Read onlyI'm selling from last 2 years I do have barber salon nd m selling products relevant to barber salon and m getting sales on my all products but suddenly all listings were removed by amazon saying you are using prohibited content.
My mistake was I designed A+ content and I applied that to all my ASINS I'm selling Minoxidil beard oil serum and I added this product in A+ content and applied to all ASINS so Amazon think all of my products contains minoxidil but it's not like that I only have one product that has minoxidil in it so that's the reason all products are removed and the very next day amazon removed my listings so tell me what should I do now?
I provided all documents ,ingredients and product pictures but amazon didn't approve now tell me how can I use minoxidil in empty spray bottles amazon removed these as well due to minoxidil?
Hello @Seller_PB8eqcYvqpmZm,
I'm Sarah from Amazon and I'm happy to assist you.
Have you tried to contact Seller Support? If yes, can you please share the case ID with me so I can take a look?