wrong as you can't fulfil the orders.
Are you sure they are just not recommending products that you could sell. Amazon often do this and some of the suggestions are far removed from the actual products you sell.
I would clarify it with your account manager first and if you still have concerns raise it directly with Amazon
I agree - it simply sounds like suggestions of things you could sell, possibly based on the categories you already sell in.
As for them saying it will 'improve your account' - possibly something lost in translation there.
No, these are a mix of things I sell (small percentage) and a list of things I do not sell.
Where can I report this? My first sales rep lied, I am recovering slowly and now this attempt to ruin my account so some sales rep can slam a sales bonus.
i do not wish to be rude and iam no advocate of Amazon , but your post makes no sense
Hey there @Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto,
As mentioned from the great posts on this thread, I think the notification you received is more of a suggestion.