Read onlyHello
I received a Product Authenticity Complaints notice last week.
This is an extremely serious complaint against us and we want to solve this matter as soon as possible,
First things first, I’ve contacted adidas and got my products verified as genuine. I will supply all the documentation from adidas in a PDF when requested.
What’s the best way to appeal this “Product Authenticity Complaints”.
In the email it says “If you would like us to reinstate your listings, please send us a plan with actions you took to resolve the issue and prevent similar complaints.”
If anyone could give me some advice on this, that would be brilliant.
In order to successfully appeal an authenticity complaint, the proof of authenticity won’t be sufficient.
Amazon will want you to provide a good Plan of Action to ensure, that you addressed the issue properly.
Search the forum for “Plan of Action” and then post it here for feedback.
Here is an appeal, which I helped to write for another seller with authenticity issues who eventually got reinstated.
You aren’t suspended, but it could help you to get some idea what things to mention:
To sell a major brand such as Adidas on Amazon you will need to provid authorised distributor invoices Amazon will not accept wholesale retail invoices, there have been a few threads about this brand relating to authenticity on the forum recently.
I agree with PCBuyIT.
Your documentation is only good for yourself, to prove that the supplier that you purchased from was legitimate and sold YOU genuine goods.
It will not suffice, even in conjunction with your receipts/invoices, to convince Amazon that you now have genuine goods
You need verifiable invoices from the authorized distributor.