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List Price attribute (Books)

by Seller_dtDzb0clEI627

Just noticed whilst listing a book for sale that there is a new requirement - List Price with Tax for Display attribute. Are we now required to find and add the publishers rrp?


Tags: Add a product, Listings, detail page
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In reply to: Seller_dtDzb0clEI627’s post

I'm seeing this on all used books when going into edit inventory. It's a pain as it cannot be ignored, even by clicking 'irrelevant attribute'.

I'm not sure if it's a glitch.*

If not, it's another indication that Amazon designers have lost the plot when it comes to the used book market (which is where it all started for 3rd party sellers, ironically).

*There are some old threads on the topic (relating to DVDs and CDs rather than books) where it is suggested that entering '0' is the solution but it would be good to have this confirmed by a mod.

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In reply to: Seller_dtDzb0clEI627’s post

Here is the confirmation. Email received from Amazon on the 13th May 2024.

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In reply to: Seller_dtDzb0clEI627’s post

Hi All,

I sell books and this sounds a bit invidious to me - if you put the original price for e.g. a paperback from the 1950s at £0.125 (original price) - you, or someone else could be held to an 'excessive' price of £10 for a nice copy of a paperback that's 70 years old!

If you put in your current price, you're similarly potentially limiting other sellers to a close approximation of your price regardless of condition because of "deactivated due to potential pricing error"

Looks like £0.00 is the only sensible answer...

Rock and a hard place...


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In reply to: Seller_dtDzb0clEI627’s post

By the way, does anyone know how to edit ASINs directly using the new beta inventory pages?

I dislike the beta layout as it is and have reverted to the old format but the lack of an obvious edit button seems like yet another oversight.

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In reply to: Seller_dtDzb0clEI627’s post

Yeah this is frustrating, I had 300+ books stranded and had to go back in and individually re-list them.

The worst part of this for me, is I have written my own software to list books (We list around 200+ a day on average), but the API hasn't been updated to be able to upload to this new field !!!

Question though, does this need to be done once per asin if it's now a required field? IE if someone selling the same book populates it, you dont have to?

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